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A water dispenser is a non-craftable water container.
Water dispensers take up one tile space and cannot be used to collect rainwater. They have water storage of 250 units and a encumbrance of 30 when picked up, the water dispenser can be filled with clean water after it has been depleted, because of this you can use them as water storage after the water supply is cut off.
Water dispensers cannot be crafted or disassembled, and can only be moved, requiring no tools to do so. Water dispensers can usually be found in such buildings as offices, warehouses, and hotels. You can search for them as a temporary water supply after the water shuts off.
Water units | Water bottles |
250 | 25 |
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newMoveables.txt
item Mov_WaterDispenser
DisplayCategory = Furniture,
Type = Moveable,
Icon = default,
Weight = 0.5,
DisplayName = Water Dispenser,
WorldObjectSprite = location_business_office_generic_01_49,
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\newtiledefinitions.tiles
"location_business_office_generic_01_48": {
"name": "location_business_office_generic_01_48",
"id": 149048,
"type": "MAX",
"tileSheetIndex": 48,
"properties": {
"generic": {
"solidtrans": "",
"waterAmount": "250",
"waterMaxAmount": "250",
"BlocksPlacement": "",
"CustomName": "Dispenser",
"Facing": "E",
"GroupName": "Water",
"IsLow": "",
"IsMoveAble": "",
"Material": "MetalScrap",
"Material2": "WaterContainer",
"PickUpWeight": 300,
"ScrapSize": "Small"
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\newtiledefinitions.tiles
"location_business_office_generic_01_49": {
"name": "location_business_office_generic_01_49",
"id": 149049,
"type": "MAX",
"tileSheetIndex": 49,
"properties": {
"generic": {
"solidtrans": "",
"waterAmount": "250",
"waterMaxAmount": "250",
"BlocksPlacement": "",
"CustomName": "Dispenser",
"Facing": "S",
"GroupName": "Water",
"IsLow": "",
"IsMoveAble": "",
"Material": "MetalScrap",
"Material2": "WaterContainer",
"PickUpWeight": 300,
"ScrapSize": "Small"
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\newtiledefinitions.tiles
"location_business_office_generic_01_56": {
"name": "location_business_office_generic_01_56",
"id": 149056,
"type": "MAX",
"tileSheetIndex": 56,
"properties": {
"generic": {
"solidtrans": "",
"waterAmount": "250",
"waterMaxAmount": "250",
"BlocksPlacement": "",
"CustomName": "Dispenser",
"Facing": "W",
"GroupName": "Water",
"IsLow": "",
"IsMoveAble": "",
"Material": "MetalScrap",
"Material2": "WaterContainer",
"PickUpWeight": 300,
"ScrapSize": "Small"
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\newtiledefinitions.tiles
"location_business_office_generic_01_57": {
"name": "location_business_office_generic_01_57",
"id": 149057,
"type": "MAX",
"tileSheetIndex": 57,
"properties": {
"generic": {
"solidtrans": "",
"waterAmount": "250",
"waterMaxAmount": "250",
"BlocksPlacement": "",
"CustomName": "Dispenser",
"Facing": "N",
"GroupName": "Water",
"IsLow": "",
"IsMoveAble": "",
"Material": "MetalScrap",
"Material2": "WaterContainer",
"PickUpWeight": 300,
"ScrapSize": "Small"