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Water Bottle (Bourbon)

From PZwiki
Project ZomboidItemsFoodDrinksWater containersWater Bottle (Bourbon)
UI Tick.png
This page has been revised for the current stable version (41.78.16).
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Water Bottle
WhiskeyBottle Model.png
WhiskeyBottle Model.png
Empty: Water Container
Full: Water
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Empty: 0.3
Full: 0.7
12.5 units
Can boil water
Item ID

A water bottle is an essential water containing item in Project Zomboid.


A water bottle will automatically satiate the player's thirst, so long as it's in the player's main inventory (i.e., not in a bag).

The empty bottle is the resulting product after consuming/emptying a bottle of bourbon (or water).

The bourbon bottle is slightly better than a standard water bottle, weighing 0.7 when full and holding 12.5 units of water, in comparison to a standard bottle's 0.8 weight and 10 unit capacity


The contents will gradually deplete, therefore requiring to be refilled. A water bottle can be filled, so long as it isn't full. To refill a water bottle, either:

  1. Right-click a water containing item in the player's inventory (e.g., cooking pot with water) and left-click "Pour into" > "Water Bottle".
  2. Right-click a water source (i.e., sink, well, rain collector, etc.) and left-click "Fill" > "Water Bottle".

Water from rivers or rain collector barrels will be tainted, causing the player to become sick.

After a random number of days, the waterworks will shut off, requiring the player to survive on scavenged water or what is left in cisterns and house systems.


The empty bottle can be used as a component in crafting.

Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
Molotov Cocktail
One of:
WhiskeyEmpty.png Empty Bottle (disambiguation) ×1
WineEmpty.png Empty Bottle (disambiguation) ×1
Wine2Empty.png Empty Bottle (disambiguation) ×1
One of:
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
Dirty Rag Dirty Rag ×1
Gas Can
none none none
Smashed Bottle
One of:
WineEmpty.png Empty Bottle (disambiguation) ×1
Wine2Empty.png Empty Bottle (disambiguation) ×1
WhiskeyEmpty.png Empty Bottle (disambiguation) ×1
BeerBottle.png Empty Bottle (disambiguation) ×1
none none none none


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

WhiskeyEmpty distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
all bin 4.44%
all Hobbo (male)
Hobbo (female)
bar bin 11.21%
barkitchen bin 11.21%
barstorage bin 11.21%
beergarden bin 11.21%
garagestorage crate 41.46%
garagestorage crate 23.67%
motelroomoccupied bin 4.44%
whiskeybottling crate 76.71%
whiskeybottling crate 41.46%
whiskeybottling crate 23.67%
whiskeybottling laundrydryerbasic 76.71%
whiskeybottling laundrydryerbasic 41.46%
whiskeybottling laundrydryerbasic 23.67%
whiskeybottling metal_shelves 76.71%
whiskeybottling metal_shelves 41.46%
whiskeybottling metal_shelves 23.67%
Type Container Effective chance
Ambulance Trunk 1.13%
Carpenter Trunk 1.13%
Clothing Trunk 1.13%
Construction Worker Trunk 1.13%
Doctor Trunk 1.13%
Electrician Trunk 1.13%
Farmer Trunk 1.13%
Fisherman Trunk 1.13%
Fossoil Trunk 1.13%
Golf Trunk 1.13%
Groceries Trunk 1.13%
Heavy Trunk 1.13%
Heralds Trunk 1.13%
Mass Gen Fac Trunk 1.13%
Metal Welder Trunk 1.13%
Painter Trunk 1.13%
Police Trunk 1.13%
Postal Trunk 1.13%
Radio Trunk 1.13%
Ranger Trunk 1.13%
Sports Trunk 1.13%
Standard Trunk 1.13%
Survivalist Trunk 1.13%
Taxi Trunk 1.13%
Transit Trunk 1.13%
Story ID Link
RDSDeadDrunk Randomized stories
RZSBuryingCamp Zone stories
Amount Skill level Biome: chance Weather modifiers % Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 - DeepForest: 30
Farm: 30
FarmLand: 30
Forest: 30
Nav: 30
TownZone: 30
TrailerPark: 30
Vegitation: 30
- - - - - - -

Empty bottles can be found on a zombie corpse or in a garbage bins.



Version Description
Build 41.72 ReplaceTypes added with value ['PetrolSource WhiskeyPetrol', 'WaterSource WhiskeyWaterFull'].
Item tag added with value EmptyPetrol.
Build 41.65 DisplayCategory added with value WaterContainer.
Build 41.54 WorldStaticModel added with value WhiskeyBottleGround.
Build 41.12 StaticModel added with value WhiskeyBottle.
RC2.9 - Build 0007 CanStoreWater changed from true to TRUE.
Weight changed from 2 to 0.3.
0.2.0a CanStoreWater added with value true.
ReplaceOnUseOn added with value WaterSource-WhiskeyWaterFull.
0.1.5d Released on or before this version.


Version Description
Build 41.72 IsCookable added with value TRUE.
Build 41.66 FillFromDispenserSound added with value GetWaterFromDispenserGlass.
FillFromTapSound added with value GetWaterFromTapGlass.
Build 41.65 CustomEatSound added with value DrinkingFromBottleGlass.
DisplayCategory added with value Water.
Build 41.54 WorldStaticModel added with value WhiskeyBottleGround.
Build 41.48 EatType added with value Bourbon.
Build 41.46 Weight changed from 1.4 to 0.7.
Build 41.12 StaticModel added with value WhiskeyBottle.
Build 30.12 DisplayName changed from Water bottle to Water Bottle.
RC2.9 - Build 0007 CanStoreWater changed from true to TRUE.
IsWaterSource changed from true to TRUE.
UseWhileEquipped changed from false to FALSE.
Weight changed from 4 to 1.4.
0.2.0a Released on this version.


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Whiskey Water Full.png WhiskeyWaterFull
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_food.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item WhiskeyWaterFull
		DisplayName = Water Bottle,
		DisplayCategory = Water,
		Type = Drainable,
		Weight = 0.7,
		Icon = Whiskey_Water_Full,
		CanStoreWater = TRUE,
		EatType = Bourbon,
		FillFromDispenserSound = GetWaterFromDispenserGlass,
		FillFromTapSound = GetWaterFromTapGlass,
		IsCookable = TRUE,
		IsWaterSource = TRUE,
		ReplaceOnDeplete = WhiskeyEmpty,
		ReplaceOnUseOn = WaterSource-WhiskeyWaterFull,
		UseDelta = 0.08,
		UseWhileEquipped = FALSE,
		CustomEatSound = DrinkingFromBottleGlass,
		StaticModel = WhiskeyBottle,
		WorldStaticModel = WhiskeyBottleGround,

WhiskeyEmpty.png WhiskeyEmpty
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item WhiskeyEmpty
	    DisplayCategory = WaterContainer,
		Weight	=	0.3,
		CanStoreWater	=	TRUE,
		Type	=	Normal,
		DisplayName	=	Empty Bottle,
		ReplaceOnUseOn	=	WaterSource-WhiskeyWaterFull,
		Icon	=	WhiskeyEmpty,
		StaticModel = WhiskeyBottle,
		WorldStaticModel = WhiskeyBottleGround,
		Tags = EmptyPetrol,
		ReplaceTypes = PetrolSource WhiskeyPetrol;WaterSource WhiskeyWaterFull,


  • This container provides the best water-to-encumbrance ratio of any container at 17.5x.

See also