Server settings

From PZwiki
Revision as of 13:04, 18 May 2018 by Vaileasys (talk | contribs) (category)


nightlengthmodifier=1.0 PVP=true PauseEmpty=false --- If set to true will make sure to stop your server whenever there are no players connected, since this is a very time-based game. GlobalChat=true Open=true ServerWelcomeMessage= <RGB:1,0,0> Welcome to Project Zomboid MP ! to chat locally press 't', to global chat press 'y' or add '/all' before chatting <LINE> Type '/help' to have a list of available commands <LINE> <RGB:1,1,1> LogLocalChat=true AutoCreateUserInWhiteList=false DisplayUserName=true SpawnPoint=0,0,0 --- To set a custom spawn point, change 0,0,0 to something like 1,2,0 the 1 is the first number, 2 is the 2nd, and 0 is the level. So if you want to be upstairs in a room then you change that number. Google Project Zomboid Map to get the coords. Click on "Coords" then "lock coords" when you find the place you want to spawn at. SafetySystem=false ShowSafety=true SafetyToggleTimer=100 SafetyCooldownTimer=120 SpawnItems= DefaultPort=16261 ResetID=125334409 Mods=PumpPower2;Hydrocraft Map=Muldraugh, KY DoLuaChecksum=true --- Are you getting an error that says "you have been kicked! Your lua version does not match the server." This usually means you have mods installed and need to either turn off this by setting the argument to false, or you have to uninstall all mods, including ones that directly installed into your media files. Public=true PublicName= PublicDescription= MaxPlayers=64 PingFrequency=10 PingLimit=400 HoursForLootRespawn=350 MaxItemsForLootRespawn=8 --- This option is very important when you want to keep your house items from disapearing because of respawn! whatever this is set at, any chest/item that doesn't equal this amount will respawn. So if it's 4, make sure every container in your house has at least 4 items in it or they will respawn! ConstructionPreventsLootRespawn=true DropOffWhiteListAfterDeath=false NoFire=false AnnounceDeath=true --- makes it so your embarrassing death is broadcasted to your friends :3 MinutesPerPage=1.0 SaveWorldEveryMinutes=10 PlayerSafehouse=true AdminSafehouse=false SafehouseAllowTrepass=true SafehouseAllowFire=true SafehouseAllowLoot=true SafehouseAllowRespawn=true SafehouseDaySurvivedToClaim=7 SafeHouseRemovalTime=144 AllowDestructionBySledgehammer=true KickFastPlayers=false ServerPlayerID=216035380 RCONPort=27015 RCONPassword= Password= MaxAccountsPerUser=3 SleepAllowed=false SleepNeeded=false SteamPort1=8766 SteamPort2=8767 WorkshopItems= SteamScoreboard=true SteamVAC=true UPnP=false UPnPLeaseTime=86400 UPnPZeroLeaseTimeFallback=true UPnPForce=true CoopServerLaunchTimeout=20 CoopMasterPingTimeout=60 VoiceEnable=false VoiceComplexity=5 VoicePeriod=20 VoiceSampleRate=24000 VoiceBuffering=8000 VoiceMinDistance=1.0 VoiceMaxDistance=50.0 Voice3D=true server_browser_announced_ip= UseTCPForMapDownloads=false PlayerRespawnWithSelf=false PlayerRespawnWithOther=false FastForwardMultiplier=40.0 PlayerSaveOnDamage=true SaveTransactionID=false DisableSafehouseWhenPlayerConnected=false Faction=true FactionDaySurvivedToCreate=0 FactionPlayersRequiredForTag=1 AllowTradeUI=true HoursForWorldItemRemoval=0.0 WorldItemRemovalList=Base.Vest,Base.Shirt,Base.Blouse,Base.Skirt,Base.Shoes ItemRemovalListBlacklistToggle=false DisableRadioStaff=false DisableRadioAdmin=true DisableRadioGM=true DisableRadioOverseer=false DisableRadioModerator=false DisableRadioInvisible=true

HoursForCorpseRemoval=4 --- Clean up your lawn of those zombie bodies faster! --- Does not seem to exist anymore? HoursForZombiesRespawn=72 --- Does not seem to exist anymore? IncreaseZombieRespawnBy=0 --- Does not seem to exist anymore?


SandboxVars = {

   Speed = 3,  ---- still not quite sure exactly what this does?
   Zombies = 4, ---- This effects the amount of zombies spawning 1 being the highest, 5 being none
   Distribution = 1, --- 1 urban, 2 uniform - basically where all the zombies will seem to spawn at
   Survivors = 1, --- not sure

   DayLength = 3, --- how long IRL it takes to get through a 24 hour period. Correct me if I'm wrong, but... it goes 15min, 30min, 1hour, 3hours, ect. I know for a fact 1 hour is 3, and 15 min is 1, you figure out the rest.
   StartMonth = 5, --- easy, this goes by actual months, 1 being january, 12 being december. This will depict how well nature does, and how cold/hot your character is when starting. I usually start with 5 for may, not too hot, not too cold.
   StartTime = 1, --- 1 is 7am, 2 is 8am (I think), so on and so forth.

   FoodLoot = 5,  --- being on a server, if you want people to fight over items, set this and the following 2 options to 1 meaning EVERYTHING is very rare. however, if you're like me and want people to have enough to survive, set it to 5 which is Abundant, or the middle ground works too. Remember, you can edit them seperate
   WeaponLoot = 5,
   OtherLoot = 5,

       Temperature = 3,  1 is cold 5 is hot, adjust accordingly
       Rain = 3,   1 is lots 5 is none

       Erosion = 0,  --- This is what I had a lot of problems with, and devs correct me if I'm wrong but this is the erosion your world STARTS with, so if you want erosion in your world when you load in, put it somewhere between 1 and 5. if you don't want it, and want it over time, put it at 0 and set the next setting accordingly.

ErosionSpeed = 3, This is how long it takes, I forget the "time periods" but 1 is fast, 5 is slower I think 300 days is max and -1 instant is minimum

   XpMultiplier = 2.0,  --- how much exp you're gaining
   StatsDecrease = 3, --- 1 fast decrease 5 slow decrease
   NatureAbundance = 3,  1 lots 5 none
   Alarm = 2, 1 never 6 always
   LockedHouses = 2, 1 never 6 always how often houses will be locked upon finding them
   FoodRotSpeed = 1, 1 slow 5 very fast
   FridgeFactor = 5, 1 not much 5 alot -- how much does refrigeration help with keeping food

   LootRespawn = 2, 1 = none, 1 turns it on 2 is what I use to keep it respawning every day.
   StarterKit = true,  doesn't seem to be working
   TimeSinceApo = 0, months since the apoc started.

---Start of another --- Zombies = 4, (1 is insane amount, 5 is none)

   Distribution = 1, (1 is urban, 2 is uniform)
   DayLength = 3, (1 is 15 minutes, 2 is 30 minutes, 3 is 1 hour, 4 is 2 hours, 5 is 3 hours, 6 is 4 hours, 7 is 5 hours, 8 is 12 hours, 9 is real-time)
   StartYear = 1, (1 is the 1st year etc)
   StartMonth = 4, (1 is Jan, 12 is Dec)
   StartDay = 1, (1 is the 1st of the month etc)
   StartTime = 2, (1 is 7AM, 2 is 9AM, 3 is 12PM, 4 is 2PM, 5 is 5PM, 6 is 9PM, 7 is 12AM, 8 is 2AM, 9 is 5AM)
   WaterShut = 2,
   ElecShut = 2,
   WaterShutModifier = 500, (the number of days before water is shut off -1 mean instant)
   ElecShutModifier = 480, (the number of days before electricity is shut off -1 mean instant)
   FoodLoot = 4, (1 is extremely rare, 5 is abundant)
   WeaponLoot = 2, (1 is extremely rare, 5 is abundant)
   OtherLoot = 3, (1 is extremely rare, 5 is abundant)
   Temperature = 3, (1 is very cold, 5 is very hot)
   Rain = 3, (1 is very dry, 5 is is very rainy)
   ErosionSpeed = 5, (1 is very fast (20 days), 5 is very slow (500 days))
   XpMultiplier = 15.0, (Obvious)
   Farming = 1, (1 is vey fast, 5 is very slow)
   StatsDecrease = 4, (1 is very fast, 5 is very slow)
   NatureAbundance = 3, (1 is very poor, 5 is very abundant)
   Alarm = 6, (1 is never, 6 is very often)
   LockedHouses = 6, (1 is never, 6 is very often)
   StarterKit = false,
   Nutrition = false,
   FoodRotSpeed = 5, (1 is very fast, 5 is very slow)
   FridgeFactor = 5, (1 is very low, 5 is very high)
   LootRespawn = 2, (1 is none, 2 is every day, 3 is every week, 4 is every month, 5 is every two months)
   TimeSinceApo = 1,
   PlantResilience = 3, (Plants resilience against disease/weather. 1 is very low, 5 is very high)
   PlantAbundance = 3, (How much farm plants produce. 1 is very poor, 5 is very abundant)
   EndRegen = 3, (Endurance regeneration (how fast you regain endurance). 1 is very fast, 5 is very slow)

   ZombieLore = {
       Speed = 3,  for all of these 1 is strongest/hardest, 3 is weakest/easiest
       Strength = 3,
       Toughness = 3,

       Transmission = 1, --- 1 is blood and saliva, 2 is everyones infected, 3 is no transmission, zombie virus doesn't spread.
       Mortality = 5, how long does the infection take to kill the host 1 instant, 5 2-3 weeks
           all of these are 3 for stupid/easy zombies, 1 for super/hard zombies
       Cognition = 3,
       Memory = 3,
       Decomp = 1, ---- 0 for no effect, 1 for slow/weakness, 2 for slow, 3 for weakness
       Sight = 3,
       Hearing = 3,
       Smell = 3,

ZombieLore = {

       Speed = 3, (1 is sprinters (fastest), 2 is fast shamblers, 3 is shamblers (slowest))
       Strength = 3, (1 is superhuman, 2 is normal, 3 is weak)
       Toughness = 3, (1 is tough, 2 is normal, 3 is fragile)
       Transmission = 1, (1 is blood/saliva, 2 is everyone is infected, 3 is no transmission)
       Mortality = 6, (This governs how deadly infection is. 1 is instant, 6 is 1 to 2 weeks)
       Reanimate = 1, (How fast zombies come back to life...again. 1 is instant, 6 is 1 to 2 weeks)
       Cognition = 3, (How smart zombies are. 1 is Navigate/Use Doors, 3 is basic navigation only)
       Memory = 2, (How much zombies will remember. 1 is long, 4 is none)
       Decomp = 1, (1 is slows/weakens them, 4 is no effect)
       Sight = 2, (How well zombies can see. 1 is eagle-eyed, 3 is poor)
       Hearing = 2, (How well zombies can hear. 1 is pinpoint, 3 is poor)
       Smell = 2, (How well zombies can smell. 1 is bloodhound, 3 is poor)
       ThumpNoChasing = true,



  1. Same as the sandbox "Zombie Count" setting.
  2. 4.0 = Insane, 2.0 = High, 1.0 = Normal, 0.35 = Low, 0.0 = None.
  3. Minimum=0.0 Maximum=4.0 Default=1.0

PopulationMultiplier=0.35 - These I'm a bit unsure of, I edited them to be max, 4.0 here and 4.0 in the next, didn't seem to do anything. So if anyone has info, let me know. I think that this one is used to take the population you start with and multiply it over time. I think it also manages how many zombies are on the server at one point in time.

  1. Adjusts the desired population at the start of the game.
  2. Minimum=0.0 Maximum=4.0 Default=1.0

PopulationStartMultiplier=0.5 This is explained mostly through messing about with the settings on your own.

  1. Adjusts the desired population on the peak day.
  2. Minimum=0.0 Maximum=4.0 Default=1.5

PopulationPeakMultiplier=1.5 Controls population that peak brings, peak is defined next.

  1. The day when the population reaches it's peak.
  2. Minimum=1 Maximum=365 Default=28


  1. The number of hours that must pass before zombies may respawn in a cell.
  2. If zero, spawning is disabled.
  3. Minimum=0.0 Maximum=8760.0 Default=72.0

RespawnHours=72.0 See the post devs made about the 32.17 update to zombie cells

  1. The number of hours that a chunk must be unseen before zombies may respawn in it.
  2. Minimum=0.0 Maximum=8760.0 Default=16.0


  1. The fraction of a cell's desired population that may respawn every RespawnHours.
  2. Minimum=0.0 Maximum=1.0 Default=0.1


  1. The number of hours that must pass before zombies migrate to empty parts of the same cell.
  2. Minimum=0.0 Maximum=8760.0 Default=12.0


  1. The distance a virtual zombie will try to walk towards the last sound it heard.
  2. Minimum=10 Maximum=1000 Default=100


  1. The size of groups real zombies form when idle. Zero means zombies don't form groups.
  2. Groups don't form inside buildings or forest zones.
  3. Minimum=0 Maximum=1000 Default=20


  1. The distance real zombies travel to form groups when idle.
  2. Minimum=5 Maximum=50 Default=20


  1. The distance between zombie groups.
  2. Minimum=5 Maximum=25 Default=15


  1. How close members of a group stay to the group's leader.
  2. Minimum=1 Maximum=10 Default=3
