Hot Cuppa

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Page Updated @ Version: 34.28
   Navigation - Main Index -> The Game World -> Items -> Consumables -> Food -> Drinks -> Hot Cuppa   

A hot cuppa is an item that is crafted by using sugar, an empty mug, a full kettle, and a tea bag/coffee.
It affects more moodles simultaneously than any other item.

Currently the water does not need to be heated in order to make a 'hot cuppa', so freshly filled rain water will work.

Nutritional Information

Hungry: -5
Moodles: -50
Fatigue: -5
Stressed: -10
Unhappiness: -5

It's Nutritional Values are as follows:
Carbohydrates = 0.75
Proteins = 0.12
Lipids = 0
Calories = 4


Name Recipe Description


item Mugfulll
		FatigueChange		= -5,
		HungerChange		= -5,
		Weight			= 1,
		Type			= Food,
		UnhappyChange		= -5,
		ThirstChange		= -50,
		DisplayName		= Hot Cuppa,
		StressChange		= -10,
		ReplaceOnUse		= Mugl,
		Icon			= MugFulll,
		CustomContextMenu 	= Drink,
		CustomEatSound 		= PZ_DrinkingFromBottle,
        	Carbohydrates 		= 0.75,
        	Proteins 		= 0.12,
        	Lipids 			= 0,
        	Calories 		= 4,
        	CantBeFrozen 		= TRUE,


RC 2 Added to the game.
RC 2.9 Uncraftable.
RC Craftable with new properties.

See Also
