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Twine Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
5 units
Item ID

A twine is a drainable item used in crafting.



Main article: fishing

Twine is used for fixing/making a fishing rod and crafted fishing rod. However, it is inferior to the fishing line which has a much greater durability.

It is required to make a fishing net trap, requiring 10 units of twine, which is equivalent to 2 full items of twine.


Main article: trapping

Twine is required in making a stick trap and snare trap.



Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
LogWall Carpentry.png
Log Wall
One of:
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×4
Twine.png Twine ×4
Rope.png Rope ×2
Each of:
Logs.png Log ×4
Ball-peen HammerHammerStone Hammer
Hammer (tag)
none none 1.25 Carpentry


Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
Stone Knife
One of:
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
Dirty Rag Dirty Rag ×1
Twine.png Twine ×1
Each of:
Branch.png Tree Branch ×1
RockSharpened.png Chipped Stone ×1
none none none none
Stone Axe
One of:
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
Dirty Rag Dirty Rag ×1
Twine.png Twine ×1
Each of:
Branch.png Tree Branch ×1
RockSharpened.png Chipped Stone ×1
none none none none
Stone Hammer
One of:
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
Dirty Rag Dirty Rag ×1
Twine.png Twine ×1
Each of:
Branch.png Tree Branch ×1
Rock.png Stone ×1
none none none none

Trapping and fishing

Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
Snare Trap
Plank.png Plank ×1
Twine.png Twine ×2 unit(s)
Garden SawSaw
Saw (tag)
Trapping 1
The Hunter Magazine Vol. 1
none 0.25 Carpentry
Stick Trap
TZ WoodenStick.png Sturdy Stick ×4
Twine.png Twine ×2 unit(s)
The Hunter Magazine Vol. 2
none none
Fishing Rod
Fishing Rod
One of:
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
Each of:
TZ WoodenStick.png Sturdy Stick ×1
Angler USA Magazine Vol. 1
none none
Fishing Rod
Fishing Rod
One of:
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
One of:
FishingLine.png Fishing Line ×1
Twine.png Twine ×2 unit(s)
One of:
Nails.png Nails ×1
Paperclip.png Paperclip ×1
Each of:
TZ WoodenStick.png Sturdy Stick ×1
Angler USA Magazine Vol. 1
none none
Fishing Net Trap
Twine.png Twine ×10 unit(s)
Wire.png Wire ×5 unit(s)
Angler USA Magazine Vol. 2
none none


Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
Pipe Bomb
MetalTube.png Metal Pipe ×1
ElectronicsScrap.png Scrap Electronics ×3
GunpowderJar.png Gunpowder ×20 unit(s)
Twine.png Twine ×1 unit(s)
Garden SawSaw
Saw (tag)

Profession engineer.png
none none


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

Twine distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
Electrician crate 23.28%
Electrician metal_shelves 23.28%
SafehouseLoot crate 23.28%
SafehouseLoot metal_shelves 23.28%
Toolbox Toolbox 6.41%
ToolsCache1 Duffel Bag 23.28%
ToolsCache1 ToolsBox 23.28%
ToolsCache1 counter 23.28%
all crate 1.01%
all metal_shelves 3.98%
all other 6.41%
armysurplus counter 23.28%
armysurplus metal_shelves 23.28%
armysurplus shelves 23.28%
burgerkitchen counter 23.28%
butcher counter 23.28%
butcher metal_shelves 23.28%
cafeteriakitchen counter 23.28%
chinesekitchen counter 23.28%
closet crate 23.28%
deepfry_kitchen counter 23.28%
dinerkitchen counter 23.28%
empty crate 23.28%
fishchipskitchen counter 23.28%
garagestorage crate 23.28%
gigamartkitchen counter 23.28%
hall counter 23.28%
italiankitchen counter 23.28%
jewelrystore counter 23.28%
lobby counter 23.28%
mexicankitchen counter 23.28%
morgue counter 23.28%
pizzakitchen counter 23.28%
plazastore1 counter 23.28%
post counter 23.28%
restaurantkitchen counter 23.28%
seafoodkitchen counter 23.28%
spiffoskitchen counter 23.28%
storageunit crate 23.28%
toolstore counter 23.28%
toolstore shelves 23.28%
westernkitchen counter 23.28%
Type Container Effective chance
Ambulance Glove Box 23.28%
Ambulance Trunk 23.28%
Carpenter Glove Box 23.28%
Carpenter Trunk 23.28%
Clothing Trunk 23.28%
Construction Worker Glove Box 23.28%
Construction Worker Trunk 23.28%
Distillery Glove Box 23.28%
Distillery Trunk 23.28%
Doctor Glove Box 23.28%
Doctor Trunk 23.28%
Electrician Glove Box 23.28%
Electrician Trunk 23.28%
Farmer Glove Box 23.28%
Farmer Trunk 23.28%
Fire Glove Box 23.28%
Fire Trunk 23.28%
Fisherman Glove Box 23.28%
Fisherman Trunk 23.28%
Fossoil Glove Box 23.28%
Fossoil Trunk 23.28%
All Glove Box 23.28%
Golf Glove Box 23.28%
Golf Trunk 23.28%
Groceries Trunk 23.28%
Heralds Glove Box 23.28%
Heralds Trunk 23.28%
Hunter Glove Box 23.28%
Mass Gen Fac Glove Box 23.28%
Mass Gen Fac Trunk 23.28%
McCoy Glove Box 23.28%
McCoy Trunk 23.28%
Metal Welder Glove Box 23.28%
Metal Welder Trunk 23.28%
Painter Glove Box 23.28%
Painter Trunk 23.28%
Police Glove Box 23.28%
Police Trunk 23.28%
Postal Glove Box 23.28%
Postal Trunk 23.28%
Radio Glove Box 23.28%
Radio Trunk 23.28%
Ranger Glove Box 23.28%
Ranger Trunk 23.28%
Spiffo Glove Box 23.28%
Survivalist Glove Box 23.28%
Survivalist Trunk 23.28%
Taxi Glove Box 23.28%
Taxi Trunk 23.28%
Transit Glove Box 23.28%
Transit Trunk 23.28%
Heavy Trunk 23.28%
Sports Trunk 23.28%
Standard Trunk 23.28%

Twine can be found in vehicles, sheds, and tool stores.



Version Description
38.30 Released on or before this version.

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Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item Twine
        DisplayCategory = Material,
        Type	            =	        Drainable,
        UseDelta	        =	        0.2,
        UseWhileEquipped	=           FALSE,
        DisplayName			=		    Twine,
        Icon				=			Twine,
        Weight				=			0.1,
        SurvivalGear = TRUE,
        ConsolidateOption = ContextMenu_Merge,
        WorldStaticModel = Twine,

See also