Bottle with Water (Bleach)

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Project ZomboidItemsFoodDrinksBottle with Water (Bleach)
Bleach Bottle with Water
Bleach Bottle with Water
Bleach Bottle with Water Bleach
Category Item
Heavy Load
1.6 (Full)
0.2 (Empty)
Function Water storage
Capacity 10.0 units
Contents Water
Can boil water False
Technical details
item ID Base.WaterBleachBottle

A bleach bottle with water is an item in Project Zomboid.


Like other water containers, a bleach bottle with water will automatically satiate the player's thirst. Therefore, a bleach bottle with water will gradually lose its contents, and need to refilled, being replaced with an empty bleach bottle.


Its main purpose is to store water. This can be done by pouring out the contents of a bleach bottle (or drinking) and refilling it from a water source.


  • Empty bleach bottles can be found sitting on corpses, suggesting that the Knox Event drove them to suicide.



Bleach.png Bleach Bottle with Water
From items_food.txt (Project Zomboid directory/media/scripts/) Retrieved: Build 41.51

	item WaterBleachBottle
		IsWaterSource	=	TRUE,
		Weight	=	1.6,
		CanStoreWater	=	TRUE,
		Type	=	Drainable,
		UseWhileEquipped	=	FALSE,
		UseDelta	=	0.1,
		DisplayName	=	Bleach Bottle With Water,
		ReplaceOnDeplete	=	BleachEmpty,
		ReplaceOnUseOn	=	WaterSource-WaterBleachBottle,
		CustomContextMenu = Drink,
		CustomEatSound = DrinkingFromBottle,
		StaticModel = BleachBottle,
		WorldStaticModel = BleachBottle,

Bleach.png Empty Bleach Bottle
From newitems.txt (Project Zomboid directory/media/scripts/) Retrieved: Build 41.51

    item BleachEmpty
        Weight	=	0.2,
        CanStoreWater	=	TRUE,
        Type	=	Normal,
        DisplayName	=	Empty Bleach Bottle,
        Icon	=	Bleach,
        ReplaceOnUseOn	=	WaterSource-WaterBleachBottle,
        StaticModel = BleachBottle,
        WorldStaticModel = BleachBottle,

See also