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Beer Bottle

From PZwiki
Project ZomboidItemsFoodDrinksBeer Bottle
UI Tick.png
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Beer Bottle
BeerBottle Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Container name
Beer Bottle
Fluid capacity
HungerUI Hunger.png
ThirstUI Thristy.png
UnhappinessUI Unhappy.png
AlcoholUI Drunk.png
Sterilize powerDisinfection
Custom recipe
Item ID

A beer bottle, is an alcoholic non-perishable food item.



Beer Bottle is an alcoholic beverage, and will therefore increase the player's drunkenness as it is consumed. Being drunk will affect the player's coordination (controls), both on foot and in a vehicle, and weapon accuracy.


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

BeerBottle distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
all fridge 8.53%
all fridge 3.43%
arenakitchen counter 41.46%
arenakitchen counter 23.67%
arenakitchen fridge 23.49%
arenakitchen fridge 12.63%
arenakitchenstorage fridge 23.49%
arenakitchenstorage fridge 12.63%
bandkitchen fridge 23.67%
bar counter 19.68%
bar fridge 23.49%
bar fridge 12.63%
barcounter counter 19.68%
barcounter fridge 23.49%
barcounter fridge 12.63%
barcountertwiggy counter 19.68%
barcountertwiggy fridge 23.49%
barcountertwiggy fridge 12.63%
barkitchen counter 19.68%
barkitchen fridge 23.49%
barkitchen fridge 12.63%
barstorage counter 19.68%
barstorage fridge 23.49%
barstorage fridge 12.63%
beergarden counter 41.46%
beergarden counter 23.67%
beergarden fridge 23.49%
beergarden fridge 12.63%
brewery cardboardbox 41.46%
brewery cardboardbox 23.67%
brewery crate 41.46%
brewery crate 23.67%
brewery metal_shelves 41.46%
brewery metal_shelves 23.67%
brewery smallbox 41.46%
brewery smallbox 23.67%
brewerystorage cardboardbox 41.46%
brewerystorage cardboardbox 23.67%
brewerystorage crate 41.46%
brewerystorage crate 23.67%
brewerystorage metal_shelves 41.46%
brewerystorage metal_shelves 23.67%
brewerystorage smallbox 41.46%
brewerystorage smallbox 23.67%
derelict other 6.53%
derelict other 1.73%
derelict other 1.13%
dining counter 19.68%
druglab counter 23.67%
druglab fridge 12.63%
druglab overhead 23.67%
drugshack cardboardbox 23.67%
drugshack counter 23.67%
drugshack crate 23.67%
drugshack smallbox 23.67%
farmstorage fridge 23.49%
farmstorage fridge 12.63%
garagestorage fridge 23.49%
garagestorage fridge 12.63%
kitchen counter 2.25%
kitchen overhead 2.25%
kitchen shelves 2.25%
liquorstore cardboardbox 41.46%
liquorstore cardboardbox 23.67%
liquorstore crate 41.46%
liquorstore crate 23.67%
liquorstore fridge 23.49%
liquorstore fridge 12.63%
liquorstore metal_shelves 41.46%
liquorstore metal_shelves 23.67%
liquorstore shelves 41.46%
liquorstore shelves 23.67%
liquorstore smallbox 41.46%
liquorstore smallbox 23.67%
livingroom counter 2.25%
livingroom fridge 11.21%
livingroom fridge 8.53%
livingroom fridge 3.43%
livingroom overhead 2.25%
livingroom sidetable 2.22%
motelroomoccupied fridge 4.13%
nolansoffice fridge 19.68%
restaurantdining counter 19.68%
SafehouseLoot cardboardbox 76.71%
SafehouseLoot cardboardbox 41.46%
SafehouseLoot counter 23.67%
SafehouseLoot crate 76.71%
SafehouseLoot crate 41.46%
SafehouseLoot fridge 23.67%
SafehouseLoot smallbox 76.71%
SafehouseLoot smallbox 41.46%
SafehouseLoot_Mid cardboardbox 76.71%
SafehouseLoot_Mid cardboardbox 41.46%
SafehouseLoot_Mid counter 6.74%
SafehouseLoot_Mid crate 76.71%
SafehouseLoot_Mid crate 41.46%
SafehouseLoot_Mid fridge 6.74%
SafehouseLoot_Mid smallbox 76.71%
SafehouseLoot_Mid smallbox 41.46%
Type Container Effective chance
Bandit Seat Rear 18.53%
Bandit Trunk 98.75%
Drinker Glove Box 18.53%
Drinker Seat Front 18.53%
Drinker Seat Rear 42.53%
Drinker Trunk 89.09%
Sports Glove Box 1.13%
Step Van_ Beer Truck Bed 19.68%
Van_ Beer Truck Bed 19.68%
Story ID Link
RBTSDinner Table stories
RZSBeachParty Zone stories
RZSForestCamp Zone stories
RZSHillbillyHoedown Zone stories
RZSMusicFest Zone stories
RZSRockerParty Zone stories
RZSVanCamp Zone stories
Amount Skill level Biome: chance Weather modifiers % Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 - ForagingNav: 1
TownZone: 1
TrailerPark: 1
- - - - - - -

Beer Bottle can be found in kitchen and bar counters, or office desks.



Version Description
Build 42.0.0 Alcoholic removed.
Calories removed.
CantBeFrozen removed.
Nutrition removed.
ContainerName added with value BottleBeer.
CustomContextMenu removed.
CustomDrinkSound added with value DrinkingFromBottleGlass.
CustomEatSound removed.
EatType added with value Bourbon.
EvolvedRecipeName removed.
EvolvedRecipe removed.
FillFromDispenserSound added with value GetWaterFromDispenserGlass.
FillFromLakeSound added with value GetWaterFromLakeBottle.
FillFromTapSound added with value GetWaterFromTapGlass.
FillFromToiletSound added with value GetWaterFromToilet.
FoodType removed.
HungerChange removed.
Nutrition removed.
Opened added with value false.
Packaged removed.
Proteins removed.
ReplaceOnUse removed.
Item tag changed from LowAlcohol to ['Glass', 'GlassBottle'].
ThirstChange removed.
Type changed from Food to Normal.
UnhappyChange removed.
capacity added with value 0.3.
fluid added with value {'Beer': '1.0'}.
Build 41.72 EvolvedRecipeName added with value Beer.
EvolvedRecipe added with value {'Soup': '9', 'Stew': '9', 'Beer': '9', 'Beer2': '9'}.
FoodType added with value Beer.
Item tag added with value LowAlcohol.
Build 41.69 AlwaysWelcomeGift removed.
Build 41.65 CustomEatSound changed from DrinkingFromBottle to DrinkingFromBottleGlass.
DisplayCategory added with value Food.
Build 41.54 WorldStaticModel added with value BeerBottle.
Build 41.48 EatType removed.
ReplaceOnUse added with value BeerEmpty.
ThirstChange changed from -60 to -13.
Build 41.46 Released on this version.


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_food_drink.txt

Retrieved: Build 42.0.2
item BeerBottle
		DisplayName = Beer Bottle,
		DisplayCategory = Food,
		Type = Normal,
		Weight = 0.4,
		Icon = BeerBottle,
		EatType = Bourbon,
		StaticModel = BeerBottle,
		WorldStaticModel = BeerBottle,
		FillFromDispenserSound = GetWaterFromDispenserGlass,
		FillFromLakeSound = GetWaterFromLakeBottle,
		FillFromTapSound = GetWaterFromTapGlass,
		FillFromToiletSound = GetWaterFromToilet,
		Tags = Glass;GlassBottle,

        	component FluidContainer
            	ContainerName   = BottleBeer,
            	capacity        = 0.3,
		Opened	= false,
		CustomDrinkSound = DrinkingFromBottleGlass,

                	fluid           = Beer:1.0,

See also