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Tailoring V: "Textile Production and Manufacturing Techniques"

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Project ZomboidItemsLiteratureSkill booksTailoring V: "Textile Production and Manufacturing Techniques"
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Tailoring V: "Textile Production and Manufacturing Techniques"
BookTailoring Model.png
Skill Book
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Recipes learned
Skill XP
Total pages
380 pages
Item ID

The Tailoring Vol. 5, titled and previously known as Master Tailoring is a skill book that increases the experience gains for the player's tailoring skill for levels 9-10.


By reading the book, the player will receive a 16x multiplier to the tailoring XP gains, as long as they are level 9-10.

To read the book:

  1. Right-click the skill book and click "Read".
  2. Wait for the progress bar to finish. Without traits, each page will take 5 seconds of real-time to read, or 2 minutes of in-game time.
  3. Check the character's skills page to verify a boost to the appropriate skill is obtained. (There will be sequential arrows running from the skill name to the skill boxes, and hovering over the skill box that is currently being worked on will show the multiplier that is being given.)

Note: If at any point the player is interrupted during reading, they do not lose the pages they have read; they will continue where they left off. Therefore, other matters can be attended to, such as killing a zombie or tending to a garden, before returning to the book. The total number of pages read so far will show up in the book's tooltip when hovered over. Depending on the situation, it may be best to spend a few hours a day (usually at night) over several days working through a skill book rather than attempting to read one straight through in one sitting (boredom, hunger, thirst, and unhappiness will all accrue while reading).

Note: If the character says, "I don't get it" or other similar lines above their head, they are reading a book too complicated for their level. No progress will be made or multiplier applied, when reading a book too complicated. Make sure they are reading the book that corresponds to the level they are currently working on (Vol. 1 = Level 1 and 2, Vol. 2 = Level 3 and 4, Vol. 3 = Level 5 and 6, Vol. 4 = Level 7 and 8, Vol. 5 = Level 9 and 10). Books cannot be read early.

The book can also used as a fuel, providing 15 minutes of burn time per book.


The distribution for this item can be found in the following table(s):

BookTailoring5 distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
bathroom cardboardbox 3.28%
bathroom crate 3.28%
bathroom smallbox 3.28%
bedroom cardboardbox 3.28%
bedroom cardboardbox 2.22%
bedroom crate 3.28%
bedroom crate 2.22%
bedroom smallbox 3.28%
bedroom smallbox 2.22%
bookstore shelves 6.74%
closet cardboardbox 3.28%
closet cardboardbox 2.22%
closet crate 2.22%
closet smallbox 3.28%
closet smallbox 2.22%
garagestorage cardboardbox 3.28%
garagestorage cardboardbox 2.22%
garagestorage smallbox 3.28%
garagestorage smallbox 2.22%
kidsbedroom cardboardbox 3.28%
kidsbedroom crate 3.28%
kidsbedroom smallbox 3.28%
kitchen smallbox 2.22%
library shelves 6.74%
livingroom cardboardbox 3.28%
livingroom cardboardbox 2.22%
livingroom crate 3.28%
livingroom crate 2.22%
livingroom smallbox 3.28%
livingroom smallbox 2.22%
post cardboardbox 3.28%
poststorage cardboardbox 3.28%
SafehouseLoot shelves 3.28%
SafehouseLoot_Late shelves 3.28%
SafehouseLoot_Mid shelves 3.28%
schoolstorage cardboardbox 3.28%
schoolstorage crate 3.28%
sewingstore counter 6.74%
shed smallbox 3.28%
shed smallbox 2.22%
storageunit cardboardbox 3.28%
storageunit cardboardbox 2.22%
storageunit crate 3.28%
storageunit crate 2.22%
storageunit metal_shelves 3.28%
storageunit metal_shelves 2.22%
storageunit smallbox 3.28%
storageunit smallbox 2.22%
teacherroom cardboardbox 3.28%
universitylibrary cardboardbox 11.21%
universitylibrary crate 11.21%
universitylibrary shelves 11.21%
universitylibrary smallbox 11.21%
universitystorage cardboardbox 11.21%
Type Container Effective chance
Clothing Seat Front 0.56%
Clothing Seat Rear 0.56%
Clothing Trunk 2.22%
Postal Trunk 3.28%
Amount Skill level Biome: chance Weather modifiers % Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 0 DeepForest: 3
Farm: 3
FarmLand: 3
ForagingNav: 3
Forest: 3
TownZone: 3
TrailerPark: 3
Vegitation: 3
- - - - - - -




Version Description
Build 42.0.0 ColorBlue added with value 194.
ColorGreen added with value 194.
ColorRed added with value 244.
DisplayName changed from Tailoring Vol. 5 to {'Tailoring V': '"Textile Production and Manufacturing Techniques"'}.
IconColorMask added with value Book_Generic_Mask.
Icon changed from Book11 to Book_Generic.
StaticModel changed from Book to BookYellow.
Weight changed from 0.8 to 1.
WorldStaticModel changed from BookClosedYellow_Ground to BookClosedTINT.
Build 41.69 DisplayName changed from Master Tailoring to Tailoring Vol. 5.
Build 41.65 DisplayCategory added with value SkillBook.
Build 41.54 WorldStaticModel added with value BookClosedYellow_Ground.
Build 41.20 Released on this version.


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_literature_skill.txt

Retrieved: Build 42.0.2
item BookTailoring5
		DisplayName = Tailoring V: "Textile Production and Manufacturing Techniques",
		DisplayCategory = SkillBook,
		Type = Literature,
		Weight = 1,
		Icon = Book_Generic,
		IconColorMask = Book_Generic_Mask,
		LvlSkillTrained = 9,
		NumLevelsTrained = 2,
		NumberOfPages = 380,
		SkillTrained = Tailoring,
		StaticModel = BookYellow,
		WorldStaticModel = BookClosedTINT,
		ColorBlue = 194,
		ColorGreen = 194,
		ColorRed = 244,

See also