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Muldraugh, KY
Muldraugh, KY
Muldraugh town logo
Muldraugh, KY
Isometric view of Muldraugh
3566 (estimated)
"The Gateway to Gold"
United States of America
Map location
Muldraugh is a small town in an area the locals know as "Knox Country" - the dead center of the State of Kentucky. It grew as an Army town, but now welcomes folks from all walks of life - some commuters to the bigger towns nearby, some military families and some living below the poverty line. It's a small place, filled with good people - not to mention Spiffo's finest Chicken and Biscuits this side of Kentucky! Sure, not much happens here - but that doesn't mean Muldraugh life is dull...
— In-game description

Muldraugh is a small town located roughly in the middle of Knox Country, and is heavily based on the real-life town of the same name. It serves as the starting location for Winter Is Coming, A Really CD DA, is one of the four possible starting locations in sandbox mode, and is the starting location for the upcoming (previously removed) story mode - 'Til Death Us Do Part. It sits only on one side of Dixie Hwy (Route 31W), south of Louisville.


Muldraugh is a particularly low wealth and low income town, with much of its infrastructure noticeably old and in poor shape. Many of its shops have been abandoned and cleared out prior to the Knox Event, with many stores being for sale or lease. Many residents lived below the poverty line, relying on Muldraugh's soup kitchen on Dixie Hwy and the large amount of mobile homes for shelter.

Muldraugh is an overall medium difficulty town, being more difficult to survive in than Rosewood or Riverside, but far easier to survive in than West Point. There is a sizable zombie population compared to most other towns, however, the abundance of weapons and high value loot, as well as the tendency of most of the zombie population to be clustered around a few key areas, make the high number of zombies less of a problem. Some of the key looting areas are the large amount of self storage lots, the McCoy Logging Co., the police station, Cortman Medical, and the factories on the outskirts.


Muldraugh can generally be divided into two districts.


Most of the town is composed of the large residential district, with various houses and trailer parks that are noticeably lower-class, along with a few stores and offices, dotting the landscape. With the exception of the small Gated community on the southeastern side of town, the houses tend to be rather small and not contain much loot on their own. This is especially true with trailers, and can be a problem on higher loot rarity settings. The zombie population tends to be relatively sizable, with small pockets of larger populations surrounding the occasional office building or store in the district.


Nearly all of Muldraugh's commercial district lies on Dixie Highway. As such, most of the businesses and loot-rich locations are fairly close to each other. However, the section of Dixie Highway is swarming with thousands of zombies, making venturing into this area highly dangerous if the player is unprepared. It is not recommended to rely solely on melee weapons in this area due to the high population of zombies and potential for exhaustion, unless the player is armed with highly effective weapons such as katanas, garden forks, or pick axes, or if they have high nimble and weapon skills across the board. The use of Molotovs, fire bombs, or firearms is highly recommended if the player wishes to clear out this area.


Community services

Business Type Coordinates
Adult Education Center Education 10646x9905
Muldraugh Elementary Education 10618x9968
Police station Police station 10636x10411
Holy Grace Church Church 10778x10172
First Baptist Chapel Chapel 10721x9712

Retail & Commercial

Business Type Coordinates
Bakery Bakery 10619x9609
Book store Book store 10611x10366
Clothing store Clothing store 10611x10375
Conven-U-Mart Convenience store 10840x10031
Appliance store Appliance store 10616x9883
Hair salon Hair salon 10610x10323
Tattoo 42 Tattoo parlor 10619x10158
Family Fashion Clothing store 10613x9440
Food Market Grocery store 10850x9763
Grocery store Grocery store 10841x10030
General store General store 10837x9536
Greene's Grocery store 10611x10256
Genteel-y Used Thrift store 10631x9905
Liquorty-Split Liquor store 10612x9906
Hit Vids! Video rental store 10609x10452
Zippee Market Convenience store 10605x9613
Coin Op Laundromat Laundromat 10608x9469
Fossoil Gas station 10625x9762
Gas 2 Go Gas station 10663x10625
Office complex Offices 10694x10340
Legal Services Law firm 10626x10156
H. Smith Attorney Law firm 10650x9651
Bail Bonds Law firm 10629x10138
Valu In$urance Insurance office 10628x10132
Knox Bank Bank 10629x9697
Grocery stall Stall 9329x8069


Business Type Coordinates
McCoy Logging Co. Logging yard; Factories 10372x9637
T.I.S. Construction Construction site 10079x9593
Factories Factories 10095x10940
Auto shop Vehicle repair 10606x9406
Mass-Genfac Co. Warehouse 10617x9313
L&B Warehousing Warehouse/cargo distributor 10712x10443
Secure Storage Storage lot 10615x9376
Stor-A-Max Storage building 10752x10348
U-Store It Storage lot 10686x9830
Clark Storage Storage lot 10708x10121
Railyard Industrial cargo hub 11645x9938
Train station Abandoned Train station 11080x9234

Restaurant & Entertainment

Business Type Coordinates
Buffet Restaurant 10629x9441
Burgers Fast food 10608x9475
Cafe Restaurant 10649x9928
Diner Restaurant 10619x10561
Jay's Chicken Fast food 10618x9566
Pile o' Crepe Restaurant 10621x9511
Pizza Whirled Restaurant 10606x10111
Abandoned Pizzeria Restaurant 10625x10047
Restaurant (Muldraugh) Restaurant 10620x10528
Smokey's Saloon & Restaurant Restaurant 10621x9224
Spiffo's Fast food 10623x9651
Soup kitchen Communal dining area 10610x10304
The Rusty Rifle Bar 10762x10550
Food stall Stall 10549x9697


Business Type Coordinates
Sunstar Motel Motel 10628x9815
Waites Motel Motel 10899x9756


Business Type Coordinates
Cortman Medical Medical 10878x10030


  • The greatest danger in Muldraugh is exhaustion. The high zombie population necessitates nearly constant fighting to survive. Due to this, it is easy to become exhausted from constant fights with zeds if the player is not careful. The town layout is very open with lots of wide open roads, lots, and spaces. This allows for zombies to easily spot the player and attack from nearly all sides. Characters with poor fitness or that rely extensively on stealth will be at a severe disadvantage in Muldraugh. Don't get too comfortable, and always rest between fights.
  • Due to the aforementioned distibution of zombies, it is not recommended to go into Muldraugh guns blazing without high Nimble, Aiming, or weapon skills. It might be a better idea to slowly lure zombies away from hordes, or to simply avoid large hordes and the areas they congregate in during the first weeks after the player spawns.
  • Stay away from Dixie Highway while in Muldraugh if at all possible, unless the player is prepared to fight thousands of zombies at once. If the player is spotted by the helicopter near Dixie Highway, they are as good as dead without a quick means of escape.
  • The various warehouses and self storage buildings in the northern side of town are great sources of weapons to fend off the large amounts of zombies.

Starting locations

The starting locations dependant on the player's chosen occupation. Any occupations not mentioned will default to unemployed starting locations.

Building Coordinates Occupation(s)
House TwoStory Muldraugh A.png
Small two-story house
10918x10133 Unemployed
Police Officer
Construction Worker
Security Guard
Park Ranger
Fire Officer
House OneStory Muldraugh B.png
Small one-story house
10803x10073 Unemployed
Police Officer
Construction Worker
Security Guard
Park Ranger
Fire Officer
IsolatedHouse Muldraugh.png
House near forest
10942x9372 Unemployed
Police Officer
Construction Worker
Security Guard
Park Ranger
Fire Officer
House Mobile Muldraugh A.png
Mobile home
10951x9490 Unemployed
Police Officer
Construction Worker
Security Guard
Park Ranger
Fire Officer
House Mobile Muldraugh B.png
Mobile home
10872x9489 Unemployed
Police Officer
Construction Worker
Security Guard
Park Ranger
Fire Officer
House Mobile Muldraugh C.png
Mobile home
10976x9785 Unemployed
Police Officer
Construction Worker
Security Guard
Park Ranger
Fire Officer
House OneStory Muldraugh G.png
Small one-story house
10851x9846 Unemployed
Police Officer
Construction Worker
Security Guard
Park Ranger
Fire Officer
House OneStory Muldraugh D.png
Tiny one-story house
10854x9894 Unemployed
Police Officer
Construction Worker
Security Guard
Park Ranger
Fire Officer
House OneStory Muldraugh C.png
Small one-story house
10908x9994 Unemployed
Police Officer
Construction Worker
Security Guard
Park Ranger
Fire Officer
House TwoStory Muldraugh B.png
Two-story house
10884x10159 Unemployed
Police Officer
Construction Worker
Security Guard
Park Ranger
Fire Officer
House TwoStory Muldraugh C.png
Two-story house
10923x10096 Unemployed
Police Officer
Construction Worker
Security Guard
Park Ranger
Fire Officer
House OneStory Muldraugh A.png
Small one-story house
10862x10247 Police Officer
Construction Worker
Security Guard
Park Ranger
Fire Officer
ConvenienceStore Muldraugh.png
General store
10840x9536 Security Guard
IsolatedHouse Muldraugh.png
House near forest
10940x9374 Park Ranger
Burgers (Muldraugh).png
10606x9474 Chef
Diner Muldraugh.png
10624x10533 Chef
Spiffos Muldraugh.png
10629x9658 Chef
Cortman Medical.png
Cortman Medical
10876x10028 Doctor


Muldraugh has been the focal point for Project Zomboid ever since its first release as a tech demo in 2011. The town design has changed substantially since, starting with just one cell and later increased to two. Since everything was crammed into a small space, the town wasn't very interesting and rather confusing, with some houses having to make do without bedrooms or bathrooms. Leading up to the Steam release in November of 2013, the town of Muldraugh was wiped out and rebuilt, basing it on the satellite image of the real world Muldraugh. The town itself is now approximately 10 cells with the outskirts expanding to more than 200 cells.


  • The conspiracy crap??? tape mentions that years ago, the Muldraugh area was the subject of military tests. Mass cattle deaths, a strange taste in tap water and an odd stench in the air were all reported. This may indicate the US Military's involvement with the Knox Event, but it is currently unconfirmed, and the lore of the Knox Event itself will likely be expanded upon in a future update.
  • The town's name, pronounced mull-drow, (rhymes with "bull crow") supposedly originates from needing a mule-drawn wagon to reach the town.


See also