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Bottle of Disinfectant

From PZwiki
Project ZomboidItemsMedical itemsBottle of Disinfectant
UI Tick.png
This page has been revised for the current stable version (41.78.16).
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Bottle of Disinfectant
Disinfectant Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
10 units
Sterilize powerDisinfection
Item ID
Fights wound infection. Use on Bandages to improve healing.
— In-game tooltip.

A bottle of disinfectant is an item used in first aid.


A bottle of disinfectant can be used to disinfect items such as clean bandages, cotton balls, and clean ripped sheets in order to disinfect a wound. This allows for the prevention of infection. The bottle has 10 uses before it is exhausted.

If no bandages, cotton balls, or ripped sheets are carried, the bottle can also be used to apply directly to a wound, although this is less effective.


Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
Sterilized Bandage
Sterilized Bandage
One of:
Alcohol.png Bottle of Disinfectant ×3 unit(s)
WhiskeyFull.png Bourbon ×10 unit(s)
Cooking Pot with Water Cooking Pot with Water ×1
SaucepanEmpty.png Saucepan ×1
Each of:
Bandage.png Bandage ×1
none none none none
Sterilized Rag
Sterilized Rag
One of:
Alcohol.png Bottle of Disinfectant ×3 unit(s)
WhiskeyFull.png Bourbon ×10 unit(s)
Cooking Pot with Water Cooking Pot with Water ×1
SaucepanEmpty.png Saucepan ×1
Each of:
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
none none none none
Cotton Balls Doused in Alcohol
Cotton Balls Doused in Alcohol
One of:
Alcohol.png Bottle of Disinfectant ×1 unit(s)
WhiskeyFull.png Bourbon ×10 unit(s)
Each of:
CottonBalls.png Cotton Balls ×1
none none none none


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

Disinfectant distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
Bag_DoctorBag Bag_DoctorBag 6.41%
Bag_MedicalBag Trauma Bag 12.41%
FirstAidKit First Aid Kit 6.41%
MedicalCache1 MedicalBox 19.27%
Nurse crate 19.27%
Nurse metal_shelves 19.27%
SafehouseLoot counter 19.27%
SafehouseLoot medicine 19.27%
all junk 1.61%
all militarycrate 10.78%
bathroom counter 6.29%
bathroom medicine 6.29%
bathroom shelves 6.29%
closet crate 19.27%
dentiststorage metal_shelves 19.27%
garagestorage crate 19.27%
hospitalstorage metal_shelves 19.27%
kennels counter 19.27%
kennels metal_shelves 19.27%
laboratory crate 19.27%
laboratory desk 19.27%
laboratory metal_shelves 19.27%
medical counter 19.27%
medical metal_shelves 19.27%
medical wardrobe 19.27%
medicalstorage counter 19.27%
medicalstorage metal_shelves 19.27%
morgue metal_shelves 23.28%
morgue metal_shelves 41.14%
pharmacy counter 19.27%
pharmacy metal_shelves 19.27%
pharmacystorage counter 19.27%
pharmacystorage metal_shelves 19.27%
pharmacystorage shelves 19.27%
storageunit crate 19.27%
Type Container Effective chance
Ambulance Trunk 23.28%
Doctor Trunk 23.28%
Fire Trunk 19.27%



Version Description
38.30 Released on or before this version.

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Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item Disinfectant
        DisplayCategory = FirstAid,
        Type	            =	        Drainable,
        UseDelta	        =	        0.1,
        UseWhileEquipped	=           FALSE,
        DisplayName			=		    Bottle of Disinfectant,
        Icon				=			Alcohol,
        Weight				=			0.3,
        AlcoholPower        =           3,
        Tooltip = Tooltip_Disinfectant,
        Medical = TRUE,
        WorldStaticModel = Disinfectant,
		Tags = Disinfectant,

See also