Adhesive Tape

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Adhesive Tape
Scotchtape Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Item ID

Adhesive tape, or scotch tape is a repair material.


Adhesive tape is used to raise durability to a useable state. It is usually an inferior material to duct tape or wood glue, but is better than nothing. Using Adhesive tape does not require any skill in carpentry to use.

Adhesive tape is a single-use item and can be used only once and the roll will run out. It can repair up to 10% durability for the first use on a weapon. Note that this percentage decreases with every repair.

Amount of adhesive tape used per repair

A roll of adhesive tape only provides 1 use. Multiple rolls will be needed per repair.

2 Uses 3 Uses 4 Uses
Kitchen Knife Wooden Mallet Wood Axe
Hunting Knife Violin Spiked Baseball Bat
Hand Fork Trumpet Snow Shovel
Tennis Racket Sledgehammer
Saxophone Shovel
Rolling Pin Pickaxe
Machete Ice Hockey Stick
Hammer Hockey Stick
Griddle Pan Hand Axe
Golf Club Garden Hoe
Frying Pan Garden Hoe
Club Hammer Garden Fork
Broom Crafted Spear
Electric Guitar Canoe Paddle
Electric Bass Canoe Paddle - Double-bladed
Banjo Baseball Bat
Ball-peen Hammer Axe
Badminton Racket
Acoustic Guitar


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

Scotchtape distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
Bag_JanitorToolbox Toolbox 6.41%
all desk 10.78%
all filingcabinet 10.78%
all junk 1.61%
all officedrawers 10.78%
all other 2.81%
artstore counter 10.78%
artstore shelves 23.28%
bedroom crate 0.53%
bedroom desk 10.78%
bookstore counter 19.27%
classroom counter 10.78%
classroom desk 10.78%
classroom metal_shelves 10.78%
classroom shelves 10.78%
closet crate 0.53%
closet crate 10.78%
daycare counter 10.78%
daycare desk 10.78%
daycare metal_shelves 10.78%
daycare shelves 10.78%
empty crate 10.78%
garagestorage crate 0.53%
garagestorage crate 10.78%
generalstore shelves 10.78%
generalstorestorage shelves 10.78%
gigamart shelves 10.78%
hall counter 10.78%
jewelrystore counter 10.78%
kitchen counter 10.78%
kitchen shelves 10.78%
library counter 10.78%
livingroom counter 10.78%
livingroom overhead 10.78%
livingroom sidetable 10.78%
livingroom wardrobe 10.78%
lobby counter 10.78%
office counter 10.78%
office crate 10.78%
office desk 10.78%
office metal_shelves 10.78%
officestorage crate 10.78%
officestorage metal_shelves 10.78%
plazastore1 counter 10.78%
policestorage counter 10.78%
post counter 10.78%
schoolstorage metal_shelves 10.78%
storageunit crate 0.53%
storageunit crate 10.78%
storageunit metal_shelves 0.53%
storageunit metal_shelves 10.78%
toolstore counter 23.28%
toolstore shelves 23.28%
Type Container Effective chance
Ambulance Glove Box 19.27%
Carpenter Glove Box 19.27%
Construction Worker Glove Box 19.27%
Distillery Glove Box 19.27%
Doctor Glove Box 19.27%
Electrician Glove Box 19.27%
Farmer Glove Box 19.27%
Fire Glove Box 19.27%
Fisherman Glove Box 19.27%
Fossoil Glove Box 19.27%
All Glove Box 19.27%
Golf Glove Box 19.27%
Heralds Glove Box 19.27%
Hunter Glove Box 19.27%
Mass Gen Fac Glove Box 19.27%
McCoy Glove Box 19.27%
Metal Welder Glove Box 19.27%
Painter Glove Box 19.27%
Police Glove Box 19.27%
Postal Glove Box 19.27%
Radio Glove Box 19.27%
Ranger Glove Box 19.27%
Spiffo Glove Box 19.27%
Survivalist Glove Box 19.27%
Transit Glove Box 19.27%

Adhesive tape can be found in desks, cupboards, storage crates, and sheds. It can also be found in the glove boxes of vehicles.



Version Description
38.30 Released on or before this version.

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Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item Scotchtape
        DisplayCategory = Material,
        Type				=			Normal,
        DisplayName			=		    Adhesive Tape,
        Icon				=			Scotchtape,
        Weight				=			0.1,
        Tooltip = Tooltip_FixItems,
        SurvivalGear = TRUE,
        WorldStaticModel = Scotchtape,

See also