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Drunk is a moodle that represents the character's intoxication level.
Occurs when the player has drunk alcohol and has become intoxicated. Being drunk increases fatigue depending on the level of drunkenness. It also makes the character generate less heat, and delays driving controls. While drunk, it only takes half the usual amount of sleeping tablets to overdose.
This moodle will disappear over time, with sleep and rest speeding up the process. Despite the moodle's description, the character's movement and vaulting/climbing abilities currently appear unaffected. Weapons can also be used at normal capacity, it does, however, affect search mode.
Moodle levels
A bit tipsy
Downed some booze.
- Occurs when drunkenness is above 10%.
Co-ordination slightly impaired.
- Occurs when drunkenness is above 30%.
Co-ordination impaired.
- Occurs when drunkenness is above 50%.
Utterly shit-faced
'Iss you an' me 'gainst the wurld. I love you. I LOVE YOU.'
- Occurs when drunkenness is above 70%.