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SandBag Animation Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
0.5 (empty)
7.65 (full)

A sack, previously called an empty sand bag, is a container item.



A sack has poor capacity and encumbrance reduction, and is exceeded by the much more common garbage bag. Unlike the other baggage items, a sack cannot be found with items spawned inside, but its filled variants (excluding the compost bag) can be found throughout the world.

Right-clicking on a full composter while the sack is in the player's hand will display the option to "take compost", upon which the sack will be replaced with a compost bag.

Food within the sack still has a spoilage rating and will still rot, but the entire container can be placed into a freezer and will be preserved like any other food.

In some cases the items would have less encumbrance unpacked, but in some cases they do not, see the table for comparison.

Sack of Encumbrance
in sack
Amount Loose
Apple 2.0 12 2.4
Bell Pepper 2.0 12 2.4
Broccoli 2.0 12 2.4
Cabbage 2.0 8 1.6
Carrots 2.0 12 2.4
Cherry 2.0 16 4.8
Corn 2.0 12 2.4
Eggplant 2.0 12 2.4
Grapes 2.0 12 2.4
Leek 2.0 12 2.4
Lettuce 2.0 8 1.6
Onion 2.0 12 2.4
Peach 2.0 12 2.4
Pear 2.0 12 2.4
Potato 2.0 12 2.4
Radish 2.0 12 1.2
Strawberries 2.0 16 1.6
Tomato 2.0 12 2.4

Filling with terrain

If the player has a spade shovel, a sack can be filled with dirt, sand, or gravel. To do so, right-click a patch of grass/dirt, sand, or gravel, and select "Take some [Material]". One sack can be filled with 4 tiles of material, and will be turned into the respective material bag.

Any bag can be emptied onto a tile, changing it to the contained material. Once the bag is emptied, the sack will be returned to the player.


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

EmptySandbag distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
barn cardboardbox 76.71%
barn cardboardbox 41.46%
barn crate 76.71%
barn crate 41.46%
barn smallbox 76.71%
barn smallbox 41.46%
cafeteriakitchen counter 19.68%
deepfry_kitchen counter 19.68%
dinerkitchen counter 19.68%
farmstorage cardboardbox 41.46%
farmstorage crate 41.46%
farmstorage metal_shelves 41.46%
farmstorage smallbox 41.46%
fishchipskitchen counter 19.68%
jayschicken_kitchen counter 19.68%
kitchen_crepe counter 19.68%
restaurantkitchen counter 19.68%
seafoodkitchen counter 19.68%
toolstore cardboardbox 6.74%
toolstore counter 6.74%
toolstore metal_shelves 6.74%
toolstore shelves 6.74%
toolstore smallbox 6.74%
toolstorestorage cardboardbox 6.74%
toolstorestorage crate 6.74%
toolstorestorage metal_shelves 6.74%
toolstorestorage smallbox 6.74%
westernkitchen counter 19.68%
Type Container Effective chance
Army Heavy Truck Bed 18.53%
Army Light Truck Bed 18.53%
Construction Worker Trunk 23.67%
Farmer Trunk 55.95%
Gardener Trunk 55.95%
Rancher Trunk 55.95%
Ranger Seat Front 6.53%
Ranger Seat Rear 6.53%
Ranger Trunk 55.95%
Story ID Link
RZSHermitCamp Zone stories
RZSHillbillyHoedown Zone stories
RZSMurderScene Zone stories
Amount Skill level Biome: chance Weather modifiers % Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 0 DeepForest: 33
Farm: 33
FarmLand: 33
ForagingNav: 33
Forest: 33
TownZone: 33
TrailerPark: 33
Vegitation: 33
- - - - - - -


Profession Container Rolls Chance
Construction Worker Trunk 5 2


  • While some mods add the ability to store food in a sack as a single item, similar to the loot item, this is not a vanilla feature of the game.
  • Note that in build 42, the sacks of vegetables/fruit items are being removed, as build 42 will have a different, more immersive, means of spawning the containers of vegetables and fruit in the produce warehouses.




Version Description
Build 42.0.0 CloseSound added with value CloseSack.
OpenSound added with value OpenSack.
PutInSound added with value StoreItemSack.
Item tag changed from HoldDirt to ['HoldDirt', 'HoldCompost', 'IsFireFuel', 'IsFireTinder', 'BurlapBag'].
Tooltip removed.
Weight changed from 0.1 to 0.5.
WeightReduction changed from 10 to 50.
Build 41.66 Item tag added with value HoldDirt.
Build 41.65 DisplayCategory added with value Container.
Tooltip added with value Tooltip_item_empty_sack_container.
Build 41.54 WorldStaticModel added with value SandBag_Ground.
Build 41.51 RunSpeedModifier added with value 0.99.
Build 41.37 ReplaceInPrimaryHand changed from Bag_Sandbag_RHand to Bag_Sandbag_RHand holdingbagright.
ReplaceInSecondHand changed from Bag_Sandbag_LHand to Bag_Sandbag_LHand holdingbagleft.
Build 41.35 ReplaceInPrimaryHand added with value Bag_Sandbag_RHand.
ReplaceInSecondHand added with value Bag_Sandbag_LHand.
Build 35.25b DisplayName changed from Empty Sand bag to Sack.
Build 19 Released on this version.


Version Description
Build 41.78.16 Removed on this version.
Build 41.66 Item tag added with value HoldDirt.
Build 41.65 Released on this version.


Version Description
Build 41.78.16 Removed on this version.
Build 41.66 Item tag added with value HoldDirt.
Build 41.65 Released on this version.


Version Description
Build 41.78.16 Removed on this version.
Build 41.66 Item tag added with value HoldDirt.
Build 41.65 Released on this version.


Version Description
Build 41.78.16 Removed on this version.
Build 41.66 Item tag added with value HoldDirt.
Build 41.65 Released on this version.


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\clothing\clothing_bags.txt

Retrieved: Build 42.0.2
item EmptySandbag
		DisplayName = Sack,
		DisplayCategory = Container,
		Type = Container,
		Weight = 0.5,
		Icon = SandbagEmpty,
		Capacity = 15,
		CloseSound = CloseSack,
		OpenSound = OpenSack,
		PutInSound = StoreItemSack,
		ReplaceInPrimaryHand = Bag_Sandbag_RHand holdingbagright,
		ReplaceInSecondHand = Bag_Sandbag_LHand holdingbagleft,
		RunSpeedModifier = 0.99,
		/*Tooltip = Tooltip_item_empty_sack_container,*/
		WeightReduction = 50,
		WorldStaticModel = SandBag_Ground,
		Tags = HoldDirt;HoldCompost;IsFireFuel;IsFireTinder;BurlapBag,

See also