Patch 0.2.0b

From PZwiki
Patch 0.2.0b
Latest release
March 12, 2012
Stable release
March 12, 2012

Patch 0.2.0b was released March 12, 2012.


  • Lowered zombie count some to tone down difficulty and help performance.
  • NPCs chance of being 'loners' lowered a tad.
  • Fixed bug where player's random 'loner' stat was used instead of NPCs, meaning if player rolled a high loner stat they would not likely find any NPCs who would join them.
  • Increased priority follow behaviour.
  • Multiplied bravery effect, and removed debug capping to 50% max bravery. Cowards will still run away rather than follow, but brave people are more likely to stick with you.
  • Barricading / Sheet Rope fixed. Sheet ropes only work out of diag forward facing windows for now tho.
  • Numerous map fixes.