Project Zomboid > Multiplayer > Startup parameters
Project Zomboid has customizable startup parameters, as either JVM arguments or game arguments. This can be used to override "vmArgs" in the .json file. JVM arguments must end with a --
, even if there are no game arguments.
- Create shortcut
- Navigate to the game folder
With Microsoft Windows 10, found in Program Files (x86):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam\games - Create a shortcut of the executable file (ProjectZomboid32.exe/ProjectZomboid64.exe)
- Add the appropriate JVM arguments in the "Target:" line
Example:C:\ProjectZomboid64.exe -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -- -nosteam
- Steam application
- Right-click the game in the Library
- Select "Properties..."
- Add desired options under "LAUNCH OPTIONS"
- StartServer64.bat Parameters
- Open the StartServer64.bat file with a text editor
- Add any appropriate JVM arguments after the -Xmx line in the .bat contents
- Add any appropriate Game Parameters after the %1 %2 text inside the .bat contents, which is at the end of the file before PAUSE.
-Xmx16g -Duser.home=C:\Zomboid
%1 %2 -nosteam -servername MySecondServer -adminpassword YourPasswdXYZ
Game arguments
Client & server
Arguments | Description | Example |
Disables Steam integration on client/server. | |
Sets the path for the game data cache dir. | -cachedir="C:\Zomboid "
Option to control where mods are loaded from. Any of the 3 keywords may be left out and may appear in any order. | -modfolders workshop,steam,mods
Launches the game in the debug mode. |
Arguments | Description | Example |
+connect <ip:port>
Server address to connect, when joining a server using Steam. | +connect
+password <password>
Server password to connect, when joining a server using Steam. | +password ServersPassword
Writes possible translation issues to homedir "/Zomboid/translationProblems.txt" | |
Launches the game with reduced resolution and disables some graphical effects to reduce strain on lower-end graphics cards. | |
Disables the game audio |
Arguments | Description | Example |
Option to bypasses the enter-a-password prompt when creating a server. | -adminpassword YourPasswdXYZ
You can choose a different servername by using this option when starting the server. | -servername MySecondServer
-ip <ip>
Option to handle multiple network cards. Example: | -ip
-port <port>
Option which overrides the .ini option "DefaultPort". | -port 16261
-udpport <port>
Option which overrides the .ini option "UDPPort". | -port 16262
-steamvac <true/false>
Option to enable/disable VAC on Steam servers. On the server command-line use -steamvac true/false. In the server's INI file, use SteamVAC=true/false. | |
-steamport1 <port> -steamport2 <port>
Steam servers require two additional ports to function (I'm guessing they are both UDP ports, but you may need TCP as well). These are in addition to the DefaultPort= setting. These can be specified in two ways: In the server's INI file as SteamPort1= and SteamPort2=. Using command-line options -steamport1 and -steamport2. |
JVM arguments
Client & server
Arguments | Description | Example |
Maximum amount of Memory. (1024m=1Gig, 2048m=2Gig, 4096m=4Gig) |
Initial/Minimum Memory allocation. (1024m=1Gig, 2048m=2Gig, 4096m=4Gig) |
Disables/enables Steam integration on client/server. (0=disabled, 1=enabled) |
overwrites the "/Zomboid" homedir to whatever path you want. | -Duser.home=C:\Zomboid
option to perform a soft reset (this does not work as of 41.78.16, the issue was reported and most likely be fixed in future versions[1] | |
enables debugging |
Arguments | Description | Example |
Windows users: When the Server starts, a temporary sqlite file will be created in "TEMP", however it will not be deleted after stopping the Server. A way to avoid this is by adding a JVM option -Dorg.sqlite.lib.path=natives and put a copy of the .dll called sqlitejdbc.dll in the server's natives/ directory. It will then use that one instead of extracting the .dll from the .jar file every time.