Tangier is a VHS providing some lore.
Tangier is a VHS regularly found in retail, and VHS stores such as Hit Vids!.
The player can reduce boredom by -5 for each line of dialog when in the vicinity of a television playing the VHS.
The tape includes a...
Person 1:
But I want to stay here with you, Sam.
Person 2:
What's the use? Our problems aren't worth a pile of peas in this crazy world.
Person 1:
Oh Sam, our love is still worth something.
You've already sacrificed so much for me - your money, your café, your pride...
Person 2:
I'd get rid of ten times that if it means you getting on the plane.
Person 1:
But I can't go without you. The borders are closing tonight.
Person 2:
You'll see me one day soon, kid. Don't think otherwise.
But if you don't leave tonight - now - you'll regret it.
Maybe not right now, but give it 48 hours.
Person 1:
Oh Sam. Look after yourself. Please.
Person 2:
Always had to until now, sweetheart.
*plane starts up and takes off*
Person 3:
Sam, you just turned down a life of red hot sex.
But it did seem kinda noble.
Person 2:
Charlie, this is the end of a beautiful friendship.
Back cover
Morocco, 1941. Café owner Sam Jones is doing his best to say as neutral as Tangier itself - but the war arrives at his doorstep in the form of his old flame, Hannah, on the run from the Germans. Will Sam's strict neutrality in matters of business hold up? 1941. Black and white. PG.
The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.
Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.
Building/Room | Container | Effective chance |
bedroom | crate | 1.01% |
bedroom | crate | 23.28% |
bedroom | crate | 41.14% |
bedroom | crate | 76.55% |
closet | crate | 1.01% |
closet | crate | 3.98% |
closet | crate | 23.28% |
closet | crate | 41.14% |
closet | crate | 76.55% |
conveniencestore | shelves | 23.28% |
conveniencestore | shelves | 41.14% |
conveniencestore | shelves | 76.55% |
cornerstore | shelves | 23.28% |
cornerstore | shelves | 41.14% |
cornerstore | shelves | 76.55% |
fossoil | shelves | 23.28% |
fossoil | shelves | 41.14% |
fossoil | shelves | 76.55% |
garagestorage | crate | 1.01% |
garagestorage | crate | 3.98% |
garagestorage | crate | 23.28% |
garagestorage | crate | 41.14% |
garagestorage | crate | 76.55% |
gasstore | shelves | 23.28% |
gasstore | shelves | 41.14% |
gasstore | shelves | 76.55% |
generalstore | shelves | 23.28% |
generalstore | shelves | 41.14% |
generalstore | shelves | 76.55% |
livingroom | crate | 23.28% |
livingroom | crate | 41.14% |
livingroom | crate | 76.55% |
livingroom | shelves | 23.28% |
livingroom | wardrobe | 3.98% |
movierental | clothingrack | 23.28% |
movierental | clothingrack | 41.14% |
movierental | clothingrack | 76.55% |
movierental | crate | 23.28% |
movierental | crate | 41.14% |
movierental | crate | 76.55% |
movierental | metal_shelves | 23.28% |
movierental | metal_shelves | 41.14% |
movierental | metal_shelves | 76.55% |
movierental | shelves | 23.28% |
movierental | shelves | 41.14% |
movierental | shelves | 76.55% |
pawnshop | crate | 23.28% |
pawnshop | crate | 41.14% |
pawnshop | crate | 76.55% |
pawnshop | shelves | 23.28% |
pawnshop | shelves | 41.14% |
pawnshop | shelves | 76.55% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 23.28% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 41.14% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 76.55% |
pawnshopstorage | crate | 23.28% |
pawnshopstorage | crate | 41.14% |
pawnshopstorage | crate | 76.55% |
pawnshopstorage | metal_shelves | 23.28% |
pawnshopstorage | metal_shelves | 41.14% |
pawnshopstorage | metal_shelves | 76.55% |
storageunit | crate | 1.01% |
storageunit | crate | 3.98% |
storageunit | crate | 23.28% |
storageunit | crate | 41.14% |
storageunit | crate | 76.55% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 1.01% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 23.28% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 41.14% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 76.55% |
zippeestore | shelves | 23.28% |
zippeestore | shelves | 41.14% |
zippeestore | shelves | 76.55% |
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt
item VHS_Home
DisplayCategory = Entertainment,
Type = Normal,
DisplayName = VHS-Home,
Icon = Cassette3,
Weight = 0.1,
MediaCategory = Home-VHS,
WorldStaticModel = VHSBox3,