TV Dinner

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Revision as of 09:39, 6 June 2012 by (talk)

The T.V dinner is a nonperishable item found in many kitchen drawers. Although it manages to reduce hunger, it makes you character feel more bored and unhappy. It can be enhanced by cooking it, but as with all cookables, it can be burnt.


Moodles: 30
Hungry: -30
Unhappy: 25


item TVDinner
	Type				=			Food,
	DisplayName			=			TV Dinner,
	Icon				=			TVDinner,
	Weight				=			2,
	IsCookable			= 			true,
	MinutesToCook   	= 			10,
	MinutesToBurn   	= 			15,
	HungerChange 		=			-30,
	DangerousUncooked 	= 			true,
	BoredomChange 		=			30,
	UnhappyChange 		=			25,
