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Revision as of 01:36, 21 August 2016 by MalonyJenkins (talk | contribs) (Correcting formatting on page)

Page Updated @ Version: 34.28
   Navigation - Main Index -> The Game World -> Items -> Consumables -> Medical Items -> Painkillers   

Template:Medical Painkillers are used to remove pain associated with injuries, and to reverse the adverse effects that come with pain; as well as being drainable, as a full painkiller packet can be used 10 times before being exhausted.

Painkillers are usually found within medicine cabinets in bathrooms; and can also occur as a rare drop on zombie corpses, and in several places within a pharmacy.

Taking multiple pills will speed up/strengthen the removal of pain. As of Version 34.28, you cannot overdose on painkillers.


Painkillers lowers pain experienced by the character as shown by the moodles on the interface. Severe pain prevents a character from sleeping and fighting properly, so painkillers are a handy accessory if you have been injured.


	item Pills
		Weight			= 0.2,
		Type			= Drainable,
        	UseDelta		= 0.1,
		UseWhileEquipped	= FALSE,
		DisplayName		= Painkillers,
		Icon			= PillsPainkiller,
		Tooltip 		= Tooltip_Painkillers,


This article or section may contain unconfirmed information about future development. It may not be entirely reliable.

It is speculated that in a future version, the player character may become addicted to painkillers or suffer negative side-effects if too many are taken.

See Also

General First Aid
