Garden Hoe

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Garden Hoe
Garden Hoe
Category Weapon
Heavy Load
Function Weapon
Equipped Two-handed
Condition max. 10
Skill Long Blunt
Type Blunt
Attack speed 2.1
Range 0.61–1.6 tiles
Damage 0.6–1.7
Knockback 0.5
Knockdown 2
Technical details
Base ID Base.GardenHoe


Retrieved: Build 41.39

item GardenHoe
 Type = Weapon,
 DisplayName = Garden Hoe,
 Icon = Hoe,
 Weight = 2.0,
 SubCategory = Swinging,
 MinAngle = 0.85,
 MaxRange = 1.6,
 MinRange = 0.61,
 PushBackMod = 0.5,
 HitAngleMod = -30.0,
 SwingAnim = Bat,
 MaxHitCount = 1,
 WeaponSprite = GardenHoe,
 IdleAnim = Idle_Weapon2,
 RunAnim = Run_Weapon2,
 Weight = 1.5,
 DoorDamage = 10,
 MinimumSwingTime = 2.1,
 SwingTime = 2.1,
 SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0.02,
 ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 10,
 ConditionMax = 10,
 Categories = Blunt,
 TwoHandWeapon = TRUE,
 BreakSound = BreakWoodItem,
 KnockdownMod = 2,
 KnockBackOnNoDeath = TRUE,
 MetalValue = 70,
 TreeDamage = 1,
 CriticalChance = 35,
 CritDmgMultiplier = 2,
 MaxDamage = 1.7,
 MinDamage = 0.6,
 BaseSpeed = 0.85,
 WeaponLength = 0.65,
 DamageCategory = Slash,
 DamageMakeHole = TRUE,
 AttachmentType = BigBlade,