A bandana is an item of clothing that offers minimal insulation.
A bandana can be tied onto the player's face or head, depending on how it is worn when equipping.
Offering 10% insulation, it is more of a cosmetic item than utility clothing.
Bandanas are best suited to be worn during warm temperatures due to it providing a very minor amount of insulation. Head bandanas have an extremely low chance of being knocked off of the wearer's head when they're attacked.
Bandanas can be worn in three different styles; the head bandana variant covers the forehead of the wearer's head, the tied variant covers the wearer's forehead in a Rambo style, the face bandana variant covers the wearer's mouth and nose.
The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.
Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.
Building/Room | Container | Effective chance |
all | wardrobe | 1.87% |
bedroom | wardrobe | 1.87% |
closet | metal_shelves | 1.87% |
livingroom | wardrobe | 1.87% |
Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.
Building/Room | Container | Effective chance |
BandPractice | crate | 23.28% |
BandPractice | metal_shelves | 23.28% |
bandlivingroom | locker | 23.28% |
bandmerch | metal_shelves | 23.28% |
bandmerch | metal_shelves | 41.14% |
bandmerch | shelves | 23.28% |
bandmerch | shelves | 41.14% |
Bandanas can be found on several zombie variants. Head bandanas can rarely be found on civilian zombies in most areas that zombies spawn. The best location to find a head bandana is from a zombie in a trailer-park. Face bandanas can be found on bandit zombies.
Body location
- The tied bandana image files are called 'RamboBandanna', a reference to the Rambo movies wherein the main character wears a bandana in a similar style.
Bandana (Face)
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\clothing\clothing_hats.txt
item Hat_BandanaMask
DisplayCategory = Accessory,
Type = Clothing,
DisplayName = Bandana (Face),
ClothingItem = Hat_BandanaMask,
BodyLocation = Mask,
ClothingItemExtra = Hat_Bandana;Hat_BandanaTied,
ClothingItemExtraOption = UntieBandana;TieBandana,
IconsForTexture = Handkerchief_Black;Handkerchief_Blue;Handkerchief_Red,
CanHaveHoles = false,
ChanceToFall = 30,
Insulation = 0.10,
Weight = 0.1,
Bandana (Face, Multicolor)
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\clothing\clothing_hats.txt
item Hat_BandanaMaskTINT
DisplayCategory = Accessory,
Type = Clothing,
DisplayName = Bandana (Face),
ClothingItem = Hat_BandanaMaskTINT,
BodyLocation = Mask,
ClothingItemExtra = Hat_BandanaTINT;Hat_BandanaTiedTINT,
ClothingItemExtraOption = UntieBandana;TieBandana,
Icon = Handkerchief,
CanHaveHoles = false,
ChanceToFall = 30,
Insulation = 0.10,
Weight = 0.1,
Bandana (Head)
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\clothing\clothing_hats.txt
item Hat_Bandana
DisplayCategory = Accessory,
Type = Clothing,
DisplayName = Bandana (Head),
ClothingItem = Hat_Bandana,
BodyLocation = Hat,
IconsForTexture = BandanaBlack;BandanaBlue;BandanaRed,
ClothingItemExtra = Hat_BandanaTied;Hat_BandanaMask,
ClothingItemExtraOption = TieBandana;TieBandanaFace,
CanHaveHoles = false,
ChanceToFall = 30,
Insulation = 0.10,
Weight = 0.1,
Bandana (Head, Multicolor)
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\clothing\clothing_hats.txt
item Hat_BandanaTINT
DisplayCategory = Accessory,
Type = Clothing,
DisplayName = Bandana (Head),
ClothingItem = Hat_BandanaTINT,
BodyLocation = Hat,
Icon = BandanaBlack,
ClothingItemExtra = Hat_BandanaTiedTINT;Hat_BandanaMaskTINT,
ClothingItemExtraOption = TieBandana;TieBandanaFace,
CanHaveHoles = false,
ChanceToFall = 30,
Insulation = 0.10,
Weight = 0.1,
Bandana (Tied)
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\clothing\clothing_hats.txt
item Hat_BandanaTied
DisplayCategory = Accessory,
Type = Clothing,
DisplayName = Bandana (Tied),
ClothingItem = Hat_BandanaTied,
BodyLocation = Hat,
IconsForTexture = RamboBandanna_Black;RamboBandanna_Blue;RamboBandanna_Red,
ClothingItemExtra = Hat_Bandana;Hat_BandanaMask,
ClothingItemExtraOption = UntieBandana;TieBandanaFace,
CanHaveHoles = false,
ChanceToFall = 30,
Insulation = 0.10,
Weight = 0.1,
Bandana (Tied, Multicolor)
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\clothing\clothing_hats.txt
item Hat_BandanaTiedTINT
DisplayCategory = Accessory,
Type = Clothing,
DisplayName = Bandana (Tied),
ClothingItem = Hat_BandanaTiedTINT,
BodyLocation = Hat,
ClothingItemExtra = Hat_BandanaTINT;Hat_BandanaMaskTINT,
ClothingItemExtraOption = UntieBandana;TieBandanaFace,
Icon = RamboBandanna,
CanHaveHoles = false,
ChanceToFall = 30,
Insulation = 0.10,
Weight = 0.1,