Sunflower Seeds

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Revision as of 19:57, 29 August 2016 by MalonyJenkins (talk | contribs) (Update of NavBar.)

Page Updated @ Version: 34.28

Sunflower Seeds are an non-perishable food item which is found in kitchen cupboards.

Nutritional Information

It's Nutritional Values are as follows:
Carbohydrates = 14.12
Proteins = 4.34
Lipids = 5.48
Calories = 155


    item SunflowerSeeds
        Type		= Food,
        DisplayName	= Sunflower Seeds,
        Icon		= SunflowerSeeds,
        Weight		= 0.1,
        HungerChange 	= -5,
        Carbohydrates  	= 14.12,
        Proteins  	= 4.34,
        Lipids  	= 5.48,
        Calories  	= 155,
        Packaged  	= TRUE,
        CantBeFrozen  	= TRUE,
