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PlushSpiffo.pngThis article is about medical items, classified in-game as First Aid. For first aid skill, see First Aid.


Icon Name Encumbrance Bandage Power Effect Item ID
Bandaid.png Adhesive Bandages 0.05 1.5 Stops bleeding and increases the rate of healing. Base.Bandaid
Bandage.png Bandage 0.1 4.0 Stops bleeding and increases the rate of healing. Base.Bandage
Bandage.png Sterilized Bandage 0.1 4.0 Stops bleeding and increases the rate of healing. Decreases chance of infection. Base.AlcoholBandage
BandageDirty.png Dirty Bandage 0.1 0.5 Stops bleeding. Increased chance of infection. Base.BandageDirty
DenimStrips.png Denim Strips 0.05 2.0 Stops bleeding and increases the rate of healing. Base.DenimStrips
DenimStrips.png Dirty Denim Strips 0.05 0.5 Stops bleeding and increases the rate of healing. Base.DenimStripsDirty
LeatherStrips.png Leather Strips 0.05 2.0 Stops bleeding and increases the rate of healing. Base.LeatherStrips
LeatherStrips.png Dirty Leather Strips 0.05 0.5 Stops bleeding and increases the rate of healing. Base.LeatherStripsDirty
Rag.png Ripped Sheets 0.05 2.0 Stops bleeding and increases the rate of healing. Base.RippedSheets
Rag.png Sterilized Rag 0.05 2.0 Stops bleeding and increases the rate of healing. Decreases chance of infection. Base.AlcoholRippedSheets
RagDirty.png Dirty Rag 0.05 0.5 Stops bleeding. Increased chance of infection. Base.RippedSheetsDirty
Splint.png Splint 1.0 - Aids recovery from broken bones. Reduces time taken to heal. Base.Splint


Icon Name Encumbrance Alcohol Power Effect Item ID
AlcoholWipes.png Alcohol Wipes 0.2 4.0 Used to sterilize wounds and aid recovery from infection. Base.AlcoholWipes
Alcohol.png Bottle of Disinfectant 0.3 3.0 Fights wound infection. Use on bandages to improve healing. Base.Disinfectant
CottonBalls.png Cotton Balls Doused in Alcohol 0.1 4.0 Used to sterilize wounds and aid recovery from infection. Base.AlcoholedCottonBalls
WhiskeyFull.png Bourbon 0.7 2.0 Fights wound infection. Use on bandages to improve healing. Base.WhiskeyFull

Herbal remedies


Icon Name Encumbrance Effect Item ID
BlackSage.png Black Sage 0.1 Provides -7 pain relief, -1 hunger. Base.BlackSage
Comfrey.png Comfrey 0.1 Aids recovery from broken bones when applied as a poultice. Base.Comfrey
CommonMallow.png Common Mallow 0.1 Eat to relieve -5 cold and flu symptoms, -1 hunger. Base.CommonMallow
Ginseng.png Ginseng 0.1 Eat to restore 2 endurance, -1 hunger. Base.Ginseng
LemonGrass.png Lemongrass 0.1 Eat to soothe bouts of -12 food poisoning, -1 hunger. Base.LemonGrass
PlantainPlantago.png Plantain 0.1 Aids recovery from wounds when applied as a poultice. Base.Plantain
WildGarlic.png Wild Garlic 0.1 Helps to fight against infection when applied as a poultice. Base.WildGarlic


Icon Name Encumbrance Effect Item ID
MashedHerbs.png Comfrey Poultice 0.2 Aids recovery from broken bones when applied as a poultice. Base.ComfreyCataplasm
MashedHerbs.png Plantain Poultice 0.2 Aids recovery from wounds when applied as a poultice. Base.PlantainCataplasm
MashedHerbs.png Wild Garlic Poultice 0.2 Helps to fight against infection when applied as poultice. Base.WildGarlicCataplasm

Medical equipment

Icon Name Encumbrance Effect Item ID
Coldpack.png Cold Pack 0.1 Used in improvised defensive devices. Requires known recipe of Engineer profession. Base.Coldpack
CottonBalls.png Cotton Balls 0.1 Can be doused in alcohol. Base.CottonBalls
MortarPestle.png Mortar and Pestle 0.3 Used to make poultice. Base.MortarPestle
SutureNeedle.png Suture Needle 0.1 Used to stitch deep wounds. Base.SutureNeedle
SutureNeedleHolder.png Suture Needle Holder 0.1 Improves the success rate of suture needles. Base.SutureNeedleHolder
Tissue.png Tissue 0.1 Mutes the effects of colds. Base.Tissue
Tweezers.png Tweezers 0.1 Used to extract broken glass and bullets. Base.Tweezers


Icon Name Encumbrance Effect Item ID
Antibiotics.png Antibiotics 0.1 Fights wound infections. Cannot prevent zombification. Base.Antibiotics
PillsAntidepressant.png Antidepressants 0.2 Reduces unhappiness over a sustained period. Base.PillsAntiDep
PillsBetablocker.png Beta Blockers 0.2 Reduces panic. Base.PillsBeta
IckySticks.png Cigarettes 0.01 Smoke for a slight reduction to stress. Base.Cigarettes
PillsPainkiller.png Painkillers 0.2 Reduces feelings of pain. Base.Pills
PillsSleeping.png Sleeping Tablets 0.2 Helps in getting to sleep. Useful when anxious or in pain. Base.PillsSleepingTablets
Vitamins.png Vitamins 0.2 Provides a burst of energy when taken. Reduces fatigue. Base.PillsVitamins

See also