Dish Towel

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Revision as of 00:16, 22 August 2016 by MalonyJenkins (talk | contribs) (Redesigned page, + Navbox, reworked description description, + categories, confirmed info on wet/dry dish towel was correct.)

Page Updated @ Version: 34.28
   Navigation - Main Index -> The Game World -> Items -> Consumables -> Medical Items -> Dish Towel   

Template:Medical Dish Towels can be used to dry a player when they are displaying the Wet Moodle after being caught in the rain ingame.

At the moment there is no way to dry up a Wet Dish Towel. Wet dish towels can be used with bleach to clean blood splatters off of floors and walls.

As with the Socks and the Ripped Sheets, a Dish Towel can be used to make Molotov Cocktails, but the dish towels weigh more than both Socks and Ripped Sheets. They are found in many kitchen drawers in most houses.


Name Recipe Description


Dry Bath Towel File:Dish Towel.png

  item DishCloth
		Weight			= 0.3,
		Type			= Drainable,
		DisplayName		= Dish Towel,
        	UseWhileEquipped	= FALSE,
		Icon			= Dishtowel,
        	UseDelta		= 0.1,
		ReplaceOnDeplete	= DishClothWet,

Wet Bath Towel File:Dish Towel.png

    item DishClothWet
		Weight		=	0.3,
		Type		=	Normal,
		DisplayName	=	Wet Dish Towel,
        	Icon		=	Dishtowel,

See Also

General First Aid
