Pot of Soup

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Revision as of 17:50, 29 March 2012 by Auchtor (talk | contribs)

Combining a can opener, canned soup, and a pot yields a pot of soup, allowing the soup to be consumed. The pot of soup can be eaten directly, or heated in an oven.

When consumed, a pot is recovered.


Moodles: -10
Hungry: -40
Unhappy: -20


A pot of soup can be made with the following recipe:

Name Recipe Description


item PotOfSoup
	Type				=			Food,
	DisplayName			=			Pot of Soup,
	Icon				=			PotFull,
	Weight				=			6,
	IsCookable			= 			true,
	MinutesToCook   	= 			50,
	MinutesToBurn   	= 			100,
	HungerChange 		=			-40,
	BoredomChange 		=			-10,
	UnhappyChange 		=			-20,
	ReplaceOnUse		=			Pot
