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Curtains are draped on many windows inside the game world. They hide light and movement from any zombies which may be lurking in the vicinity, making it far easier to go undetected when hiding in a safehouse. Some houses have windows that already come with curtains. However, most windows don't have curtains on them and curtains must be added manually.

For windows without curtains, sheets can be placed over them. With a sheet in the inventory (not in a bag), right-click on a window to place the sheet. Or drag the sheet to a window and click. Sheet curtains behave slightly differently than standard curtains. By default, they cover half of the window, and in the lowered position will cover the entire window. However, the same mechanic applies: simply highlight the curtains with a pointer and click to lower or raise them, or right-click the window to bring up the drop-down menu. Bedsheet curtains may not look as stylish as regular curtains, but they get the job done.

By right-clicking a window, a drop-down menu can be opened, if the window has a sheet or curtain attached, it can be removed.

Curtains prevent the player (and wandering zombies) from seeing in or out of a window. This is very useful while looting a building or sleeping as it prevents zombies from sneaking up on the player or being attracted to their location.

While many windows already have curtains, those lacking curtains can have a sheet added to them by the player (assuming a sheet is in the player's main inventory). This is accomplished by right-clicking on the window and selecting "Add Sheet". After the sheet is added, the makeshift curtain can be open and closed as any other curtain by right-clicking and selecting the appropriate action.

Both residential and sheet curtains can be removed by right-clicking, which adds a sheet to the player's inventory.


There are multiple ways to close and open a curtain.

  • Right-clicking the curtain or sheet and clicking close or open curtain.
  • Holding ⇧ Shift and clicking on the curtain to open or close the curtain.
  • Holding ⇧ Shift and pressing E to close or open the curtain.
Curtain function

How to use them:

  • Go to the window that has curtains on it.
  • Hold down the shift button and left-click on the window.

But curtains can be closed by calling the context menu by right-clicking on the window and selecting the appropriate item.

  • In case there are no curtains at the end, a sheet can be used.
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Object Description Encumbrance Size
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Skill Tool Skill Tool

See also