Ripped Sheets

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Ripped Sheets
RippedSheets Model.png
RippedSheetsDirty Model.png
RippedSheets Model.png
First Aid (sterile)
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
AlcoholUI Drunk.png
True (sterile)
Bandage powerUI Bleed.png
0.5 (dirty)
Item ID
Can be used as an improvised bandage.
— Ripped Sheets in-game tooltip.
Can be used as an improvised bandage. Guards against infection.
— Sterilized Rag in-game tooltip.

Ripped sheets, otherwise referred to as a rag (sterilized rag, dirty rag), is a medical item used in tailoring.


First aid

Main article: First Aid

Basic usage

Ripped sheets can be used to stop bleeding caused by injuries that manage to break the skin. It can be used if the wound is a scratch, bite, gunshot, stitch, glass, bleeding, deep, infected or burn and will stop bleeding entirely. After some time, depending on the wound, the ripped sheet will become a dirty rag, which once removed will grant the player some first aid experience.

When bandaging a wound, ripped sheets function the same as a bandage, with the ripped sheets weighing half the weight and only having half the bandage power compared to the medical bandage.

Wound infection

If a bleeding wound is left untreated, the player will continue to lose health until they eventually die. Leaving a wound untreated can also lead to it becoming infected depending on the player's clothing, the type of wound and whether a dirty rag is left on. A dirty rag can be left on a wound to stop the bleeding, however this will give the wound the highest possible chance of becoming infected. It should be noted that infection does not affect healing rates, but having wound untreated while you change your bandages does, therefore its advised to not remove rags once applied, even if they get dirty.

An infected wound can be treated by applying a sterilized rag to the wound. Sterilized rags have the same rate of becoming dirty as ripped sheets.


A ripped sheet can be used to create a splint when combined with a plank, tree branch, or sturdy stick. A splint reduces the time taken to heal a fracture.

Fire starting

Ripped sheets can be used to start a fire or as a fuel.


Main article: Tailoring

Ripped sheets can be used as a fabric for tailoring.



Ripped sheets can be made of various items such as sheets, vests, skirts, trousers, blouses, and sweaters.

Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
Ripped Sheets
One of:
TshirtGeneric.png Clothing (cotton) ×1
Sheet.png Sheet ×1
none none none 0.25 Tailoring

First aid

Dirty rags can be cleaned with water, returning them to a ripped sheet.

A ripped sheet can be disinfected by either soaking it in whiskey or disinfectant, or boil a pot of water and adding a ripped sheet to it, which will also clean a dirty rag.

Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
Ripped Sheets
RagDirty.png Dirty Rag ×1
WaterDrop.png Water ×1 unit(s)
none none none none
Sterilized Rag
One of:
Alcohol.png Bottle of Disinfectant ×3 unit(s)
WhiskeyFull.png Bourbon ×10 unit(s)
Pot Water.png Cooking Pot ×1
SaucepanEmpty.png Saucepan ×1
Each of:
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
none none none none
One of:
Plank.png Plank ×1
Branch.png Tree Branch ×1
TZ WoodenStick.png Sturdy Stick ×1
One of:
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
RagDirty.png Dirty Rag ×1
none none none none


Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
Molotov Cocktail
One of:
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
RagDirty.png Dirty Rag ×1
Each of:
WhiskeyFull.png Bourbon ×1
none none none none
Molotov Cocktail
One of:
WhiskeyEmpty.png Empty Bottle (disambiguation) ×1
WineEmpty.png Empty Bottle (disambiguation) ×1
Wine2Empty.png Empty Bottle (disambiguation) ×1
One of:
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
RagDirty.png Dirty Rag ×1
Gas Can
none none none
Stone Knife
One of:
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
RagDirty.png Dirty Rag ×1
Twine.png Twine ×1
Each of:
Branch.png Tree Branch ×1
RockSharpened.png Chipped Stone ×1
none none none none
Stone Axe
One of:
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
RagDirty.png Dirty Rag ×1
Twine.png Twine ×1
Each of:
Branch.png Tree Branch ×1
RockSharpened.png Chipped Stone ×1
none none none none
Stone Hammer
One of:
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
RagDirty.png Dirty Rag ×1
Twine.png Twine ×1
Each of:
Branch.png Tree Branch ×1
Rock.png Stone ×1
none none none none


Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
LogWall Carpentry.png
Log Wall
One of:
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×4
Twine.png Twine ×4
Rope.png Rope ×2
Each of:
Logs.png Log ×4

Hammer (tag)
none none 1.25 Carpentry
TZ CampfireKitWood.png
Campfire Materials
One of:
Twigs.png Twigs ×1
Sheet.png Sheet ×1
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
RagDirty.png Dirty Rag ×1
Book.png Book ×1
Magazine.png Magazine ×1
Newspaper.png Newspaper ×1
Each of:
Logs.png Log ×2
none none none 0.75 Carpentry
TZ CampfireKitWood.png
Campfire Materials
One of:
Twigs.png Twigs ×1
Sheet.png Sheet ×1
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
RagDirty.png Dirty Rag ×1
Book.png Book ×1
Magazine.png Magazine ×1
Newspaper.png Newspaper ×1
Each of:
Plank.png Plank ×3
none none none 0.75 Carpentry


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

RippedSheets distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
Bag_InmateEscapedBag Duffel Bag 12.41%
Bag_JanitorToolbox Toolbox 6.41%
MedicalCache1 MedicalBox 23.28%
MedicalCache1 MedicalBox 41.14%
SafehouseLoot counter 23.28%
SafehouseLoot counter 41.14%
SafehouseLoot medicine 23.28%
SafehouseLoot medicine 41.14%
all Outfit_Fossoil 6.41%
all Outfit_Gas2Go 6.41%
all Outfit_Mechanic 6.41%
all Outfit_Metalworker 6.41%
all Outfit_ThunderGas 6.41%
gasstorage counter 23.28%
gasstorage counter 41.14%
janitor counter 23.28%
janitor counter 41.14%
janitor metal_shelves 23.28%
janitor metal_shelves 41.14%
laundry counter 19.27%
laundry metal_shelves 19.27%
laundry shelves 19.27%
mechanic wardrobe 23.28%
mechanic wardrobe 41.14%
schoolstorage counter 23.28%
schoolstorage counter 41.14%
zippeestorage counter 23.28%
zippeestorage counter 41.14%
RippedSheetsDirty distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
Bag_JanitorToolbox Toolbox 15.41%
all Outfit_Fossoil 6.41%
all Outfit_Gas2Go 6.41%
all Outfit_Mechanic 6.41%
all Outfit_Metalworker 6.41%
all Outfit_ThunderGas 6.41%
gasstorage counter 23.28%
gasstorage counter 41.14%
janitor counter 23.28%
janitor counter 41.14%
janitor metal_shelves 23.28%
janitor metal_shelves 41.14%
laundry counter 23.28%
laundry metal_shelves 23.28%
laundry shelves 23.28%
mechanic wardrobe 23.28%
mechanic wardrobe 41.14%
schoolstorage counter 23.28%
schoolstorage counter 41.14%
zippeestorage counter 23.28%
zippeestorage counter 41.14%


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Ripped Sheets Rag.png
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item RippedSheets
	    DisplayCategory = Household,
		CanBandage	=	TRUE,
		Weight	=	0.05,
		AlwaysWelcomeGift	=	TRUE,
		Type	=	Normal,
		DisplayName	=	Ripped Sheets,
		ReplaceOnUse    =   RippedSheetsDirty,
		Icon	=	Rag,
		BandagePower    =   2,
		Tooltip = Tooltip_RippedSheets,
		FabricType = Cotton,
		WorldStaticModel = RippedSheets,

Dirty Rag RagDirty.png
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item RippedSheetsDirty
        DisplayCategory = Household,
        CanBandage	=	TRUE,
        Weight	=	0.05,
        AlwaysWelcomeGift	=	TRUE,
        Type	=	Normal,
        DisplayName	=	Dirty Rag,
        Icon	=	RagDirty,
        BandagePower    =   0.5,
        WorldStaticModel = RippedSheetsDirty,

Sterilized Rag Rag.png
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item AlcoholRippedSheets
        DisplayCategory = FirstAid,
        CanBandage	=	TRUE,
        Weight	=	0.05,
        AlwaysWelcomeGift	=	TRUE,
        Alcoholic	=	TRUE,
        Type	=	Normal,
        DisplayName	=	Sterilized Rag,
        ReplaceOnUse    =   RippedSheetsDirty,
        Icon	=	Rag,
        BandagePower    =   2,
        Tooltip = Tooltip_SterilizedRag,
        WorldStaticModel = RippedSheets,

See also