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The Metamorphosis - Audio Book is a CD and entertainment source that alleviates boredom.
A CD is used in conjunction with a ValuTech PortaDisc. It can be listened to with earbuds or headphones. CDs are regularly found in houses and in various containers. The player can reduce boredom by -5 for each line of dialog while playing the CD.
This CD plays an audiobook format of The Metamorphosis, a book written by Franz Kafka. The book follows the struggles of Gregor Samsa, who recently was turned into an insect.
As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams...
...he found himself transformed into a monstrous vermin in his bed.
He lay on his armor-like hard back...
... and, when he lifted his head a little...
... saw his arched, brown belly, divided into segments...
... on top of which the duvet...
....could hardly stay without sliding off.
His many legs, pitifully thin compared to the rest of him...
... flickered helplessly in front of his eyes.
Back cover
Franz Kafka.
The story of salesman Gregor Samsa, who wakes one morning to find himself inexplicably transformed into a huge insect.
The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.
Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.
Building/Room | Container | Effective chance |
all | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
all | dresser | 6.74% |
all | officedrawers | 6.74% |
all | shelves | 3.43% |
all | smallbox | 1.13% |
all | wardrobe | 6.74% |
armytent | locker | 4.44% |
BandPractice | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
BandPractice | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
BandPractice | crate | 41.46% |
BandPractice | crate | 23.67% |
BandPractice | metal_shelves | 41.46% |
BandPractice | metal_shelves | 23.67% |
BandPractice | smallbox | 41.46% |
BandPractice | smallbox | 23.67% |
bathroom | locker | 6.74% |
bedroom | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
bedroom | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
bedroom | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
bedroom | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
bedroom | crate | 76.71% |
bedroom | crate | 41.46% |
bedroom | crate | 23.67% |
bedroom | crate | 1.13% |
bedroom | desk | 11.21% |
bedroom | dresser | 6.74% |
bedroom | sidetable | 6.74% |
bedroom | smallbox | 76.71% |
bedroom | smallbox | 41.46% |
bedroom | smallbox | 23.67% |
bedroom | wardrobe | 6.74% |
cardealershipoffice | shelves | 3.43% |
changeroom | locker | 6.74% |
changeroomjockey | locker | 6.74% |
closet | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
closet | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
closet | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
closet | cardboardbox | 6.74% |
closet | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
closet | metal_shelves | 3.43% |
closet | smallbox | 76.71% |
closet | smallbox | 41.46% |
closet | smallbox | 23.67% |
closet | smallbox | 6.74% |
daycare | wardrobe | 6.74% |
electronicstore | counter | 76.71% |
electronicstore | counter | 41.46% |
electronicstore | shelves | 76.71% |
electronicstore | shelves | 41.46% |
elementaryschool | locker | 10.38% |
elementaryschool | locker | 5.77% |
factorystorage | locker | 6.74% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 6.74% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
garagestorage | crate | 1.13% |
garagestorage | locker | 6.74% |
garagestorage | smallbox | 76.71% |
garagestorage | smallbox | 41.46% |
garagestorage | smallbox | 23.67% |
garagestorage | smallbox | 6.74% |
hall | locker | 10.38% |
hall | locker | 5.77% |
joanstudio | shelves | 11.21% |
kidsbedroom | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
kidsbedroom | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
kidsbedroom | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
kidsbedroom | crate | 76.71% |
kidsbedroom | crate | 41.46% |
kidsbedroom | crate | 23.67% |
kidsbedroom | dresser | 6.74% |
kidsbedroom | sidetable | 6.74% |
kidsbedroom | smallbox | 76.71% |
kidsbedroom | smallbox | 41.46% |
kidsbedroom | smallbox | 23.67% |
kidsbedroom | wardrobe | 6.74% |
kitchen | cardboardbox | 6.74% |
kitchen | crate | 6.74% |
kitchen | smallbox | 76.71% |
kitchen | smallbox | 41.46% |
kitchen | smallbox | 23.67% |
kitchen | smallbox | 6.74% |
laboratory | locker | 6.74% |
laundry | locker | 6.74% |
livingroom | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
livingroom | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
livingroom | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
livingroom | cardboardbox | 6.74% |
livingroom | crate | 76.71% |
livingroom | crate | 41.46% |
livingroom | crate | 23.67% |
livingroom | crate | 6.74% |
livingroom | shelves | 11.21% |
livingroom | sidetable | 6.74% |
livingroom | smallbox | 76.71% |
livingroom | smallbox | 41.46% |
livingroom | smallbox | 23.67% |
livingroom | smallbox | 6.74% |
livingroom | wardrobe | 6.74% |
livingroom | wardrobe | 3.43% |
musicstore | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
musicstore | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
musicstore | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
musicstore | crate | 76.71% |
musicstore | crate | 41.46% |
musicstore | crate | 23.67% |
musicstore | shelves | 76.71% |
musicstore | shelves | 41.46% |
musicstore | shelves | 23.67% |
musicstore | smallbox | 76.71% |
musicstore | smallbox | 41.46% |
musicstore | smallbox | 23.67% |
nolansoffice | shelves | 3.43% |
office | shelves | 3.43% |
officechurch | shelves | 3.43% |
pawnshop | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
pawnshop | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
pawnshop | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
pawnshop | counter | 76.71% |
pawnshop | counter | 41.46% |
pawnshop | crate | 76.71% |
pawnshop | crate | 41.46% |
pawnshop | crate | 23.67% |
pawnshop | shelves | 76.71% |
pawnshop | shelves | 41.46% |
pawnshop | shelves | 23.67% |
pawnshop | smallbox | 76.71% |
pawnshop | smallbox | 41.46% |
pawnshop | smallbox | 23.67% |
pawnshopoffice | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
pawnshopoffice | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
pawnshopoffice | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 76.71% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 41.46% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 23.67% |
pawnshopoffice | smallbox | 76.71% |
pawnshopoffice | smallbox | 41.46% |
pawnshopoffice | smallbox | 23.67% |
policelocker | locker | 6.74% |
recreation | shelves | 5.77% |
SafehouseLoot | shelves | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot | shelves | 11.21% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | shelves | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | shelves | 11.21% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | shelves | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | shelves | 11.21% |
secondaryhall | locker | 10.38% |
secondaryhall | locker | 5.77% |
security | counter | 3.43% |
security | desk | 3.43% |
security | locker | 6.74% |
shed | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
shed | smallbox | 76.71% |
shed | smallbox | 41.46% |
shed | smallbox | 23.67% |
shed | smallbox | 6.74% |
storageunit | cardboardbox | 6.74% |
storageunit | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
storageunit | crate | 6.74% |
storageunit | crate | 1.13% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 6.74% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 1.13% |
storageunit | smallbox | 6.74% |
storageunit | smallbox | 1.13% |
studio | shelves | 11.21% |
Type | Container | Effective chance |
Ambulance | Glove Box | 1.73% |
Ambulance | Seat Front | 1.73% |
Evacuee | Seat Front | 2.93% |
Evacuee | Seat Rear | 2.93% |
Pack | Rat Glove Box | 42.53% |
Pack | Rat Seat Front | 42.53% |
Pack | Rat Seat Rear | 42.53% |
The Metamorphosis is an actual novella by author Franz Kafka, published in 1915.
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_entertainment.txt
item Disc_Retail
DisplayName = CD,
DisplayCategory = Entertainment,
Type = Normal,
Weight = 0.3,
Icon = Disc,
MediaCategory = CDs,
WorldStaticModel = Disk,