The Danger in Your Bed

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Project ZomboidWorldLoreMediaVHS tapesRetail VHSThe Danger in Your Bed
UI Tick.png
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VHS: The Danger in Your Bed
VHSBox2 Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
BoredomUI Bored.png
-5 per line
Item ID
Media ID

The Danger in Your Bed is a VHS that can produce some light amusement in the survivor.


The Danger in Your Bed is a VHS regularly found in retail, and VHS stores such as Hit Vids!.

The player can reduce boredom by -5 for each line of dialog when in the vicinity of a television playing the VHS.

The tape includes a complete and utter douchebag who sees women as inferior beings. Tired of the years of dreadful treatment she has been recieving from her husband, Julie decides to fake her death and escape this abomination of a human called Liam. Will the Liam finally let go of her? How will Julie subsist in her new life? All answers lie within this tape.




Here's four pancakes, honey. Folded just like you wanted.


I asked for three pancakes. IS YOUR BRAIN BROKEN?


I'm going for a swim, Liam.


Are the dishes done? My suit pressed and ready?




Then you may go.
Hello? Police? My wife is missing. And I just found a note...

Jun Li:

Hi there. I'm Jun Li. You new in town?


Yep. Just moved in. My name's... Lucy. Would you like to go for a drink?
If I don't hide, my husband is going to find me. And I know he'll kill me, Jun.

Jun Li:

I see. While you're here, you'll be safe. I promise.


This is who you left me for, Julie? This three-figure-net-worth nobody?
*punching* <screaming>
Now it's time to take care of you...
*gunshot* <groaning>
I just wanted... pancakes...


It's over... I feel like... my life is starting all over again.

Jun Li:

We won't have a big house or lots of money, but I'll love you, now and always.
<kissing noises>

Back cover


Julie Goodbar tries to be a good wife, but her husband Liam doesn't care. Controlling, demeaning and violent, Julie sees no way out but to fake her own death and escape. But the arrogant Liam suspects the truth, and vows to track her down... 1992. Rated R.


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

VHS_Retail distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
bedroom crate 1.01%
bedroom crate 23.28%
bedroom crate 41.14%
bedroom crate 76.55%
closet crate 1.01%
closet crate 3.98%
closet crate 23.28%
closet crate 41.14%
closet crate 76.55%
conveniencestore shelves 23.28%
conveniencestore shelves 41.14%
conveniencestore shelves 76.55%
cornerstore shelves 23.28%
cornerstore shelves 41.14%
cornerstore shelves 76.55%
fossoil shelves 23.28%
fossoil shelves 41.14%
fossoil shelves 76.55%
garagestorage crate 1.01%
garagestorage crate 3.98%
garagestorage crate 23.28%
garagestorage crate 41.14%
garagestorage crate 76.55%
gasstore shelves 23.28%
gasstore shelves 41.14%
gasstore shelves 76.55%
generalstore shelves 23.28%
generalstore shelves 41.14%
generalstore shelves 76.55%
livingroom crate 23.28%
livingroom crate 41.14%
livingroom crate 76.55%
livingroom shelves 23.28%
livingroom wardrobe 3.98%
movierental clothingrack 23.28%
movierental clothingrack 41.14%
movierental clothingrack 76.55%
movierental crate 23.28%
movierental crate 41.14%
movierental crate 76.55%
movierental metal_shelves 23.28%
movierental metal_shelves 41.14%
movierental metal_shelves 76.55%
movierental shelves 23.28%
movierental shelves 41.14%
movierental shelves 76.55%
pawnshop crate 23.28%
pawnshop crate 41.14%
pawnshop crate 76.55%
pawnshop shelves 23.28%
pawnshop shelves 41.14%
pawnshop shelves 76.55%
pawnshopoffice crate 23.28%
pawnshopoffice crate 41.14%
pawnshopoffice crate 76.55%
pawnshopstorage crate 23.28%
pawnshopstorage crate 41.14%
pawnshopstorage crate 76.55%
pawnshopstorage metal_shelves 23.28%
pawnshopstorage metal_shelves 41.14%
pawnshopstorage metal_shelves 76.55%
storageunit crate 1.01%
storageunit crate 3.98%
storageunit crate 23.28%
storageunit crate 41.14%
storageunit crate 76.55%
storageunit metal_shelves 1.01%
storageunit metal_shelves 23.28%
storageunit metal_shelves 41.14%
storageunit metal_shelves 76.55%
zippeestore shelves 23.28%
zippeestore shelves 41.14%
zippeestore shelves 76.55%


  • This movie is mentioned in a show called Bauman and Triskel April 15, to be critisized on a later episode, but there is no such episode or VHS tape in the game.


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item VHS_Home
        DisplayCategory = Entertainment,
        Type				= Normal,
        DisplayName			= VHS-Home,
        Icon				= Cassette3,
        Weight				= 0.1,
        MediaCategory       = Home-VHS,
        WorldStaticModel = VHSBox3,

See also