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For the build 41.78.16 article, please see the old revision.
Cleaning liquid is a miscellaneous item.
Cleaning liquid, along with water, can be used to clean dirty or bloody clothing. Over the course of the zombie apocalypse, clothing will become dirty and bloody, which is dependant on the player's activities. If the player is wearing dirty or bloody clothing over an open wound, the chance of infection will increase.
Product | Ingredients | Tools | Requirements | Workstation | XP |
Clothing (clean) |
One of: Soap ×1 unit(s) Cleaning Liquid ×1 Each of: Clothing ×1 Water ×3 unit(s) |
none | none | none | none |
The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.
Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.
Building/Room | Container | Effective chance |
aesthetic | counter | 11.21% |
arenakitchen | counter | 19.68% |
arenakitchen | counter | 11.21% |
arenakitchenstorage | counter | 19.68% |
armysurplus | counter | 11.21% |
artstore | counter | 11.21% |
bakery | counter | 19.68% |
bakery | counter | 11.21% |
bakerykitchen | counter | 19.68% |
bar | counter | 19.68% |
bar | counter | 11.21% |
barbecuestore | counter | 11.21% |
barcounter | counter | 19.68% |
barcounter | counter | 11.21% |
barcountertwiggy | counter | 19.68% |
barcountertwiggy | counter | 11.21% |
barkitchen | counter | 19.68% |
barkitchen | counter | 11.21% |
barstorage | counter | 19.68% |
barstorage | counter | 11.21% |
baseballstore | counter | 11.21% |
bathroom | metal_shelves | 41.46% |
bathroom | metal_shelves | 23.67% |
bookstore | counter | 11.21% |
bowlingalley | counter | 11.21% |
breakroom | counter | 19.68% |
burgerkitchen | counter | 19.68% |
burgerkitchen | counter | 11.21% |
butcher | counter | 19.68% |
butcher | counter | 11.21% |
cafe | counter | 19.68% |
cafe | counter | 11.21% |
cafekitchen | counter | 19.68% |
cafekitchen | counter | 11.21% |
cafeteria | counter | 19.68% |
cafeteria | counter | 11.21% |
cafeteriakitchen | counter | 19.68% |
cafeteriakitchen | counter | 11.21% |
camerastore | counter | 11.21% |
camping | counter | 11.21% |
candystore | counter | 19.68% |
candystore | counter | 11.21% |
carsupply | counter | 11.21% |
catfish_dining | counter | 11.21% |
catfish_kitchen | counter | 19.68% |
chinesekitchen | counter | 19.68% |
chineserestaurant | counter | 19.68% |
closet | cardboardbox | 11.21% |
closet | smallbox | 11.21% |
clothingstore | counter | 11.21% |
conveniencestore | counter | 11.21% |
cornerstore | counter | 11.21% |
cornerstorecounter | counter | 11.21% |
cornerstorestorage | counter | 41.46% |
cornerstorestorage | counter | 23.67% |
dartgame | counter | 11.21% |
deepfry_kitchen | counter | 19.68% |
departmentstore | counter | 11.21% |
dinerbackroom | counter | 19.68% |
dinercounter | counter | 19.68% |
dinerkitchen | counter | 19.68% |
dining | counter | 19.68% |
donut_dining | counter | 11.21% |
donut_kitchen | counter | 19.68% |
druglab | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
druglab | counter | 23.67% |
druglab | crate | 23.67% |
druglab | desk | 23.67% |
druglab | overhead | 23.67% |
druglab | smallbox | 23.67% |
duckshootgame | counter | 11.21% |
electronicstore | counter | 11.21% |
fishchipskitchen | counter | 19.68% |
fishingstorage | counter | 11.21% |
fossoil | counter | 11.21% |
fossoil | shelves | 41.46% |
fossoil | shelves | 23.67% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 11.21% |
garagestorage | smallbox | 11.21% |
gardenstore | counter | 11.21% |
gas2go | counter | 11.21% |
gas2go | shelves | 41.46% |
gas2go | shelves | 23.67% |
gasstorage | counter | 41.46% |
gasstorage | counter | 23.67% |
gasstore | counter | 11.21% |
gasstore | shelves | 41.46% |
gasstore | shelves | 23.67% |
generalstore | counter | 11.21% |
generalstore | shelves | 41.46% |
generalstore | shelves | 23.67% |
generalstorestorage | counter | 11.21% |
giftstore | counter | 11.21% |
gigamart | counter | 11.21% |
gigamart | shelves | 41.46% |
gigamart | shelves | 23.67% |
gigamartkitchen | counter | 19.68% |
gigamartkitchen | counter | 11.21% |
glassesstore | counter | 11.21% |
golfstore | counter | 11.21% |
grocery | counter | 11.21% |
grocery | shelves | 41.46% |
grocery | shelves | 23.67% |
gunstore | counter | 11.21% |
hall | counter | 11.21% |
hoopgame | counter | 11.21% |
hospitalroom | counter | 11.21% |
hotdogstand | counter | 19.68% |
hotdogstand | counter | 11.21% |
hunting | counter | 11.21% |
icecream | counter | 11.21% |
icecreamkitchen | counter | 19.68% |
italiankitchen | counter | 19.68% |
italianrestaurant | counter | 11.21% |
janitor | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
janitor | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
janitor | counter | 41.46% |
janitor | counter | 23.67% |
janitor | crate | 41.46% |
janitor | crate | 23.67% |
janitor | metal_shelves | 41.46% |
janitor | metal_shelves | 23.67% |
janitor | smallbox | 41.46% |
janitor | smallbox | 23.67% |
jayschicken_dining | counter | 11.21% |
jayschicken_kitchen | counter | 19.68% |
jewelrystore | counter | 11.21% |
kitchen | counter | 3.43% |
kitchen_crepe | counter | 19.68% |
kitchen_crepe | counter | 11.21% |
laboratory | cardboardbox | 11.21% |
laboratory | crate | 11.21% |
laboratory | desk | 11.21% |
laboratory | metal_shelves | 11.21% |
laboratory | smallbox | 11.21% |
laundry | counter | 11.21% |
laundry | metal_shelves | 11.21% |
laundry | shelves | 11.21% |
leatherclothesstore | counter | 11.21% |
lingeriestore | counter | 11.21% |
liquorstore | counter | 11.21% |
livingroom | cardboardbox | 11.21% |
livingroom | counter | 3.43% |
livingroom | crate | 11.21% |
livingroom | smallbox | 11.21% |
lobby | counter | 11.21% |
mechanic | wardrobe | 11.21% |
mexicankitchen | counter | 19.68% |
movierental | counter | 11.21% |
musicstore | counter | 11.21% |
pawnshop | counter | 11.21% |
pharmacy | counter | 11.21% |
pharmacy | shelves | 41.46% |
pharmacy | shelves | 23.67% |
pileocrepe | counter | 11.21% |
pizzakitchen | counter | 19.68% |
pizzawhirled | counter | 11.21% |
pizzawhirledcounter | counter | 11.21% |
plazastore1 | counter | 11.21% |
restaurantdining | counter | 11.21% |
restaurantkitchen | counter | 19.68% |
ringtossgame | counter | 11.21% |
schoolstorage | counter | 41.46% |
schoolstorage | counter | 23.67% |
seafoodkitchen | counter | 19.68% |
sewingstore | counter | 11.21% |
shed | smallbox | 11.21% |
shoestore | counter | 11.21% |
spiffo_dining | counter | 11.21% |
spiffoskitchen | counter | 19.68% |
sportstorage | counter | 11.21% |
sportstore | counter | 11.21% |
storageunit | cardboardbox | 11.21% |
storageunit | crate | 11.21% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 11.21% |
storageunit | smallbox | 11.21% |
SurvivorCacheBigBuilding | counter | 3.43% |
sushidining | counter | 11.21% |
sushikitchen | counter | 19.68% |
theatrekitchen | counter | 19.68% |
theatrekitchen | counter | 11.21% |
throwgame | counter | 11.21% |
thundergas | counter | 11.21% |
thundergas | shelves | 41.46% |
thundergas | shelves | 23.67% |
toolstore | counter | 11.21% |
toystore | counter | 11.21% |
viplounge | counter | 19.68% |
walletshop | counter | 11.21% |
weddingstoresuit | counter | 11.21% |
westernkitchen | counter | 19.68% |
ww_blacksmith | counter | 11.21% |
ww_generalstore | counter | 11.21% |
ww_toolstore | counter | 11.21% |
zippeestorage | counter | 41.46% |
zippeestorage | counter | 23.67% |
zippeestore | counter | 11.21% |
zippeestore | shelves | 41.46% |
zippeestore | shelves | 23.67% |
Amount | Skill level | Biome: chance | Weather modifiers % | Month modifiers | |||||
Snow | Rain | Day | Night | Months available | Bonus months | Malus months | |||
1 | 0 | DeepForest: 50 Farm: 50 FarmLand: 50 ForagingNav: 50 Forest: 50 TownZone: 50 TrailerPark: 50 Vegitation: 50 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- The item with the ID Base.CleaningLiquid cannot be found in the game and is obsolete. The only item that can be found in game is now Base.CleaningLiquid2.
Version | Description |
Build 41.49 | Removed on this version. |
Build 32.14 | Released on this version. |
Version | Description |
Build 42.0.0 | ContainerName added with value BottleCleaningLiquid .CustomContextMenu added with value Drink .CustomDrinkSound added with value DrinkingFromBottlePlastic .FillFromDispenserSound added with value GetWaterFromDispenserPlastic .FillFromLakeSound added with value GetWaterFromLakeBottle .FillFromTapSound added with value GetWaterFromTapPlasticMedium .StaticModel added with value CleaningLiquid .Type changed from Drainable to Normal .UseDelta removed.UseWhileEquipped removed.Weight changed from 1.0 to 0.3 .WeightEmpty removed.capacity added with value 0.5 .fluid added with value {'CleaningLiquid': '1.0'} . |
Build 41.65 | DisplayCategory added with value Household . |
Build 41.50 | WorldStaticModel added with value CleaningLiquid . |
Build 41.40 | Weight changed from 0.3 to 1.0 .WeightEmpty added with value 0.3 . |
Build 41.18 | Released on this version. |
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt
item CleaningLiquid
DisplayCategory = Household,
Weight = 0.3,
Type = Normal,
DisplayName = Cleaning Liquid,
Icon = CleaningLiquid,
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_cleaning.txt
item CleaningLiquid2
DisplayName = Cleaning Liquid,
DisplayCategory = Household,
Type = Normal,
Weight = 0.3,
Icon = CleaningLiquid,
CustomContextMenu = Drink,
FillFromDispenserSound = GetWaterFromDispenserPlastic,
FillFromLakeSound = GetWaterFromLakeBottle,
FillFromTapSound = GetWaterFromTapPlasticMedium,
StaticModel = CleaningLiquid,
WorldStaticModel = CleaningLiquid,
component FluidContainer
ContainerName = BottleCleaningLiquid,
capacity = 0.5,
CustomDrinkSound = DrinkingFromBottlePlastic,
fluid = CleaningLiquid:1.0,