Medicinal plants

From PZwiki

Template:Items Medicinal plants are an item that can only be found by foraging. They will never be found unless the player has the Herbalist Herbalist trait or read The Herbalist The Hearbalist magazine. Each herb has a unique effect on the player's health once consumed. The plantain, comfrey and wild garlic must first be crafted into a poultice using a mortar and pestle, whilst the others can be consumed raw.

Item Description Effect
Black Sage
Black Sage
Provides mild pain relief. Reduce pain by 7
Aids recovery from broken bones when applied as a poultice. -
Common Mallow
Common Mallow
Eat to relieve cold and flu symptoms. Reduce cold symptioms by 5
Eat to restore endurance. Reduce exertion by 2
Lemon Grass
Lemon Grass
Eat to soothe bouts of food poisoning. Reduce food sickness by 10
Aids recovery from wounds when appliced as a poultice. -
Wild Garlic
Wild Garlic
Helps to fight against infection when applied as poultice. -


Output Ingredients Description Skill Level


From newitems.txt (Project Zomboid directory/media/scripts/)

Plantain PlantainPlantago.png

	item Plantain
		Weight		= 0.1,
		Type		= Normal,
		DisplayName	= Plantain,
		Icon		= PlantainPlantago,
		Tooltip 	= Tooltip_Plantain,

Comfrey Comfrey.png

	item Comfrey
		Weight		= 0.1,
		Type		= Normal,
		DisplayName	= Comfrey,
		Icon		= Comfrey,
		Tooltip 	= Tooltip_Comfrey,

Wild Garlic WildGarlic.png

	item WildGarlic
		Weight		= 0.1,
		Type		= Normal,
		DisplayName	= Wild Garlic,
		Icon		= WildGarlic,
		Tooltip 	= Tooltip_Garlic,

Common Mallow CommonMallow.png

	item CommonMallow
		HungerChange	= -1,
		Weight		= 0.1,
		Type		= Food,
		DisplayName	= Common Mallow,
		Icon		= CommonMallow,
		FluReduction	= 5,
		Tooltip 	= Tooltip_Mallow,

Lemon Grass LemonGrass.png

	item LemonGrass
		HungerChange		= -1,
		Weight			= 0.1,
		Type			= Food,
		DisplayName		= Lemon Grass,
		Icon			= LemonGrass,
		ReduceFoodSickness	= 10,
		Tooltip 		= Tooltip_LemonGrass,

Black Sage BlackSage.png

	item BlackSage
		HungerChange	= -1,
		Weight		= 0.1,
		Type		= Food,
		DisplayName	= Black Sage,
		Icon		= BlackSage,
		PainReduction	= 7,
		Tooltip 	= Tooltip_BlackSage,

Ginseng Ginseng.png

	item Ginseng
		HungerChange	= -1,
		Weight		= 0.1,
		Type		= Food,
		DisplayName	= Ginseng,
		Icon		= Ginseng,
		EnduranceChange	= 2,
		Tooltip 	= Tooltip_Ginseng,

See Also
