Campfire Materials

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Project ZomboidItemsEquipmentCampfire Materials
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This page has been revised for the current stable version (41.78.16).
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Campfire Materials
CampfireMaterials Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Item ID

Campfire materials, previously called campfire kit, is a camping kit used to place a campfire in any location.


To place it, right-click on the ground and select "Build a fire" when the kit is in the player's inventory. The campfire will be placed, but will not be on fire.

To light the campfire, the player requires a fuel item, and either a lighter, matches, or a notched wooden plank with a sturdy stick. A campfire kit may be picked up and placed elsewhere, or left on the ground to re-ignite later. It is unnecessary to extinguish the campfire before picking it up. Any items inside the campfire will be placed on the ground if it is picked up, but fuel will be lost.

Starting a fire inside a building will burn the building down. This can be useful for clearing property or devastating to home bases.

Zombies are attracted to the light that fire gives off.


Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
TZ CampfireKitWood.png
Campfire Materials
One of:
Twigs.png Twigs ×1
Sheet.png Sheet ×1
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
RagDirty.png Dirty Rag ×1
Book.png Book ×1
Magazine.png Magazine ×1
Newspaper.png Newspaper ×1
Each of:
Logs.png Log ×2
none none none 0.75 Carpentry
TZ CampfireKitWood.png
Campfire Materials
One of:
Twigs.png Twigs ×1
Sheet.png Sheet ×1
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
RagDirty.png Dirty Rag ×1
Book.png Book ×1
Magazine.png Magazine ×1
Newspaper.png Newspaper ×1
Each of:
Plank.png Plank ×3
none none none 0.75 Carpentry


Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
TZ CampfireKitWood.png Campfire Materials ×1 none none none none


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

CampfireKit distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Amount Skill Level Biomes Weather modifiers Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
-- - DeepForest 10 - - - - - - -




Version Description
0.2.0r_RC2.5 Released on or before this version.

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Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\camping.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item CampfireKit
	    DisplayCategory = Camping,
		Type				=		Normal,
		DisplayName			=	 Campfire Materials,
		Icon				=		TZ_CampfireKitWood,
		Weight				=		2.0,
		WorldStaticModel = CampfireMaterials,

See also