
From PZwiki
Revision as of 17:56, 1 June 2019 by Vaileasys (talk | contribs) (Created legacy page (Items/legacy), fast lookup linking to there instead of old revision. So it can still be updated.)

Legacy page format for fast lookups: Items/legacy (Note that this page may not be updated as frequently)

This page is the top-level of all items found within Project Zomboid.

Items are objects that exist within the player's inventory, and cannot be placed directly into the game world, though they can be dropped by the player.

Every item has a set weight value. If the player is carrying too many items, totalling more than the player can carry comfortably, they will become encumbered and move slower.

Many items can be worn by the player, either as clothing or equipped on the back as a bag. Any item may also be equipped by the player, either in their primary or secondary hand. Equipped items will reduce the carry weight of the item by 70%.

Some items can be used, placing a tile/sprite into the world, as is the case with a generator or radio.
