Dead Rat

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Revision as of 10:51, 10 May 2018 by Vaileasys (talk | contribs) (fixed container links)

Page Updated @ Version: 34.28
   Navigation - Main Index -> The Game World -> Items -> Consumables -> Food -> Perishable Foods -> Dead Rat   

A perishable food item that goes bad as time passes. Dead Rats are commonly found in counters and ovens, and can be crafted into small animal meat using a kitchen or hunting knife. Rats can also be caught in mouse traps. Even though eating cooked rat or mouse removes more hunger than cooked small animal meat, the ladder provides no negative affects, opposed to rats and mice. Dead Rats take six in-game days to go stale, and ten in-game days to rot.

Nutritional Information


Its Nutritional Values are as follows:
Carbohydrates = 0
Proteins = 10
Lipids = 0
Calories = 50


Name Recipe Description Crafting Level


    item DeadRat
	HungerChange		= -15,
	Weight			= 0.2,
	AlwaysWelcomeGift	= true,
	Type			= Food,
	UnhappyChange		= 30,
	DisplayName		= Dead Rat,
	Icon			= DeadRat,
        IsCookable		= TRUE,
	DangerousUncooked	= TRUE,
	DaysTotallyRotten	= 10,
	MinutesToBurn		= 60,
        MinutesToCook		= 20,
	DaysFresh		= 6,
        Carbohydrates 		= 0,
        Proteins 		= 10,
        Lipids 			= 0,
        Calories 		= 50,
