Boring Bowl of Soup

From PZwiki
Revision as of 20:31, 4 July 2016 by MalonyJenkins (talk | contribs) (Navigation link change. Obsolete to Removed)

Page Updated @ Version: 34.28
   Navigation - Index -> Food -> Removed Foods -> Boring Bowl of Soup   
This feature has been removed from the game.
It has been replaced by something else.

The Boring Bowl of Soup was a previously craftable ingame item that has since been removed from Project Zomboid due to different crafting methods being introduced. The information below was the last recorded values of the Boring Bowl of Soup on the Wikipedia before removal.
Originally the soup would take one in-game days to go stale, and three in-game days to rot.

Nutritional Information

Moodles: -2
Hungry: -11
Unhappy: -3


Name Recipe Description


item BoringBowl4
	Type 			= Food,
	DisplayName 		= Boring Bowl of Soup,
	Icon 			= BowlFull,
	Weight 			= 3,
	IsCookable 		= true,
 	MinutesToCook 		= 13,
	MinutesToBurn 		= 25,
	Count 			= 4,
	HungerChange 		= -11,
	ReplaceOnUse 		= Bowl,
	BoredomChange 		= -2,
	UnhappyChange 		= -3,
	DaysFresh 		= 1,
	DaysTotallyRotten 	= 3,
