Washington High S5.04, titled Washington High S5.04 - Class President, is a VHS providing some lore.
Washington High S5.04 is a VHS regularly found in retail, and VHS stores such as Hit Vids!.
The player can reduce boredom by -5 for each line of dialog when in the vicinity of a television playing the VHS.
The tape includes a...
Person 1:
♫Rushing to school, trying to look cool...♫
♫All the girls and boys, at Washington High...♫
Person 2:
Alright class, today is election day.
You're going to choose either Sam Grant or Polly Jones as president.
Polly, why don't you tell us why everyone should vote for you?
Person 3:
Everyone should vote for me because I'm going to get things done.
My father is the mayor, and ruling is in my genes.
Person 4:
Your jeans? How did they get in there?
*audience laughter*
Person 5:
Why don't you give us your pitch, Sam?
Person 4:
Well, I got nothing in my jeans except my wallet...
...but I'm going to be a totally radical president.
Extra long summer vacation, and no homework for everyone!
*applause, class chanting Sam*
Person 3:
You can't do any of that. You're lying just to get votes.
Person 5:
You can't get rid of homework, Mr. Grant. That's beyond your...
Person 4:
I'm the president now. You're fired!
*class cheering*
Person 1:
♫Rushing to school, trying to look cool...♫
♫All the girls and boys, at Washington High...♫
The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.
Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.
Building/Room | Container | Effective chance |
bedroom | crate | 1.01% |
bedroom | crate | 23.28% |
bedroom | crate | 41.14% |
bedroom | crate | 76.55% |
closet | crate | 1.01% |
closet | crate | 3.98% |
closet | crate | 23.28% |
closet | crate | 41.14% |
closet | crate | 76.55% |
conveniencestore | shelves | 23.28% |
conveniencestore | shelves | 41.14% |
conveniencestore | shelves | 76.55% |
cornerstore | shelves | 23.28% |
cornerstore | shelves | 41.14% |
cornerstore | shelves | 76.55% |
fossoil | shelves | 23.28% |
fossoil | shelves | 41.14% |
fossoil | shelves | 76.55% |
garagestorage | crate | 1.01% |
garagestorage | crate | 3.98% |
garagestorage | crate | 23.28% |
garagestorage | crate | 41.14% |
garagestorage | crate | 76.55% |
gasstore | shelves | 23.28% |
gasstore | shelves | 41.14% |
gasstore | shelves | 76.55% |
generalstore | shelves | 23.28% |
generalstore | shelves | 41.14% |
generalstore | shelves | 76.55% |
livingroom | crate | 23.28% |
livingroom | crate | 41.14% |
livingroom | crate | 76.55% |
livingroom | shelves | 23.28% |
livingroom | wardrobe | 3.98% |
movierental | clothingrack | 23.28% |
movierental | clothingrack | 41.14% |
movierental | clothingrack | 76.55% |
movierental | crate | 23.28% |
movierental | crate | 41.14% |
movierental | crate | 76.55% |
movierental | metal_shelves | 23.28% |
movierental | metal_shelves | 41.14% |
movierental | metal_shelves | 76.55% |
movierental | shelves | 23.28% |
movierental | shelves | 41.14% |
movierental | shelves | 76.55% |
pawnshop | crate | 23.28% |
pawnshop | crate | 41.14% |
pawnshop | crate | 76.55% |
pawnshop | shelves | 23.28% |
pawnshop | shelves | 41.14% |
pawnshop | shelves | 76.55% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 23.28% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 41.14% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 76.55% |
pawnshopstorage | crate | 23.28% |
pawnshopstorage | crate | 41.14% |
pawnshopstorage | crate | 76.55% |
pawnshopstorage | metal_shelves | 23.28% |
pawnshopstorage | metal_shelves | 41.14% |
pawnshopstorage | metal_shelves | 76.55% |
storageunit | crate | 1.01% |
storageunit | crate | 3.98% |
storageunit | crate | 23.28% |
storageunit | crate | 41.14% |
storageunit | crate | 76.55% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 1.01% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 23.28% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 41.14% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 76.55% |
zippeestore | shelves | 23.28% |
zippeestore | shelves | 41.14% |
zippeestore | shelves | 76.55% |
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt
item VHS_Home
DisplayCategory = Entertainment,
Type = Normal,
DisplayName = VHS-Home,
Icon = Cassette3,
Weight = 0.1,
MediaCategory = Home-VHS,
WorldStaticModel = VHSBox3,