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missing models and much more stuff, has no collision which is weird
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Barbed Fence Gate
[[File:{{{icon2}}}|Barbed Fence Gate||class=pixelart}}]]
[[File:{{{icon3}}}|Barbed Fence Gate||class=pixelart}}]]
[[File:{{{icon4}}}|Barbed Fence Gate||class=pixelart}}]]
[[File:{{{icon5}}}|Barbed Fence Gate||class=pixelart}}]]
[[File:{{{icon6}}}|Barbed Fence Gate||class=pixelart}}]]
[[File:{{{icon7}}}|Barbed Fence Gate||class=pixelart}}]]
[[File:{{{icon8}}}|Barbed Fence Gate||class=pixelart}}]]
[[File:{{{icon9}}}|Barbed Fence Gate||class=pixelart}}]]
Fence gate
4 tiles
Tile ID(s)
A barbed fence gate is a gate tile that currently has no collision.