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Collected Yeats - Audio Book

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Project ZomboidWorldLoreMediaCDsCollected Yeats - Audio Book
UI Tick.png
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CD: Collected Yeats - Audio Book
Disk Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
BoredomUI Bored.png
-5 per line
Item ID
Media ID

Collected Yeats - Audio Book is a CD and entertainment source that alleviates boredom.


A CD is used in conjunction with a ValuTech PortaDisc. It can be listened to with earbuds or headphones. CDs are regularly found in houses and in various containers. The player can reduce boredom by -5 for each line of dialog while playing the CD.

This CD plays an audiobook format of Collected Yeats, a book by W.B. Yeats. The book consists of the poems and work of the author, who is a poet.




Turning and turning in the widening gyre...
... the falcon cannot hear the falconer.
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold.
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
the blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere...
The best lack all conviction, while the worst...
... are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand.
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out...
... when a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi...
... troubles my sight: Somewhere in sands of the desert...
... a shape with lion body and the head of a man.
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun...
... is moving its slow thighs, while all about it...
... reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know...
... that twenty centuries of stony sleep...
... were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle.
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Back cover



W.B. Yeats.



The collected works of the celebrated poet W.B. Yeats.


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

Disc_Retail distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
all cardboardbox 1.13%
all dresser 6.74%
all officedrawers 6.74%
all shelves 3.43%
all smallbox 1.13%
all wardrobe 6.74%
armytent locker 4.44%
BandPractice cardboardbox 41.46%
BandPractice cardboardbox 23.67%
BandPractice crate 41.46%
BandPractice crate 23.67%
BandPractice metal_shelves 41.46%
BandPractice metal_shelves 23.67%
BandPractice smallbox 41.46%
BandPractice smallbox 23.67%
bathroom locker 6.74%
bedroom cardboardbox 76.71%
bedroom cardboardbox 41.46%
bedroom cardboardbox 23.67%
bedroom cardboardbox 1.13%
bedroom crate 76.71%
bedroom crate 41.46%
bedroom crate 23.67%
bedroom crate 1.13%
bedroom desk 11.21%
bedroom dresser 6.74%
bedroom sidetable 6.74%
bedroom smallbox 76.71%
bedroom smallbox 41.46%
bedroom smallbox 23.67%
bedroom wardrobe 6.74%
cardealershipoffice shelves 3.43%
changeroom locker 6.74%
changeroomjockey locker 6.74%
closet cardboardbox 76.71%
closet cardboardbox 41.46%
closet cardboardbox 23.67%
closet cardboardbox 6.74%
closet cardboardbox 1.13%
closet metal_shelves 3.43%
closet smallbox 76.71%
closet smallbox 41.46%
closet smallbox 23.67%
closet smallbox 6.74%
daycare wardrobe 6.74%
electronicstore counter 76.71%
electronicstore counter 41.46%
electronicstore shelves 76.71%
electronicstore shelves 41.46%
elementaryschool locker 10.38%
elementaryschool locker 5.77%
factorystorage locker 6.74%
garagestorage cardboardbox 76.71%
garagestorage cardboardbox 41.46%
garagestorage cardboardbox 23.67%
garagestorage cardboardbox 6.74%
garagestorage cardboardbox 1.13%
garagestorage crate 1.13%
garagestorage locker 6.74%
garagestorage smallbox 76.71%
garagestorage smallbox 41.46%
garagestorage smallbox 23.67%
garagestorage smallbox 6.74%
hall locker 10.38%
hall locker 5.77%
joanstudio shelves 11.21%
kidsbedroom cardboardbox 76.71%
kidsbedroom cardboardbox 41.46%
kidsbedroom cardboardbox 23.67%
kidsbedroom crate 76.71%
kidsbedroom crate 41.46%
kidsbedroom crate 23.67%
kidsbedroom dresser 6.74%
kidsbedroom sidetable 6.74%
kidsbedroom smallbox 76.71%
kidsbedroom smallbox 41.46%
kidsbedroom smallbox 23.67%
kidsbedroom wardrobe 6.74%
kitchen cardboardbox 6.74%
kitchen crate 6.74%
kitchen smallbox 76.71%
kitchen smallbox 41.46%
kitchen smallbox 23.67%
kitchen smallbox 6.74%
laboratory locker 6.74%
laundry locker 6.74%
livingroom cardboardbox 76.71%
livingroom cardboardbox 41.46%
livingroom cardboardbox 23.67%
livingroom cardboardbox 6.74%
livingroom crate 76.71%
livingroom crate 41.46%
livingroom crate 23.67%
livingroom crate 6.74%
livingroom shelves 11.21%
livingroom sidetable 6.74%
livingroom smallbox 76.71%
livingroom smallbox 41.46%
livingroom smallbox 23.67%
livingroom smallbox 6.74%
livingroom wardrobe 6.74%
livingroom wardrobe 3.43%
musicstore cardboardbox 76.71%
musicstore cardboardbox 41.46%
musicstore cardboardbox 23.67%
musicstore crate 76.71%
musicstore crate 41.46%
musicstore crate 23.67%
musicstore shelves 76.71%
musicstore shelves 41.46%
musicstore shelves 23.67%
musicstore smallbox 76.71%
musicstore smallbox 41.46%
musicstore smallbox 23.67%
nolansoffice shelves 3.43%
office shelves 3.43%
officechurch shelves 3.43%
pawnshop cardboardbox 76.71%
pawnshop cardboardbox 41.46%
pawnshop cardboardbox 23.67%
pawnshop counter 76.71%
pawnshop counter 41.46%
pawnshop crate 76.71%
pawnshop crate 41.46%
pawnshop crate 23.67%
pawnshop shelves 76.71%
pawnshop shelves 41.46%
pawnshop shelves 23.67%
pawnshop smallbox 76.71%
pawnshop smallbox 41.46%
pawnshop smallbox 23.67%
pawnshopoffice cardboardbox 76.71%
pawnshopoffice cardboardbox 41.46%
pawnshopoffice cardboardbox 23.67%
pawnshopoffice crate 76.71%
pawnshopoffice crate 41.46%
pawnshopoffice crate 23.67%
pawnshopoffice smallbox 76.71%
pawnshopoffice smallbox 41.46%
pawnshopoffice smallbox 23.67%
policelocker locker 6.74%
recreation shelves 5.77%
SafehouseLoot shelves 23.67%
SafehouseLoot shelves 11.21%
SafehouseLoot_Late shelves 23.67%
SafehouseLoot_Late shelves 11.21%
SafehouseLoot_Mid shelves 23.67%
SafehouseLoot_Mid shelves 11.21%
secondaryhall locker 10.38%
secondaryhall locker 5.77%
security counter 3.43%
security desk 3.43%
security locker 6.74%
shed cardboardbox 1.13%
shed smallbox 76.71%
shed smallbox 41.46%
shed smallbox 23.67%
shed smallbox 6.74%
storageunit cardboardbox 6.74%
storageunit cardboardbox 1.13%
storageunit crate 6.74%
storageunit crate 1.13%
storageunit metal_shelves 6.74%
storageunit metal_shelves 1.13%
storageunit smallbox 6.74%
storageunit smallbox 1.13%
studio shelves 11.21%
Type Container Effective chance
Ambulance Glove Box 1.73%
Ambulance Seat Front 1.73%
Evacuee Seat Front 2.93%
Evacuee Seat Rear 2.93%
Pack Rat Glove Box 42.53%
Pack Rat Seat Front 42.53%
Pack Rat Seat Rear 42.53%


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_entertainment.txt

Retrieved: Build 42.0.2
item Disc_Retail
		DisplayName = CD,
		DisplayCategory = Entertainment,
		Type = Normal,
		Weight = 0.3,
		Icon = Disc,
		MediaCategory = CDs,
		WorldStaticModel = Disk,

See also