Cheese Sandwich

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Revision as of 23:49, 14 August 2018 by Simian (talk | contribs)

Page Updated @ Version: 34.28

A cheese sandwich is a perishable food item which is often found in bakery display cases.
Cheese sandwiches take two in-game days to go stale, and four in-game days to rot.

In earlier versions of Project Zomboid, a cheese sandwich could have been created using bread and cheese. This recipe has since been removed due to the introduction of the cooking system.

Nutritional information


Its nutritional values are as follows:
At this time, a cheese sandwich has no nutritional benefit ingame, which could be a temporary oversight.

Carbohydrates = 0
Proteins = 0
Lipids = 0
Calories = 0


Name Recipe Description


	item CheeseSandwich
		HungerChange		=	-50,
		Weight			=	0.3,
		Type			=	Food,
		DisplayName		=	Cheese Sandwich,
		Icon			=	Sandwich_cheese,
		BoredomChange		=	-10,
		DaysFresh		=	2,
		DaysTotallyRotten	=	4,
