
From PZwiki

Template:Weapons A writing implement which, like the pen can be used to craft written recipes and is also a weapon of last resort. The pencil can be used to kill a single zombie, but doing so will usually exhaust all of its durability, and it will become unusable.


Name Recipe Description


item Pencil
	Type				=			Weapon,
		DisplayName			=			Pencil,
		Icon				=			Pencil,
		MinAngle			=			0,
		MaxDamage			=			1.4,
		MinDamage			=			0.4,
		MaxRange 			= 			0.9,
		MinRange 			= 			0.1,
		SwingAnim			=			Stab,
		WeaponSprite		=			Knife,
		Weight				=			2,
		WeaponWeight		=			0.7,
		MinimumSwingTime 	= 			4.1,
		SwingTime			=			4.1,
		DoorDamage			=			1,
		SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 		0.02,
		MaxHitCount 		=			1,
		PushBackMod			=			0,
		KnockdownMod		=			0,
		ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 	1,
		ConditionMax 	  	= 			1,
		IsAimedHandWeapon	=			true,
		AimingMod			=			0.8,
		Categories 			=			Improvised,
