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Revision as of 04:20, 20 May 2013


In the current build, the golf club, like the Crowbar, has the same properties as the baseball bat and even has the same sprite. The golf club usually cannot kill a standing enemy but it can keep the enemy off its toes and give the wielder a chance to deliver the finishing blow or it can at least knock the enemy back, allowing the wielder to deal with any other enemies or to attack again. The golf club is light and can be swung multiple times before exerting the wielder.


item Golf Club
	Type				=			Weapon,
		DisplayName			=			Golfclub,
		SubCategory    		=     		Swinging,
		Icon				=			Golfclub,
		MinAngle			=			0,
		MaxDamage			=			1.9,
		MinDamage			=			0.8,
		MaxRange 			= 			1.5,
		MinRange 			= 			0.61,
		CriticalChance			=			10,
		PushBackMod			=			0.5,
		HitAngleMod			=			-30.0,
		SwingAnim			=			Bat,
		MaxHitCount 		=			1,
		WeaponSprite		=			Baseballbat,
		IdleAnim			=			Idle_Weapon2,
		RunAnim				=			Run_Weapon2,
		Weight				=			2.5,
		DoorDamage			=			5,
		MinimumSwingTime 	= 			2.1,
		SwingTime			=			2.1,
		SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 		0.02,
		ConditionLowerChanceOneIn 	= 	10,
		ConditionMax 		= 			200,
		Categories 			=			Blunt,
