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Project ZomboidItemsFoodFruitBerries
UI Tick.png
This page has been revised for the current stable version (41.78.16).
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It has been suggested that this article should be split into Its variants.
Berries Model.png
BerriesGeneric2 Model.png
BerriesGeneric1 Model.png
BerriesGeneric2 Model.png
BerriesGeneric3 Model.png
BerriesGeneric4 Model.png
BerriesGeneric5 Model.png
BerriesWhite Model.png
BerriesRotten Model.png
BerriesGeneric2Rotten Model.png
BerriesGeneric1Rotten Model.png
BerriesGeneric2Rotten Model.png
BerriesGeneric3Rotten Model.png
BerriesGeneric4Rotten Model.png
BerriesGeneric5Rotten Model.png
Berries (Rotten)
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Days fresh
6 days
Days until rotten
10 days
HungerUI Hunger.png
ThirstUI Thristy.png
Item ID

A berries are a perishable food item which can come in 8 different variations.



Berry Hunger Calories Carbohydrates Proteins
BerryBlue.png -10 23 5 4
BerryGeneric1.png -5 12 3 2
BerryGeneric2.png -10 23 5 4
BerryGeneric3.png -5 8 3 2
BerryGeneric4.png -10 23 5 4
BerryGeneric5.png -10 23 5 4
BerryPoisonIvy.png -5 23 5 4
BerryBlack.png -10 23 5 4

Consumable properties

A berry can be eaten, providing the player with some positive effects, however these will become more negative the longer it's left to perish.

State Icon Hunger Boredom Unhappiness Sickness chance
Fresh Berries (Fresh) -5 - - -
Stale Berries (Stale) -4 +10 +10 -
Rotten Berries (Rotten) -2 +20 +20 100%
State Icon Hunger Boredom Unhappiness Sickness chance
Fresh Berries (Fresh) -10 - - -
Stale Berries (Stale) -8 +10 +10 -
Rotten Berries (Rotten) -4 +20 +20 100%
State Icon Hunger Boredom Unhappiness Sickness chance
Fresh Berries (Fresh) -5 - - -
Stale Berries (Stale) -4 +10 +10 -
Rotten Berries (Rotten) -2 +20 +20 100%
State Icon Hunger Boredom Unhappiness Sickness chance
Fresh Berries (Fresh) -10 - - -
Stale Berries (Stale) -8 +10 +10 -
Rotten Berries (Rotten) -4 +20 +20 100%
State Icon Hunger Boredom Unhappiness Sickness chance
Fresh Berries (Fresh) -10 - - -
Stale Berries (Stale) -8 +10 +10 -
Rotten Berries (Rotten) -4 +20 +20 100%
State Icon Hunger Boredom Unhappiness Sickness chance
Fresh Berries (Fresh) -10 - - -
Stale Berries (Stale) -8 +10 +10 -
Rotten Berries (Rotten) -4 +20 +20 100%
State Icon Hunger Boredom Unhappiness Sickness chance
Fresh Berries (Fresh) -5 - - -
Stale Berries (Stale) -4 +10 +10 -
Rotten Berries (Rotten) -2 +20 +20 100%


Evolved recipes

Adding a "Poisonous Berry" as an ingredient, will make the product poisonous, even if the player can't determine if a berry is poisonous or not.

BerryGeneric1.pngBerryGeneric3.pngBerryPoisonIvy.png BerryBlue.pngBerryGeneric2.pngBerryGeneric4.pngBerryGeneric5.pngBerryBlack.png
Product Nutrition
Fruit Salad
Fruit Salad
Product Nutrition
Fruit Salad
Fruit Salad


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

BerryGeneric1 distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Amount Skill Level Biomes Weather modifiers Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 0 all with 15 chance - - - - all - -
BerryGeneric2 distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Amount Skill Level Biomes Weather modifiers Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 0 all with 15 chance - - - - all - -
BerryGeneric3 distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Amount Skill Level Biomes Weather modifiers Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 0 all with 15 chance - - - - all - -
BerryGeneric4 distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Amount Skill Level Biomes Weather modifiers Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 0 all with 15 chance - - - - all - -
BerryGeneric5 distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Amount Skill Level Biomes Weather modifiers Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 0 all with 15 chance - - - - all - -
BerryBlue distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Amount Skill Level Biomes Weather modifiers Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 0 all with 10 chance - - - - all - -
BerryBlack distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Amount Skill Level Biomes Weather modifiers Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 0 all with 10 chance - - - - all - -
BerryPoisonIvy distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Amount Skill Level Biomes Weather modifiers Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 0 all with 15 chance - - - - all - -

Berries will only spawn naturally inside fruit bushes, which spawn randomly throughout the world over time.


Main article: Foraging

Poor hunger-reducing berries can be found at any level of foraging, while the superior berries will become available at level 2. When foraged, each variation of berry will stack under the same display name of "Berry". However, each variation of berry will count as a new and separate ingredient for bonuses in cakes.


Most foraged berries have a chance of being poisonous. The only way to determine if an unknown berry is poisonous in a given run is to have picked up the herbalist trait during character creation, or have read The Herbalist. This will change the display name to "Poisonous Berry" with a poisonous icon Poisonous Icon.

However, there are some exceptions. Blueberries and blackberries are never poisonous, though they must be visually identified by the player through the sprite, as they are otherwise identical to other "generic" berries. All seasonally exclusive berries are also predetermined: winter berry and beautyberry will never be poisonous, holly berry will always be poisonous.


Name Icon Item ID
Berries BerryBlack.png Base.BerryBlack
Berries BerryBlue.png Base.BerryBlue
Berries BerryGeneric1.png Base.BerryGeneric1
Berries BerryGeneric2.png Base.BerryGeneric2
Berries BerryGeneric3.png Base.BerryGeneric3
Berries BerryGeneric4.png Base.BerryGeneric4
Berries BerryGeneric5.png Base.BerryGeneric5
Berries BerryPoisonIvy.png Base.BerryPoisonIvy


  • Despite the name in code and looks, the "posion ivy" berries are not always poisonous.
  • There's no rotten model for the Poison Ivy variant.



Version Description
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Version Description
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Version Description
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Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

BerryBlack.png Base.BerryBlack
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_food.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item BerryBlack
		DisplayName = Berries,
		DisplayCategory = Food,
		Type = Food,
		Weight = 0.1,
		Icon = BerryBlack,
		EvolvedRecipe = Cake:10;FruitSalad:10;Pancakes:10;Waffles:10;Muffin:10;ConeIcecream:5;PieSweet:10;Oatmeal:5,
		FoodType = Berry,
		HerbalistType = Berry,
		DaysFresh = 6,
		DaysTotallyRotten = 10,
		HungerChange = -10,
		ThirstChange = -1,
		Calories = 23,
		Carbohydrates = 5,
		Lipids = 0,
		Proteins = 4,
		CustomEatSound = EatingFruit,
		WorldStaticModel = BerryBlack,
		EvolvedRecipeName = Berry,

BerryBlue.png Base.BerryBlue
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_food.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item BerryBlue
		DisplayName = Berries,
		DisplayCategory = Food,
		Type = Food,
		Weight = 0.1,
		Icon = BerryBlue,
		EvolvedRecipe = Cake:10;FruitSalad:10;Pancakes:10;Waffles:10;Muffin:10;ConeIcecream:5;PieSweet:10;Oatmeal:5,
		FoodType = Berry,
		HerbalistType = Berry,
		DaysFresh = 6,
		DaysTotallyRotten = 10,
		HungerChange = -10,
		ThirstChange = -1,
		Calories = 23,
		Carbohydrates = 5,
		Lipids = 0,
		Proteins = 4,
		CustomEatSound = EatingFruit,
		WorldStaticModel = BerryBlue,
		EvolvedRecipeName = Berry,

BerryGeneric1.png Base.BerryGeneric1
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_food.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item BerryGeneric1
		DisplayName = Berries,
		DisplayCategory = Food,
		Type = Food,
		Weight = 0.1,
		Icon = BerryGeneric1,
		EvolvedRecipe = Cake:5;FruitSalad:5;Pancakes:5;Waffles:5;Muffin:5;ConeIcecream:5;PieSweet:5;Oatmeal:5,
		FoodType = Berry,
		HerbalistType = Berry,
		OnEat = OnEat_WildFoodGeneric,
		DaysFresh = 6,
		DaysTotallyRotten = 10,
		HungerChange = -5,
		ThirstChange = -1,
		Calories = 12,
		Carbohydrates = 3,
		Lipids = 0,
		Proteins = 2,
		CustomEatSound = EatingFruit,
		WorldStaticModel = BerryGeneric1,
		EvolvedRecipeName = Berry,

BerryGeneric2.png Base.BerryGeneric2
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_food.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item BerryGeneric2
		DisplayName = Berries,
		DisplayCategory = Food,
		Type = Food,
		Weight = 0.1,
		Icon = BerryGeneric2,
		EvolvedRecipe = Cake:10;FruitSalad:10;Pancakes:10;Waffles:10;Muffin:10;ConeIcecream:5;PieSweet:10;Oatmeal:5,
		FoodType = Berry,
		HerbalistType = Berry,
		OnEat = OnEat_WildFoodGeneric,
		DaysFresh = 6,
		DaysTotallyRotten = 10,
		HungerChange = -10,
		ThirstChange = -1,
		Calories = 23,
		Carbohydrates = 5,
		Lipids = 0,
		Proteins = 4,
		CustomEatSound = EatingFruit,
		WorldStaticModel = BerryGeneric2,
		EvolvedRecipeName = Berry,

BerryGeneric3.png Base.BerryGeneric3
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_food.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item BerryGeneric3
		DisplayName = Berries,
		DisplayCategory = Food,
		Type = Food,
		Weight = 0.1,
		Icon = BerryGeneric3,
		EvolvedRecipe = Cake:5;FruitSalad:5;Pancakes:5;Waffles:5;Muffin:5;ConeIcecream:5;PieSweet:5;Oatmeal:5,
		FoodType = Berry,
		HerbalistType = Berry,
		OnEat = OnEat_WildFoodGeneric,
		DaysFresh = 6,
		DaysTotallyRotten = 10,
		HungerChange = -5,
		ThirstChange = -1,
		Calories = 8,
		Carbohydrates = 3,
		Lipids = 0,
		Proteins = 2,
		CustomEatSound = EatingFruit,
		WorldStaticModel = BerryGeneric3,
		EvolvedRecipeName = Berry,

BerryGeneric4.png Base.BerryGeneric4
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_food.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item BerryGeneric4
		DisplayName = Berries,
		DisplayCategory = Food,
		Type = Food,
		Weight = 0.1,
		Icon = BerryGeneric4,
		EvolvedRecipe = Cake:10;FruitSalad:10;Pancakes:10;Waffles:10;Muffin:10;ConeIcecream:5;PieSweet:10;Oatmeal:5,
		FoodType = Berry,
		HerbalistType = Berry,
		OnEat = OnEat_WildFoodGeneric,
		DaysFresh = 6,
		DaysTotallyRotten = 10,
		HungerChange = -10,
		ThirstChange = -1,
		Calories = 23,
		Carbohydrates = 5,
		Lipids = 0,
		Proteins = 4,
		CustomEatSound = EatingFruit,
		WorldStaticModel = BerryGeneric4,
		EvolvedRecipeName = Berry,

BerryGeneric5.png Base.BerryGeneric5
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_food.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item BerryGeneric5
		DisplayName = Berries,
		DisplayCategory = Food,
		Type = Food,
		Weight = 0.1,
		Icon = BerryGeneric5,
		EvolvedRecipe = Cake:10;FruitSalad:10;Pancakes:10;Waffles:10;Muffin:10;ConeIcecream:5;PieSweet:10;Oatmeal:5,
		FoodType = Berry,
		HerbalistType = Berry,
		OnEat = OnEat_WildFoodGeneric,
		DaysFresh = 6,
		DaysTotallyRotten = 10,
		HungerChange = -10,
		ThirstChange = -1,
		Calories = 23,
		Carbohydrates = 5,
		Lipids = 0,
		Proteins = 4,
		CustomEatSound = EatingFruit,
		WorldStaticModel = BerryGeneric5,
		EvolvedRecipeName = Berry,

BerryPoisonIvy.png Base.BerryPoisonIvy
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_food.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item BerryPoisonIvy
		DisplayName = Berries,
		DisplayCategory = Food,
		Type = Food,
		Weight = 0.1,
		Icon = BerryPoisonIvy,
		EvolvedRecipe = Cake:5;FruitSalad:5;Pancakes:5;Waffles:5;Muffin:5;ConeIcecream:5;PieSweet:5;Oatmeal:5,
		FoodType = Berry,
		HerbalistType = Berry,
		OnEat = OnEat_WildFoodGeneric,
		DaysFresh = 6,
		DaysTotallyRotten = 10,
		HungerChange = -5,
		ThirstChange = -1,
		Calories = 23,
		Carbohydrates = 5,
		Lipids = 0,
		Proteins = 4,
		CustomEatSound = EatingFruit,
		WorldStaticModel = BerryWhite,
		EvolvedRecipeName = Berry,

See also