Dirty Bandage

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Dirty Bandage


When cleaned with water the dirty bandage becomes a Bandage. A medical bandage that is found in medical buildings and is used to treat injuries that break the skin and cause bleeding.

A dirty bandage has a higher chance of becoming infected than a clean bandage.

If a wound is left untreated, the player will slowly lose health and will eventually die of blood loss. Open wounds also have a good chance of becoming infected. Bandaging a wound stops bleeding completely, the player will start regaining health, and the chance of an infection is reduced. Bandages eventually become dirty when left on, and a dirty bandage has a higher chance of becoming infected than a clean bandage so it is in the player's best interest to remove the dirty bandage and reapply a clean one. You can disinfect a bandage prior to putting it on by soaking it in disinfectant or alcohol, which further reduces the chances of the wound becoming infected.

(v30.12) you can clean a dirty bandage with water.


Name Recipe Description Skill Level


To clean a dirty bandage, fill a water bottle or other container with water using a water source (sink, bathtub, toilet). Then simply clean the bandage with the water by right clicking the bandage and selecting: clean.

At all times, even when you think you are safe, keep a few bandages on your character. Unexpected injuries can be dangerous if left untreated. Keep a few more backup bandages in your stronghold so that you can treat injuries if you run out of bandages you brought with you.

Note To clean a dirty bandage, fill a water bottle or other container with water using a water source (sink, bathtub, toilet). Then simply clean the bandage with the water by right clicking the bandage and selecting: clean.

See Also
