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Character Creation

Before starting Project Zomboid, a character will need to be created for the player to use; giving them a name, choosing an occupation, as well as selecting certain traits (both positive and negative).

The player will need to eat, drink, sleep, medicate, heal and entertain themselves regularly to survive. Players can run, sneak, craft, open/close doors and windows, attack with weapons, equip items and consume items.

The Player is the only entity in the game with the ability to improve their skills. Experience is gained in each of the various skills, once a box is filled, the option to "level up" that skill is enabled. However, skill points are only awarded at your characters generic level up, which means assigning the skill points efficiently is important and gets progressively more difficult.





Character Creation Explanation of numbers below.
  1. 姓名。
  2. 性別,女左男右。
  3. 隨機。姓名以及外觀隨機。
  4. 角色預覽框。
  5. 體型。男的選擇多點,女的只有2種選擇。
  6. 髮型。
  7. 膚色。
  8. 鬍鬚。



Traits Screen. Explanation of numbers below.
  1. 前一場景所做的。 如果你後悔取了一個蠢名字,這是你最後一次機會修改。
  2. 職業可讓你選擇殭屍啓示錄之前你任務的職業特性。 不同的職業有不同的特性。參考: 職業
  3. 這裡有一系列的特性可選。負值特性更有利.正值特性讓遊戲更難。數值 (見 No. 5) 須在0或以下 (e.g 0, -1, -2, -10) 才能開始遊戲。 平衡好特性,否則你的遊戲將會很難。參考: 特性介紹
  4. 數值計算,如果大於0將不能遊戲。



玩家需要 武器 進行戰鬥, 武器可從 庫存選擇。按住 CTRL 進入戰鬥狀態, 可以瞄準或射擊,點鼠標左鍵可以用你裝備的武器攻擊。有三種戰鬥:極近戰,近戰,遠程戰。

極近戰指的是小型刀具或者改良過的尖刺類武具, 如菜刀鉛筆/鋼筆, 與殭屍近戰增加擦傷,咬傷和感染概率,這相當危險,應儘量避免。不過呢,有把小刀總比什麽都沒有好。

近戰指的是可以弧形揮動武器的戰鬥(如 棒球釘棍, 斧頭 等.) ,這意味著你的人物與殭屍之間還是有一段距離。 由於低音、低碳、低風險,這是對付殭屍的好辦法,除了用 大錘,高能高耗,不推薦。 遠程戰指的是用槍械或者 燃燒彈; 槍械可以有效消滅大群殭屍, 特別是用 獵槍, 然而大量 噪音 會引來附近的屍群,不到最後一刻不要用它。


移動用WASD控制。 預設移動速度是行走, 它製造很少的噪音,除非你選了笨拙的特性。 按住 CTRL 或 Z, 人物進入潛行模式,製造更少噪音, 該模式也用來進行戰鬥。按住 shift 后角色在累以前有一段時間可以奔跑,奔跑製造更多噪音。

玩家可以與環境互動, E 可以翻越障礙物如籬笆和打開的窗戶,可以從2樓以上的窗戶跳下,會對人物造成重傷。不過可以用 繩子 來攀爬。


使用潛行可以提升靈活和潛行技能。潛行技能決定你避免被發現的能力。在避免被發現的時候,靈活和輕巧技能也提升了。 在不被發現的情況下,爬籬笆和窗戶也能提升靈活技能。 不被發現時,任何速度的移動都會增加輕巧技能。 輕巧技能減少玩家移動時發出的噪音。


A shot of the skills panel.

玩家在遊戲中(製作,奔跑等)提升 技能。 每升一級都會得到一個技能點。 技能點可以用來提升技能等級 (若有待升技能的話)。玩家每升一級,下一級所需經驗將增加100.

下次玩家打開技能欄時,技能點分配面板就會出現,允許玩家將技能點分配給訓練過的技能類型, 點了升級加號以後就又變灰色了。

金色方塊表示已經獲得的技能。黑色方塊表示還沒有訓練的技能。 半白色的方塊表示有一定訓練但未達標升級的技能。 方塊中白色的多少表示快要升級的程度。


See Health


Sleep management is a vital part of the gameplay mechanics, the player will get tired everyday, and the level of tiredness affects the player's spatial awareness, greatly increasing the chance of being caught out by zombies. The player must choose when to go to sleep and requires a bed or sofa to do so, sleeping will initially get rid of the tired moodle and then gives between 6-8 hours of regular sleep, provided you are not attacked or otherwise panicked. The only action that can be performed whilst asleep is the assigning of skill points.


Example Inventory of Jimmy Johnson

The player can acquire various resources and tools that the player can use or store for future use. Carrying items will encumber the player when carrying beyond their encumbered limit, which is governed by the player's strength. Items are not given weights, but encumbered values, this can be overcome by using baggage. Baggage (such as Plastic Bag and Duffel Bag) allow for the storing of items in the player's inventory while greatly reducing the encumbered value of the item.

The encumbered moodle appears when the total encumbered value exceeds the player's limit, which reduces the player's speed. Food and drink can be consumed by dragging the item from the inventory and from various containers to the player's heart, this can also be done via a right click contextual menu in the item interface. The player can store items in containers to prevent themselves from becoming encumbered.

The inventory area also doubles as a crafting panel where the player can use a right click contextual menu to modify items. In the clothes panel you can see the items the player is currently wearing, this is used to keep the body temperature of the player at the right level, vests allow you to cool down and Sweaters keep you warm.


A safe house is a defensive structure that the player can construct as a base of operation. The player is able to build or secure a safe house with carpentry. It usually started by closing all windows and doors and securing them. The player can secure windows and doors by barricading the with Wooden Planks, a Hammer and a Nails are required to do so. The player can further secure a safe house by putting sheets over the windows. Where there is either a sheet or a curtain on the window, the player will be able to close and open the curtains by right-clicking on them. Players can further refine their stronghold by placing doors, windows, and wall pieces, in addition to crates and barricades. Players can then destroy their walls by using a sledgehammer.

See Also