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Washington High S5.01, titled Washington High S5.01 - Driving Lesson, is a VHS providing the first episode of season 5.
Washington High S5.01 is a VHS regularly found in retail, and VHS stores such as Hit Vids!.
The player can reduce boredom by -5 for each line of dialog when in the vicinity of a television playing the VHS.
The tape includes a high school comedy show, Sam Grant is the main character. In this episode, Sam is trying to learn how to drive a car. He is not taking the lesson seriously and therefore fails the driving course.
♫Rushing to school, trying to look cool...♫
♫All the girls and boys, at Washington High...♫
Now Mr. Grant, I will be your instructor today.
Please start the engine and reverse into the street.
*engine fails to start*
Oh, I thought you reversed by turning the key the other way...
*audience laughter*
Don't jam on the brakes. The car might spin out of control.
There's jam on the brakes? Sounds delicious!
*audience laughter*
You must come to a full stop at a red traffic light.
Red, green, yellow. Why aren't there blue traffic lights?
Or purple? Wouldn't that be nice?
You have enough trouble remembering which means go.
It's red, right?
*brakes screeching, audience laughter*
Wow. Well, did I pass the test?
It's not a test, Mr. Grant, and yet somehow you failed it!
*audience laughter*
♫Rushing to school, trying to look cool...♫
♫All the girls and boys, at Washington High...♫
The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.
Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.
Building/Room | Container | Effective chance |
all | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
all | smallbox | 1.13% |
bedroom | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
bedroom | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
bedroom | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
bedroom | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
bedroom | crate | 76.71% |
bedroom | crate | 41.46% |
bedroom | crate | 23.67% |
bedroom | crate | 1.13% |
bedroom | smallbox | 76.71% |
bedroom | smallbox | 41.46% |
bedroom | smallbox | 23.67% |
closet | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
closet | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
closet | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
closet | cardboardbox | 4.44% |
closet | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
closet | smallbox | 76.71% |
closet | smallbox | 41.46% |
closet | smallbox | 23.67% |
closet | smallbox | 4.44% |
conveniencestore | shelves | 76.71% |
conveniencestore | shelves | 41.46% |
conveniencestore | shelves | 23.67% |
cornerstore | shelves | 76.71% |
cornerstore | shelves | 41.46% |
cornerstore | shelves | 23.67% |
fossoil | shelves | 76.71% |
fossoil | shelves | 41.46% |
fossoil | shelves | 23.67% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 4.44% |
garagestorage | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
garagestorage | crate | 1.13% |
garagestorage | smallbox | 76.71% |
garagestorage | smallbox | 41.46% |
garagestorage | smallbox | 23.67% |
garagestorage | smallbox | 4.44% |
gas2go | shelves | 76.71% |
gas2go | shelves | 41.46% |
gas2go | shelves | 23.67% |
gasstore | shelves | 76.71% |
gasstore | shelves | 41.46% |
gasstore | shelves | 23.67% |
generalstore | shelves | 76.71% |
generalstore | shelves | 41.46% |
generalstore | shelves | 23.67% |
homecinema | shelves | 76.71% |
homecinema | shelves | 41.46% |
homecinema | shelves | 23.67% |
joanstudio | shelves | 41.46% |
joanstudio | shelves | 23.67% |
kidsbedroom | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
kidsbedroom | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
kidsbedroom | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
kidsbedroom | crate | 76.71% |
kidsbedroom | crate | 41.46% |
kidsbedroom | crate | 23.67% |
kidsbedroom | smallbox | 76.71% |
kidsbedroom | smallbox | 41.46% |
kidsbedroom | smallbox | 23.67% |
kitchen | cardboardbox | 4.44% |
kitchen | crate | 4.44% |
kitchen | smallbox | 76.71% |
kitchen | smallbox | 41.46% |
kitchen | smallbox | 23.67% |
kitchen | smallbox | 4.44% |
livingroom | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
livingroom | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
livingroom | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
livingroom | cardboardbox | 4.44% |
livingroom | crate | 76.71% |
livingroom | crate | 41.46% |
livingroom | crate | 23.67% |
livingroom | crate | 4.44% |
livingroom | shelves | 41.46% |
livingroom | shelves | 23.67% |
livingroom | smallbox | 76.71% |
livingroom | smallbox | 41.46% |
livingroom | smallbox | 23.67% |
livingroom | smallbox | 4.44% |
livingroom | wardrobe | 23.49% |
livingroom | wardrobe | 12.63% |
livingroom | wardrobe | 4.44% |
movierental | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
movierental | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
movierental | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
movierental | clothingrack | 76.71% |
movierental | clothingrack | 41.46% |
movierental | clothingrack | 23.67% |
movierental | crate | 76.71% |
movierental | crate | 41.46% |
movierental | crate | 23.67% |
movierental | metal_shelves | 76.71% |
movierental | metal_shelves | 41.46% |
movierental | metal_shelves | 23.67% |
movierental | shelves | 76.71% |
movierental | shelves | 41.46% |
movierental | shelves | 23.67% |
movierental | smallbox | 76.71% |
movierental | smallbox | 41.46% |
movierental | smallbox | 23.67% |
pawnshop | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
pawnshop | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
pawnshop | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
pawnshop | crate | 76.71% |
pawnshop | crate | 41.46% |
pawnshop | crate | 23.67% |
pawnshop | shelves | 76.71% |
pawnshop | shelves | 41.46% |
pawnshop | shelves | 23.67% |
pawnshop | smallbox | 76.71% |
pawnshop | smallbox | 41.46% |
pawnshop | smallbox | 23.67% |
pawnshopoffice | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
pawnshopoffice | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
pawnshopoffice | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 76.71% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 41.46% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 23.67% |
pawnshopoffice | smallbox | 76.71% |
pawnshopoffice | smallbox | 41.46% |
pawnshopoffice | smallbox | 23.67% |
pawnshopstorage | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
pawnshopstorage | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
pawnshopstorage | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
pawnshopstorage | crate | 76.71% |
pawnshopstorage | crate | 41.46% |
pawnshopstorage | crate | 23.67% |
pawnshopstorage | metal_shelves | 76.71% |
pawnshopstorage | metal_shelves | 41.46% |
pawnshopstorage | metal_shelves | 23.67% |
pawnshopstorage | smallbox | 76.71% |
pawnshopstorage | smallbox | 41.46% |
pawnshopstorage | smallbox | 23.67% |
recreation | shelves | 23.49% |
recreation | shelves | 12.63% |
SafehouseLoot | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot | crate | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot | crate | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot | crate | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot | shelves | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot | shelves | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot | shelves | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot | smallbox | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot | smallbox | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot | smallbox | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | crate | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | crate | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | crate | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | shelves | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | shelves | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | shelves | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | smallbox | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | smallbox | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Late | smallbox | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | cardboardbox | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | cardboardbox | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | cardboardbox | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | crate | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | crate | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | crate | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | shelves | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | shelves | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | shelves | 23.67% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | smallbox | 76.71% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | smallbox | 41.46% |
SafehouseLoot_Mid | smallbox | 23.67% |
shed | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
shed | smallbox | 76.71% |
shed | smallbox | 41.46% |
shed | smallbox | 23.67% |
shed | smallbox | 4.44% |
storageunit | cardboardbox | 4.44% |
storageunit | cardboardbox | 1.13% |
storageunit | crate | 4.44% |
storageunit | crate | 1.13% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 4.44% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 1.13% |
storageunit | smallbox | 4.44% |
storageunit | smallbox | 1.13% |
studio | shelves | 41.46% |
studio | shelves | 23.67% |
thundergas | shelves | 76.71% |
thundergas | shelves | 41.46% |
thundergas | shelves | 23.67% |
zippeestore | shelves | 76.71% |
zippeestore | shelves | 41.46% |
zippeestore | shelves | 23.67% |
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_entertainment.txt
item VHS_Home
DisplayName = VHS - Home,
DisplayCategory = Entertainment,
Type = Normal,
Weight = 0.5,
Icon = Cassette3,
MediaCategory = Home-VHS,
WorldStaticModel = VHSBox3,
Tags = IgnoreZombieDensity;IsFireFuel,
FireFuelRatio = 0.25,