Garden Hoe

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Garden Hoe
Garden Hoe
Category Weapon
Heavy Load
Function Weapon
Equipped Two-handed
Condition max. 10
Skill Long Blunt
Type Blunt
Attack speed 2.1
Range 0.61–1.6 tiles
Damage 0.6–1.7
Knockback 0.5
Knockdown 2
Technical details
Base ID Base.GardenHoe


Retrieved: Build 41.50

	item GardenHoe
		Type				= Weapon,
		DisplayName			= Garden Hoe,
		Icon				= Hoe,
		Weight				= 2.0,
		SubCategory			= Swinging,
		MinAngle			= 0.85,
		MaxRange			= 1.6,
		MinRange			= 0.61,
		PushBackMod			= 0.5,
		HitAngleMod			= -30.0,
		SwingAnim			= Bat,
		MaxHitCount			= 1,
		WeaponSprite			= GardenHoe,
		IdleAnim			= Idle_Weapon2,
		RunAnim				= Run_Weapon2,
		Weight				= 1.5,
		DoorDamage			= 10,
		MinimumSwingTime		= 2.1,
		SwingTime			= 2.1,
		SwingAmountBeforeImpact		= 0.02,
		ConditionLowerChanceOneIn	= 10,
		ConditionMax			= 10,
		Categories			= Blunt,
		TwoHandWeapon			= TRUE,
		BreakSound			= BreakWoodItem,
		KnockdownMod			= 2,
		KnockBackOnNoDeath		= TRUE,
		MetalValue			= 70,
		TreeDamage			= 1,
		CriticalChance			= 35,
		CritDmgMultiplier		= 2,
		MaxDamage			= 1.7,
		MinDamage			= 0.6,
		BaseSpeed			= 0.85,
		WeaponLength			= 0.65,
		DamageCategory			= Slash,
		DamageMakeHole			= TRUE,
		AttachmentType			= BigBlade,
		Tags				= DigPlow,