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< Weapons


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Player with several weapons attached

武器用於保護玩家對抗僵尸其他玩家。 通常來説,在諾克斯郡的各種容器載具尸體中可以發現武器。武器主要分爲兩種:近戰武器遠程武器





單手武器只需要單手持握,就可以達到其最大威力。 單手武器大部分可以被挂到腰帶上,在快捷欄為23上,但像砍刀,鉛管,金屬管這樣的單手武器,它們只能挂到後背上,使用快捷鍵為1的欄位。


鈍器是單手武器和雙手武器的一個子類型。比如錘子(單手)或棒球棒(雙手)都是鈍器。這些武器通常要比刺擊武器更耐用。除此之外,一些鈍器可以同時攻擊多個殭屍(黨你選擇幸存者難度或在沙盒選項中開啓多重攻擊時),這就意味著你更有可能同時對付多個殭屍。 同時,鈍器也不會在攻擊殭屍時毀掉它們的衣服。




  • 時機:攻擊的太早只會造成基礎傷害(幾乎無用),但是時機太晚會增加受傷的風險。
  • 適度調整:如果面對的是一群殭屍,建議在攻擊前與敵人拉開距離,避免被側翼包抄。
  • 低耐久:絕大多數刺擊武器很容易坏,尤其是刀叉類武器壞的更快。
  • 當使用秒殺攻擊“下顎刺擊”時,武器可能會卡在殭屍的身上,所以您需要想辦法把武器拿回來。(如果還有其他殭屍在追擊您,那麽取回武器就會很困難。)
  • 低體力消耗:由於短刀類武器的耐久消耗是0.5倍,所以使用這些武器幾乎不會消耗體力,因此這類武器很適合用於節省體力。











圖標 名稱 重量 攻擊
傷害 攻擊距離 基礎攻速 暴擊機率 暴擊
擊退 擊倒 武器最大耐久 降低耐久
基礎耐久 物品ID
最小值 最大值 對門傷害 對樹傷害 最小值 最大值
Axe.png 消防斧 3.0 雙手 0.8 2 35 35 0.61 1.2 1 20 5x 0.3 2 13 35 455 Base.Axe
AxeHand.png 單手斧 2.0 單手 0.7 1.5 20 15 0.61 1.1 1 15 5x 0.3 2 10 15 150 Base.HandAxe
PickAxe.png 丁字鎬 3.0 雙手 1 2.2 35 35 0.61 1.6 0.8 25 9x 0.3 2 13 20 260 Base.PickAxe
AxeStone.png 簡易斧頭 1.2 雙手 0.5 1.5 10 15 0.61 1.2 1 15 5x 0.3 1.5 5 5 25 Base.AxeStone
WoodAxe.png 木斧 3.0 雙手 1.3 3 55 55 0.61 1.35 0.6 50 12x 0.3 3 15 25 375 Base.WoodAxe

長鈍器(Long Blunt)

Icon Name Weight Attack
Damage Range Base Speed Critical Hit Chance Crit Damage
Knockback Knockdown Weapon Max Condition Condition Lower
Base Durability Base ID
Minimum Maximum Damage done to doors Damage done to trees Minimum Maximum
GuitarAcoustic.png 木吉他 2.3 Two-Hand 0.3 0.8 3 10 0.61 1.3 3 20 2x 0.3 1.5 2 3 6 Base.GuitarAcoustic
BadmintonRacket.png 羽毛球拍 1.0 One-Hand 0.1 0.2 2 - 0.61 1.25 4 - - 0.3 2 4 3 12 Base.BadmintonRacket
Barbell.png 槓鈴 6.0 Heavy 1.8 2.8 35 55 0.61 1.35 2 - 2x 0.3 2 15 25 375 Base.BarBell
BaseballBat.png 棒球棍 2.0 Two-Hand 0.8 1.1 5 1 0.61 1.25 3 40 2x 0.5 2 15 20 300 Base.BaseballBat
Pushbroom.png 掃帚 1.0 Two-Hand 0.2 0.5 1 - 0.61 1.6 2 5 1x 0.3 - 3 2 6 Base.Broom
Paddle.png 獨木舟槳 2.0 Two-Hand 0.5 1.3 1 - 0.61 1.6 2 40 2x 0.3 - 10 10 100 Base.CanoePadel
PaddleDouble.png 雙獨木舟槳 2.2 Two-Hand 0.8 1.9 1 - 0.61 1.6 2 50 2x 0.3 - 10 10 100 Base.CanoePadelX2
Crowbar.png 電鋸 3.0 Chainsaw 0.6 1.1 8 - 0.61 1.2 3 35 6x 0.5 - 15 70 1050 Base.Chainsaw
Crowbar.png 鐵撬 2.0 Two-Hand 0.6 1.15 8 - 0.61 1.25 3 35 6x 0.5 - 15 70 1050 Base.Crowbar
Black Electric BassBlue Electric BassRed Electric Bass 電貝斯 3.5 Heavy 0.9 1.4 10 - 0.61 1.35 3 70 2x 0.3 1.5 12 9 108 Base.GuitarElectricBassBlack
Black Electric GuitarBlue Electric GuitarRed Electric Guitar 電吉他 2.8 Heavy 0.8 1.2 10 - 0.61 1.35 3 55 2x 0.3 1.5 10 7 70 Base.GuitarElectricBlack
FishingRod crafted.png 手製魚竿 0.4 Two-Hand 0.2 0.3 1 - 0.61 1.55 2 5 2x 0.3 - 3 1 3 Base.CraftedFishingRod
FishingRod.png 釣魚竿 0.4 Two-Hand 0.2 0.3 1 - 0.61 1.55 2 5 2x 0.3 - 3 1 3 Base.FishingRod
FishingRodBreak.png 釣魚竿(無魚線) 0.4 Two-Hand 0.2 0.3 1 - 0.61 1.55 2 5 2x 0.3 - 3 1 3 Base.FishingRodBreak
Hoe.png 園藝鋤頭 1.5 Two-Hand 0.6 1.7 10 1 0.61 1.6 2.1 35 2x 0.5 2 10 10 100 Base.GardenHoe
Golfclub.png 高爾夫球桿 2.0 Two-Hand 0.5 1.0 5 - 0.61 1.42 3 25 2x 0.6 - 5 15 75 Base.Golfclub
FieldHockeyStick.png 曲棍球棒 1.5 Two-Hand 0.3 0.7 1 - 0.61 1.6 2 30 2x 0.3 - 7 5 35 Base.HockeyStick
HockeyStick.png 冰球棍 1.5 Two-Hand 0.3 0.7 1 - 0.61 1.6 2 30 2x 0.3 - 7 5 35 Base.IceHockeyStick
Keytar.png 手琴 2.0 Heavy 0.2 0.7 3 10 0.58 1.25 3 20 2x 0.3 1.5 2 3 6 Base.Keytar
LacrosseStick.png Lacrosse Stick 0.4 Two-Hand 0.3 0.7 1 - 0.61 1.6 2 30 2x 0.3 - 10 10 100 Base.LaCrosseStick
LeafRake.png 落葉耙 1.5 Two-Hand 0.2 0.4 1 0 0.61 1.6 2 5 1x 0.3 - 4 3 12 Base.LeafRake
Plank.png 木板 3.0 Two-Hand 0.4 0.6 5 - 0.61 1.3 4 30 2x 0.3 2 10 2 20 Base.Plank
Poolcue.png 撞球桿 1.0 Two-Hand 0.2 0.4 1 - 0.61 1.6 2 - - 0.3 - 10 10 100 Base.Poolcue
Rake.png 釘耙 1.5 Two-Hand 0.2 0.4 1 - 0.61 1.6 2 5 1x 0.3 - 4 3 12 Base.Rake
Saxophone.png 薩克斯風 3.0 One-Hand 0.4 0.8 5 - 0.61 1.2 4 70 2x 0.3 2 5 2 10 Base.Saxophone
Shovel.pngShovel2.png 鐵鏟 1.5 Two-Hand 0.8 1.9 10 1 0.61 1.6 2.1 40 2x 0.5 2 10 10 100 Base.Shovel
Sledgehamer.pngSledgehammer2.png 大槌 6.0 Heavy 2 3 40 10 0.7 1.35 0.6 - 2x 1 3 10 40 400 Base.Sledgehammer
SnowShovel.png 雪鏟 1.5 Two-Hand 0.8 1.9 10 1 0.61 1.6 2.1 40 2x 0.5 2 10 10 100 Base.SnowShovel
BaseballBatNails.png 帶刺球棒 2.0 Two-Hand 1 1.5 7 1 0.61 1.28 3 30 5x 0.5 2 15 10 150 Base.BaseballBatNails
PlankNail.png 帶刺木板 3.1 Two-Hand 0.5 0.8 8 - 0.61 1.32 4 25 5x 0.3 2 10 2 20 Base.PlankNail
TennisRacket.png 網球拍 1.0 One-Hand 0.3 0.5 2 - 0.61 1.25 4 5 1x 0.3 2 4 6 24 Base.TennisRacket
Trumpet.png 小號 1.0 One-Hand 0.4 0.8 5 - 0.61 1.15 4 20 2x 0.3 2 5 2 10 Base.Trumpet

短鈍器(Short Blunt)

Icon Name Weight Attack
Damage Range Base Speed Critical Hit Chance Crit Damage
Knockback Knockdown Max Weapon Condition Condition Lower
Base Durability Base ID
Minimum Maximum Damage done to doors Damage done to trees Minimum Maximum
BallPeenHammer.png 圓頭槌 1.0 One-Hand 0.5 1 9 - 0.61 1 3 20 3x 0.5 - 10 30 300 Base.BallPeenHammer
Banjo.png 班卓琴 3.0 Two-Hand 0.3 0.6 5 - 0.61 1.25 4 5 2x 0.3 2 3 2 6 Base.Banjo
FurnitureLeg.png 椅腳 1.0 One-Hand 0.4 0.8 5 - 0.61 1 4 5 2x 0.3 2 3 2 6 Base.ChairLeg
ClubHammer.png 單手鐵鎚 1.0 One-Hand 0.5 1 9 - 0.61 1 3 20 2x 0.5 - 10 25 250 Base.ClubHammer
Drumsticks.png 鼓棒 3.0 One-Hand 0.1 0.2 - - 0.61 0.9 4 - - 0.3 2 1 1 1 Base.Drumstick
Dumbbell.png 啞鈴 5.0 One-Hand 0.5 1 9 - 0.61 1 3 25 3x 0.5 - 10 25 250 Base.DumbBell
Flute.png 長笛 3.0 One-Hand 0.1 0.2 - - 0.61 0.9 4 - - 0.3 2 1 1 1 Base.Flute
Pan.png 平底鍋 1.0 One-Hand 0.3 0.5 3 - 0.61 1.1 3 30 2x 0.5 1.3 10 12 120 Base.Pan
Griddle.png 煎鍋 1.0 One-Hand 0.25 0.45 3 - 0.61 1.1 3 30 2x 0.5 1.3 10 12 120 Base.GridlePan
Hammer.png 榔頭 1.0 One-Hand 0.5 1 9 - 0.61 1.1 3 20 3x 0.5 - 10 30 300 Base.Hammer
Pipe.png 鉛管 1.5 One-Hand 0.7 1.2 1 - 0.61 1.15 2 30 2x 0.3 - 15 20 300 Base.LeadPipe
MetalBar.png 鐵棒 1.5 One-Hand 0.7 1.1 1 - 0.61 1.2 2 30 2x 0.3 - 8 15 120 Base.MetalBar
MetalTube.png 鐵管 1.5 One-Hand 0.6 1 1 - 0.61 1.2 2 30 2x 0.3 - 8 15 120 Base.MetalPipe
NightStick.png 警棍 1.5 One-Hand 0.6 1.1 1 - 0.61 1.2 2 25 2x 0.3 - 15 20 300 Base.Nightstick
Pickaxe Handle.png 握柄 3.0 One-Hand 0.4 0.8 5 - 0.61 1.05 4 10 2x 0.3 2 4 3 12 Base.PickAxeHandle
PipeWrench.png 管鉗 1.5 One-Hand 0.5 1 10 - 0.61 1.1 4 25 2x 0.3 2 10 25 250 Base.PipeWrench
Plunger.png 通樂 0.5 One-Hand 0.3 0.5 2 - 0.61 1.1 4 5 2x 0.3 2 3 2 6 Base.Plunger
RollingPin.png 擀麵棍 1.5 One-Hand 0.2 0.5 5 - 0.61 1.1 3 15 2x 0.5 - 8 14 112 Base.RollingPin
SaucepanEmpty.png 小鍋子 0.7 One-Hand 0.2 0.7 1 - 0.61 1 2 30 2x 0.3 - 5 10 50 Base.Saucepan
Pickaxe Nails.png 帶刺棍柄 3.0 One-Hand 0.7 1 5 - 0.61 1.1 4 10 5x 0.3 2 4 2 8 Base.PickAxeHandleSpiked
HammerStone.png 石製槌 1.2 One-Hand 0.3 0.7 2 - 0.61 1.05 3 15 3x 0.5 - 5 5 25 Base.HammerStone
TableLeg.png 桌腳 1.5 One-Hand 0.5 0.9 5 - 0.61 1 4 10 2x 0.3 2 4 3 12 Base.TableLeg
Violin.png 小提琴 0.7 One-Hand 0.2 0.4 5 - 0.61 1 4 5 - 0.3 2 1 1 1 Base.Violin
WoodMallet.png 木槌 1.0 One-Hand 0.4 0.9 9 - 0.61 1 3 17 3x 0.5 - 8 20 160 Base.WoodenMallet
Wrench.png 扳手 1.0 One-Hand 0.5 1 10 - 0.61 1 4 20 2x 0.3 2 9 15 135 Base.Wrench

長刃器(Long Blade)

Icon Name Weight Attack
Damage Range Base Speed Critical Hit Chance Crit Damage
Knockback Knockdown Max Weapon Condition Condition Lower
Base Durability Base ID
Minimum Maximum Damage done to doors Damage done to trees Minimum Maximum
Katana.png 武士刀 2.0 Two-Hand 8 8 8 1 0.61 1.4 1 30 6x 0.5 - 10 15 150 Base.Katana
Machete.png 砍刀 2.0 One-Hand 2 3 10 10 0.61 1.23 1 20 5x 0.3 2 13 25 325 Base.Machete

短刃器(Short Blade)

Icon Name Weight Attack
Damage Range Base Speed Critical Hit Chance Crit Damage
Knockback Knockdown Weapon Max Condition Condition Lower
Base Durability Base ID
Minimum Maximum Damage done to doors Damage done to trees Minimum Maximum
KnifeButter.png 麵包刀 0.3 Stab 0.1 0.4 1 - 0.61 1 2 15 10x 0.3 - 5 5 25 Base.BreadKnife
KnifeButter.png 奶油刀 0.3 Stab 0.1 0.4 1 - 0.61 0.8 2 7 10x 0.3 - 3 1 3 Base.ButterKnife
Fork.png 餐叉 0.3 Stab 0.1 0.1 1 - 0.2 0.8 2 5 10x 0.3 - 3 1 3 Base.Fork
GardeningFork.png 單手叉 0.5 Stab 0.2 0.4 5 - 0.61 0.9 4 10 10x 0.3 2 6 9 54 Base.HandFork
HandScythe.png 鐮刀 0.5 One-Hand 0.6 1.2 5 - 0.61 1.1 4 15 5x 0.3 2 5 5 25 Base.HandScythe
HuntingKnife.png 獵刀 0.5 Stab 0.6 1.2 1 2 0.61 0.9 1 50 3x 0.3 - 10 15 150 Base.HuntingKnife
IcePick.png 冰錐 0.3 Stab 0.6 0.9 1 2 0.61 0.9 1 10 5x 0.3 - 10 7 70 Base.IcePick
KnifeChopping.png 廚房刀 0.3 Stab 0.3 0.7 1 1 0.61 0.9 1 25 4x 0.3 - 10 2 20 Base.KitchenKnife
LetterOpener.png 拆信刀 0.3 Stab 0.1 0.1 1 2 0.61 0.9 2 5 10x 0.3 - 5 1 5 Base.LetterOpener
Cleaver.png 菜刀 1.0 One-Hand 0.4 0.8 20 15 0.61 1 1.2 15 5x 0.3 2 10 15 150 Base.MeatCleaver
Scalpel.png 手術刀 0.3 Stab 0.1 0.4 1 - 0.61 0.8 2 10 10x 0.3 - 5 1 5 Base.Scalpel
Scissors.png 剪刀 0.4 Stab 0.1 0.1 1 - 0.61 0.9 2 5 - 0.3 - 10 1 10 Base.Scissors
Screwdriver.png 螺絲刀 0.4 Stab 0.3 0.7 1 1 0.61 0.85 2 10 10x 0.3 - 10 6 60 Base.Screwdriver
BrokenBottle.png 玻璃瓶(破裂) 1.0 Stab 0.2 0.5 - - 0.61 0.8 4 5 5x 0.3 2 3 1 3 Base.SmashedBottle
Spoon.png 湯匙 0.3 Stab 0.1 0.1 1 - 0.2 0.8 - - - 0.3 - 3 1 3 Base.Spoon
Stake.png 木樁 0.3 Stab 0.25 0.53 1 - 0.61 0.85 2 10 10x 0.3 - 5 1 5 Base.Stake
KnifeFlint.png 石製刀 0.75 Stab 0.4 0.6 1 2 0.61 0.85 1 20 2x 0.3 - 6 7 42 Base.FlintKnife


Icon Name Weight Attack
Damage Range Base Speed Critical Hit Chance Crit Damage
Knockback Knockdown Weapon Max Condition Condition Lower
Base Durability Base ID
Minimum Maximum Damage done to doors Damage done to trees Minimum Maximum
Closed UmbrellaClosed UmbrellaClosed UmbrellaClosed Umbrella 雨傘 1.0 Spear 0.5 0.7 1 - 0.61 1.1 2 10 1x 0.3 - 7 3 21 Base.ClosedUmbrellaBlue
Pitchfork.png 農用叉 1.5 Spear 1 1.5 7 - 0.61 1.37 2 30 10x 0.3 - 10 15 150 Base.GardenFork
SpearStick.png 手製矛 1.7 Spear 1 1.5 5 - 0.98 1.4 2 30 10x 0.3 - 5 2 10 Base.SpearCrafted
SpearButterKnife.png 手製矛(麵包刀) 2.0 Spear 1 1.6 5 - 0.98 1.55 2 30 10x 0.3 - 6 3 18 Base.SpearBreadKnife
SpearButterKnife.png 手製矛(奶油刀) 2.0 Spear 1 1.6 5 - 0.98 1.42 2 30 10x 0.3 - 6 3 18 Base.SpearButterKnife
SpearFork.png 手製矛(餐叉) 2.0 Spear 1 1.6 5 - 0.98 1.42 2 30 10x 0.3 - 6 3 18 Base.SpearFork
SpearKnife.png 手製矛(拆信刀) 2.0 Spear 1 1.6 5 - 0.98 1.42 2 30 10x 0.3 - 6 3 18 Base.SpearLetterOpener
SpearScalpel.png 手製矛(手術刀) 2.0 Spear 1 1.6 5 - 0.98 1.42 2 30 10x 0.3 - 6 3 18 Base.SpearScalpel
SpearSpoon.png 手製矛(湯匙) 2.0 Spear 1 1.6 5 - 0.98 1.4 2 30 10x 0.3 - 6 3 18 Base.SpearSpoon
SpearScissors.png 手製矛(剪刀) 2.1 Spear 1 1.6 5 - 0.98 1.42 2 30 10x 0.3 - 6 3 18 Base.SpearScissors
SpearGardeningFork.png 手製矛(單手叉) 2.2 Spear 1.1 1.6 6 - 0.98 1.45 2 30 10x 0.3 - 7 4 28 Base.SpearHandFork
SpearScrewdriver.png 手製矛(螺絲刀) 2.1 Spear 1.2 1.6 7 - 0.98 1.45 2 30 10x 0.3 - 7 4 28 Base.SpearScrewdriver
SpearHuntingKnife.png 手製矛(獵刀) 2.2 Spear 1.2 1.7 7 - 0.98 1.48 2 30 10x 0.3 - 9 8 72 Base.SpearHuntingKnife
SpearMachete.png 手製矛(砍刀) 3.7 Spear 1.3 2 10 - 0.98 1.55 2 30 10x 0.3 - 12 10 120 Base.SpearMachete
SpearIcePick.png 手製矛(冰錐) 2.0 Spear 1 1.6 5 - 0.98 1.42 2 30 10x 0.3 - 6 3 18 Base.SpearIcePick
SpearKnife.png Spear with Knife 2.0 Spear 1 1.6 5 - 0.98 1.45 2 30 10x 0.3 - 7 4 28 Base.SpearKnife


Icon Name Weight Attack
Damage Range Base Speed Critical Hit Chance Knockback Knockdown Weapon Durability Base Durability Base ID
Minimum Maximum Damage done to doors Damage done to trees Minimum Maximum
PenRed PenBlue Pen Pen 0.1 Stab 0.1 0.1 - - 0.61 0.8 2 - 0.3 - 2 2 Base.Pen
Pencil.png Pencil 0.1 Stab 0.1 0.1 - - 0.61 0.8 2 - 0.3 - 2 2 Base.Pencil






Icon Name Weight Hands Ammo Type Magazine Size Damage Range Accuracy Critical Hit Chance Sound Volume Sound Radius Knockback Knockdown Base ID
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
D-E Pistol D-E Pistol 1.5 One-Hand .44子彈 8 1 1.9 0.61 10 20 20 75 70 0.3 2 Base.Pistol3
M1911 Pistol M1911 Pistol 1.5 One-Hand .45 Auto Round 7 1 1.4 0.61 8 40 20 50 50 0.3 2 Base.Pistol2
M36 Revolver M36 Revolver 1.5 One-Hand .38子彈 5 0.7 1.2 0.61 6 65 20 25 30 0.3 2 Base.Revolver_Short
M625 Revolver M625 Revolver 1.75 One-Hand .45 Auto Round 6 1 1.6 0.61 9 30 20 50 50 0.3 2 Base.Revolver
M9 Pistol M9 Pistol 1.5 One-Hand 9mm子彈 15 0.6 1 0.61 7 50 20 30 40 0.3 2 Base.Pistol
Magnum Magnum 2.0 One-Hand .44子彈 6 1.2 1.9 0.61 11 20 20 75 80 0.3 2 Base.Revolver_Long


Icon Name Weight Hands Ammo Type Magazine Size Damage Range Accuracy Critical Hit Chance Sound Volume Sound Radius Knockback Knockdown Base ID
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Double Barrel Shotgun Double Barrel Shotgun 4.0 Two-Hand 霰彈子彈 2 2 2.7 0.67 9 80 80 200 100 0.8 8 Base.DoubleBarrelShotgun
Double Barrel Shotgun Sawed-off Double Barrel Shotgun 4.0 Two-Hand 霰彈子彈 2 2 2.7 0.67 8 80 80 200 100 0.8 8 Base.DoubleBarrelShotgunSawnoff
JS-2000 Shotgun JS-2000 Shotgun 4.0 Two-Hand 霰彈子彈 6 1.5 2.2 0.61 7 70 60 200 100 0.8 8 Base.Shotgun
Sawed-off JS-2000 Shotgun Sawed-off JS-2000 Shotgun 3.5 Two-Hand 霰彈子彈 6 1.5 2.2 0.61 6 100 60 250 100 0.9 8 Base.ShotgunSawnoff


Icon Name Weight Hands Ammo Type Magazine Size Damage Range Accuracy Critical Hit Chance Sound Volume Sound Radius Knockback Knockdown Base ID
Minimum Damage Maximum Damage Minimum Range Maximum Range
AssaultRifle2.png M14 Rifle 4.0 Two-Hand .308子彈 20 1.2 2.0 0.61 10 50 0 30 70 0.3 2 Base.AssaultRifle2
AssaultRifle.png M16 Assault Rifle 4.0 Two-Hand 5.56子彈 30 0.8 1.4 0.61 11 20 30 35 70 0.3 4 Base.AssaultRifle
LeverActionRifle.png MSR700 Rifle 4.0 Two-Hand .223子彈 3 0.6 1.3 0.61 10 27 25 200 70 0.3 2 Base.VarmintRifle
RifleHunting.png MSR788 Rifle 4.0 Two-Hand .308子彈 3 1.2 2 0.61 10 25 30 200 70 0.3 2 Base.HuntingRifle
SniperRifle.png Sniper Rifle ? Two-Hand ? ? ? ? 0.61 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Sniper Rifle (Camo) Sniper Rifle (Camo) ? Two-Hand ? ? ? ? 0.61 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


Icon Name Weight Max
Effect Effect
Timer Sensor Range Base ID
V1 V2 V3
Molotov Cocktail Molotov Cocktail 1.5 8 Fire 90 4 - - Base.Molotov
Aerosol Bomb Aerosol Bomb 1.5 10 Explosion 70 6 - - Base.Aerosolbomb
Aerosol Bomb with Timer Aerosol Bomb with Timer 1.5 10 Explosion 70 6 10 - Base.AerosolbombTriggered
Aerosol Bomb with Sensor Aerosol Bomb with Sensor 1.5 10 Explosion 70 6 5 3 4 6 Base.AerosolbombSensorV1
Remote Aerosol Bomb Remote Aerosol Bomb 1.5 10 Explosion 70 6 - - Base.AerosolbombRemote
Fire Bomb Fire Bomb 1.5 10 Fire 97 6 - - Base.FlameTrap
Fire Bomb with Timer Fire Bomb with Timer 1.5 10 Fire 97 6 10 - Base.FlameTrapTriggered
Fire Bomb with Sensor Fire Bomb with Sensor 1.5 10 Fire 97 6 5 3 4 5 Base.FlameTrapSensorV1
Remote Fire Bomb Remote Fire Bomb 1.5 10 Fire 97 6 - - Base.FlameTrapRemote
Smoke Bomb Smoke Bomb 1.5 10 Smoke - 5 50 - Base.SmokeBomb
Smoke Bomb with Timer Smoke Bomb with Timer 1.5 10 Smoke - 5 10 - Base.SmokeBombTriggered
Smoke Bomb with Sensor Smoke Bomb with Sensor 1.5 10 Smoke - 5 - 3 4 5 Base.SmokeBombSensorV1
Remote Smoke Bomb Remote Smoke Bomb 1.5 10 Smoke - 5 - - Base.SmokeBombRemote
Noise Maker Noise Maker 1.5 10 Noise - 17 50 - Base.NoiseTrap
Noise Generator with Timer Noise Generator with Timer 1.5 10 Noise - 17 10 - Base.NoiseTrapTriggered
Noise Generator with Sensor Noise Generator with Sensor 1.5 10 Noise - 17 - 3 4 6 Base.NoiseTrapSensorV1
Remote Noise Generator Remote Noise Generator 1.5 10 Noise - 17 10 - Base.NoiseTrapRemote

See also