Grilled Cheese Sandwich

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Revision as of 09:31, 6 June 2012 by (talk)

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

The grilled cheese sandwich is a food that is made when the player puts combines a cheese sandwich with a piece of butter and a frying pan, or by putting a piece of bread, a frying pan, a piece of butter, and some cheese. Unlike the standard cheese sandwich, the grilled cheese sandwich is a perishable item. However, it is much more effective than the standard cheese sandwich.


Moodles: -15
Hungry: -105


Name Recipe Description


item GrilledCheese
	Type 				=			Food,
	DisplayName 		= 			Grilled Cheese Sandwich,
	Icon 				= 			Sandwich_Cheese,
	Weight 				= 			1,
	IsCookable 			= 			true,
	MinutesToCook 		= 			5,
	MinutesToBurn 		= 			8,
	HungerChange 		= 			-105,
	BoredomChange 		= 			-15,
	DaysFresh 			= 			2,
	DaysTotallyRotten 	= 			4,
	DangerousUncooked 	= 			false
