Bottle of Disinfectant

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Page Updated @ Version: 34.28


A Bottle of Disinfectant can be used to disinfect items such as clean Bandage, Cotton Balls, and clean Ripped Sheets in order to help disinfect an open wound. This allows for the prevention of infection. The bottle has 10 uses before it is exhausted.

If no Bandage, Cotton Balls, and Ripped Sheets are carried, the bottle can also be used to apply directly to a wound, although this is less effective.

Bottles of Disinfectant can be found in medical cabinets, and in several places inside a pharmacy.


Output Ingredients Description Skill Level


    item Disinfectant
        Type	            	= Drainable,
        UseDelta	        = 0.1,
        UseWhileEquipped	= FALSE,
        DisplayName		= Bottle of Disinfectant,
        Icon			= Alcohol,
        Weight			= 0.3,
        AlcoholPower        	= 3,
        Tooltip = Tooltip_UseOnHealthPanel,

See Also

General First Aid
