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For the build 41.78.16 article, please see the old revision.
Albert Wellen QC S2.01 is a VHS providing the first episode of Albert Wellen QC show.
Albert Wellen QC S2.01 is a VHS regularly found in retail, and VHS stores such as Hit Vids!.
The player can reduce boredom by -5 for each line of dialog when in the vicinity of a television playing the VHS.
The tape includes a British courtroom drama, Albert Wellen QC is the main character. In this episode he is asking Eliza on a date, and she happily accepts it. Later on Albert Wellen, only 17 years old and Queen's Councel, is called to a hearing and has to say goodbye to Eliza for now. The trial is about to start. This Albert Wellen QC episode can also be watched on TURBO channel on July 10 at 12pm.
♫ Jaunty music. ♫
Albert Wellen:
3rd December 1992. Personal diary of Albert Wellen QC.
Life's rather tricky when you're 17.
Life's even trickier when you're a Queen's Counsel in the British Judicial System.
I've learned rather a lot of tough lessons today.
Lessons about love. Lessons about life.
Lessons about legislature...
♫ Jaunty music. ♫
Albert, are you asking me out on a date?
Albert Wellen:
Golly gosh. I rather think I just did.
Oh Albert, I've been waiting so long...
Sir, you're required in the James vs. Greggs hearing.
Albert Wellen:
Now? What dratted timing.
You go Albert. You go.
I can wait. I suppose.
Albert Wellen:
I'm so sorry Eliza. I'll see you in Maths this afternoon?
Sir, the Defence has been called Sir.
Albert Wellen:
I'm needed. I'm sorry.
Come with haste sir.
♫ Jaunty music. ♫
The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.
Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.
Building/Room | Container | Effective chance |
all | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
all | smallbox | 1.13% |
bedroom | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
bedroom | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
bedroom | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
bedroom | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
bedroom | crate | 76.71% |
bedroom | crate | 41.46% |
bedroom | crate | 23.67% |
bedroom | crate | 1.13% |
bedroom | smallbox | 76.71% |
bedroom | smallbox | 41.46% |
bedroom | smallbox | 23.67% |
closet | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
closet | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
closet | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
closet | cardboardbox | 4.44% |
closet | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
closet | smallbox | 76.71% |
closet | smallbox | 41.46% |
closet | smallbox | 23.67% |
closet | smallbox | 4.44% |
conveniencestore | shelves | 76.71% |
conveniencestore | shelves | 41.46% |
conveniencestore | shelves | 23.67% |
cornerstore | shelves | 76.71% |
cornerstore | shelves | 41.46% |
cornerstore | shelves | 23.67% |
fossoil | shelves | 76.71% |
fossoil | shelves | 41.46% |
fossoil | shelves | 23.67% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 4.44% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
garagestorage | crate | 1.13% |
garagestorage | smallbox | 76.71% |
garagestorage | smallbox | 41.46% |
garagestorage | smallbox | 23.67% |
garagestorage | smallbox | 4.44% |
gas2go | shelves | 76.71% |
gas2go | shelves | 41.46% |
gas2go | shelves | 23.67% |
gasstore | shelves | 76.71% |
gasstore | shelves | 41.46% |
gasstore | shelves | 23.67% |
generalstore | shelves | 76.71% |
generalstore | shelves | 41.46% |
generalstore | shelves | 23.67% |
homecinema | shelves | 76.71% |
homecinema | shelves | 41.46% |
homecinema | shelves | 23.67% |
joanstudio | shelves | 41.46% |
joanstudio | shelves | 23.67% |
kidsbedroom | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
kidsbedroom | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
kidsbedroom | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
kidsbedroom | crate | 76.71% |
kidsbedroom | crate | 41.46% |
kidsbedroom | crate | 23.67% |
kidsbedroom | smallbox | 76.71% |
kidsbedroom | smallbox | 41.46% |
kidsbedroom | smallbox | 23.67% |
kitchen | cardboardbox | 4.44% |
kitchen | crate | 4.44% |
kitchen | smallbox | 76.71% |
kitchen | smallbox | 41.46% |
kitchen | smallbox | 23.67% |
kitchen | smallbox | 4.44% |
livingroom | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
livingroom | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
livingroom | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
livingroom | cardboardbox | 4.44% |
livingroom | crate | 76.71% |
livingroom | crate | 41.46% |
livingroom | crate | 23.67% |
livingroom | crate | 4.44% |
livingroom | shelves | 41.46% |
livingroom | shelves | 23.67% |
livingroom | smallbox | 76.71% |
livingroom | smallbox | 41.46% |
livingroom | smallbox | 23.67% |
livingroom | smallbox | 4.44% |
livingroom | wardrobe | 23.49% |
livingroom | wardrobe | 12.63% |
livingroom | wardrobe | 4.44% |
movierental | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
movierental | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
movierental | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
movierental | clothingrack | 76.71% |
movierental | clothingrack | 41.46% |
movierental | clothingrack | 23.67% |
movierental | crate | 76.71% |
movierental | crate | 41.46% |
movierental | crate | 23.67% |
movierental | metal_shelves | 76.71% |
movierental | metal_shelves | 41.46% |
movierental | metal_shelves | 23.67% |
movierental | shelves | 76.71% |
movierental | shelves | 41.46% |
movierental | shelves | 23.67% |
movierental | smallbox | 76.71% |
movierental | smallbox | 41.46% |
movierental | smallbox | 23.67% |
pawnshop | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
pawnshop | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
pawnshop | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
pawnshop | crate | 76.71% |
pawnshop | crate | 41.46% |
pawnshop | crate | 23.67% |
pawnshop | shelves | 76.71% |
pawnshop | shelves | 41.46% |
pawnshop | shelves | 23.67% |
pawnshop | smallbox | 76.71% |
pawnshop | smallbox | 41.46% |
pawnshop | smallbox | 23.67% |
pawnshopoffice | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
pawnshopoffice | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
pawnshopoffice | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 76.71% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 41.46% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 23.67% |
pawnshopoffice | smallbox | 76.71% |
pawnshopoffice | smallbox | 41.46% |
pawnshopoffice | smallbox | 23.67% |
pawnshopstorage | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
pawnshopstorage | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
pawnshopstorage | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
pawnshopstorage | crate | 76.71% |
pawnshopstorage | crate | 41.46% |
pawnshopstorage | crate | 23.67% |
pawnshopstorage | metal_shelves | 76.71% |
pawnshopstorage | metal_shelves | 41.46% |
pawnshopstorage | metal_shelves | 23.67% |
pawnshopstorage | smallbox | 76.71% |
pawnshopstorage | smallbox | 41.46% |
pawnshopstorage | smallbox | 23.67% |
recreation | shelves | 23.49% |
recreation | shelves | 12.63% |
SafehouseLoot | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot | crate | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot | crate | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot | crate | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot | shelves | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot | shelves | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot | shelves | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot | smallbox | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot | smallbox | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot | smallbox | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | crate | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | crate | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | crate | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | shelves | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | shelves | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | shelves | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | smallbox | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | smallbox | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | smallbox | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | crate | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | crate | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | crate | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | shelves | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | shelves | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | shelves | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | smallbox | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | smallbox | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | smallbox | 23.67% |
shed | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
shed | smallbox | 76.71% |
shed | smallbox | 41.46% |
shed | smallbox | 23.67% |
shed | smallbox | 4.44% |
storageunit | cardboardbox | 4.44% |
storageunit | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
storageunit | crate | 4.44% |
storageunit | crate | 1.13% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 4.44% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 1.13% |
storageunit | smallbox | 4.44% |
storageunit | smallbox | 1.13% |
studio | shelves | 41.46% |
studio | shelves | 23.67% |
thundergas | shelves | 76.71% |
thundergas | shelves | 41.46% |
thundergas | shelves | 23.67% |
zippeestore | shelves | 76.71% |
zippeestore | shelves | 41.46% |
zippeestore | shelves | 23.67% |
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_entertainment.txt
item VHS_Home
DisplayName = VHS - Home,
DisplayCategory = Entertainment,
Type = Normal,
Weight = 0.5,
Icon = Cassette3,
MediaCategory = Home-VHS,
WorldStaticModel = VHSBox3,
Tags = IgnoreZombieDensity;IsFireFuel,
FireFuelRatio = 0.25,