Return of the Nightwatcher

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Project ZomboidWorldLoreMediaVHS tapesRetail VHSReturn of the Nightwatcher
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VHS: Return of the Nightwatcher
VHSBox2 Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
BoredomUI Bored.png
-5 per line
Item ID
Media ID

Return of the Nightwatcher is a VHS features a movie from the world of Project Zomboid.


Return of the Nightwatcher is a VHS regularly found in retail, and VHS stores such as Hit Vids!.

The player can reduce boredom by -5 for each line of dialog when in the vicinity of a television playing the VHS.

The tape includes an action movie where The Nightwatcher is the main character and protagonist. He is fighting his greatest adversary: The Stockbrocker.



Henchman 1:

I can't hit him... I can't even see him... he blends into the night!

Henchman 2:

But the Nightwatcher is dead!


No. I was only resting and watching... the night.


Hoo hoo hoo, the streets of Porter City have never been worse...
...and my profits have never been higher! Hoo hoo hoo!


Actually Stockbroker, I've done a simple ROT analysis...
... and by year's end, Porter City's crime rate will affect our profit margin.


Is that so? My own analysis found differently.
But no matter. By the way, grab that clipboard for me, would you?
*electrical fizzing and screaming*
Hoo hoo hoo!


Your reign of terror is over, Stockbroker. I sent your secret report... Porter City TV. Your return on investment is nil.


You'll come crawling back when the economy collapses without me!


The Stockbroker in prison. Mark that as a loss for you, and a profit for society.
And I'll keep watching... the night...

Back cover


The Nightwatcher returns to fight his greatest nemesis: The Stockbroker. With the streets of Porter City in turmoil and stock markets soaring ever higher, will the Nightwatcher be able to balance destroying villainy with a healthy free market economy? 1989. PG-13.


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

VHS_Retail distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
bedroom crate 1.01%
bedroom crate 23.28%
bedroom crate 41.14%
bedroom crate 76.55%
closet crate 1.01%
closet crate 3.98%
closet crate 23.28%
closet crate 41.14%
closet crate 76.55%
conveniencestore shelves 23.28%
conveniencestore shelves 41.14%
conveniencestore shelves 76.55%
cornerstore shelves 23.28%
cornerstore shelves 41.14%
cornerstore shelves 76.55%
fossoil shelves 23.28%
fossoil shelves 41.14%
fossoil shelves 76.55%
garagestorage crate 1.01%
garagestorage crate 3.98%
garagestorage crate 23.28%
garagestorage crate 41.14%
garagestorage crate 76.55%
gasstore shelves 23.28%
gasstore shelves 41.14%
gasstore shelves 76.55%
generalstore shelves 23.28%
generalstore shelves 41.14%
generalstore shelves 76.55%
livingroom crate 23.28%
livingroom crate 41.14%
livingroom crate 76.55%
livingroom shelves 23.28%
livingroom wardrobe 3.98%
movierental clothingrack 23.28%
movierental clothingrack 41.14%
movierental clothingrack 76.55%
movierental crate 23.28%
movierental crate 41.14%
movierental crate 76.55%
movierental metal_shelves 23.28%
movierental metal_shelves 41.14%
movierental metal_shelves 76.55%
movierental shelves 23.28%
movierental shelves 41.14%
movierental shelves 76.55%
pawnshop crate 23.28%
pawnshop crate 41.14%
pawnshop crate 76.55%
pawnshop shelves 23.28%
pawnshop shelves 41.14%
pawnshop shelves 76.55%
pawnshopoffice crate 23.28%
pawnshopoffice crate 41.14%
pawnshopoffice crate 76.55%
pawnshopstorage crate 23.28%
pawnshopstorage crate 41.14%
pawnshopstorage crate 76.55%
pawnshopstorage metal_shelves 23.28%
pawnshopstorage metal_shelves 41.14%
pawnshopstorage metal_shelves 76.55%
storageunit crate 1.01%
storageunit crate 3.98%
storageunit crate 23.28%
storageunit crate 41.14%
storageunit crate 76.55%
storageunit metal_shelves 1.01%
storageunit metal_shelves 23.28%
storageunit metal_shelves 41.14%
storageunit metal_shelves 76.55%
zippeestore shelves 23.28%
zippeestore shelves 41.14%
zippeestore shelves 76.55%


  • The film is criticized in Bauman and Triskel April 15 Home VHS.
  • From the back cover of this VHS, and the discussion residing in Bauman and Triskel April 15 show, it is deduced that there is an original The Nightwatcher movie from the 1930s. Unfortunately, there is no such VHS yet.


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item VHS_Home
        DisplayCategory = Entertainment,
        Type				= Normal,
        DisplayName			= VHS-Home,
        Icon				= Cassette3,
        Weight				= 0.1,
        MediaCategory       = Home-VHS,
        WorldStaticModel = VHSBox3,

See also